Update 4/28: Every shoe has a story, My collection Post. Only 55% shown so far....

Good Stories & Good Collection
dope collection
sorry to dig but I was searching for something on here and I came across this thread
Anyway, when I do another collection thread I'm gonna try and use the same concept where you tell the story on how/where you copped each pair.
I must have missed this collection post last year, I'm glad it got bumped! Insane collection and the stories were a blast to read through!

Jay Jones
"Dependable Jay"
first off, damn, a lot of these things aren't around anymore lol

i have been slowly retaking pictures of shoes, slowly planning on liquidating to get some $$$$ to achieve my car that I really want....I have a lot of work to do, and will definately have a 100% pictorial when it's all said and done....
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