UPDATE 10/3 got it: Free Free Free HBO for Comcast customers for 12 months FREE FREE FREE

I don't see how it can be a scam if you're not releasing any credit card information or something in that nature
has anyone that has just direct cable been eligible? i mean, no box, just the cable direct to the back of the tv?

Originally Posted by Razorsharp510

this did sound kinda fishy.. i called the guy sounded like he was on a cell phone too.. kept cutting out... he didnt even ask for my comcast act#.. just my name, address, and phone #.. kinda scarred now..lol this better not be no damn scam..
Agreed, I'm waiting for more replies of success first before I do anything.
wow i called and after getting my info they tell me they are only honoring pennsylvania customers at the moment *@#....
I called the number in the OP's post and the service rep went through my info then said I had to call 1800-COMCAST.

When I called, I told the rep about the promotion code and she was damn near dumbfounded because she hadn't heard of the promo before.

Maybe the promotion is honored in CT but all in all, ***@ sounds very sketchy.
Heres the flier, I'm sure it's a real deal but it's probably only in certain regions and will only be honored in those regions.

Originally Posted by Jalrulz

Originally Posted by techmen31

Mine started working immediately.

no ducktales. i just tried it and got mine immediately too. they even told me to go check to see if it was working while i was talking to them.
has anyone from seattle/federal way area tried it? if so what zip code did u all use? thanks in advance.
Originally Posted by jaysonmytoes713

does anybody have a list of areas that are offering this??? Has anybody from Houston tried???

I'm in Houston. I called the # OP gave out on Monday. Had no problems with the call.
well as far as hbo standard channels go, nothing yet, i still got about 18 hours? lol

i'm talkin HBOHD HBO HBO2...mine is like 549-555....you better believe i've been checking those channels the past few days too


i'm in WA for those asking where the OP is located
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