Update: Clinton Negotiates Pardons for Journalists in N. Korea

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

^more likely that Bill was used to save face for Hil...who had initially requested they be let go immediately(and had insisted that there should be no charges against them)
This deal instead is a pardon for the two journalists....thus keeping NK in the "right"...but with the ultimate desired result of having the two journalists freed.

good for Bill though.
as long as they get freed I don't care what it is.

And I am willing to bet you are mostly right. Good thing Hillary got a high position because then we get her and Bill
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

bill clinton> barrack obama

You're a cool dude Crank but how long has Obama been president? Save statements like those until his term is over.
I wouldn't be surprised if North Koreans thought Bill Clinton was still President....
lol.....ya'll really think Bill did the bulk of the negotiations?

and for the record..I voted for the man... twice.
I just don't look at his presidency through rose colored glasses like most of you guys do
^ this guy still.
im pretty sure everyone is more than willing to agree that he did not.
but he's the face that was sent for the negotiations.
and your comment just seemed out of the blue pointless, bitter, hater-*$$, etc... as if to take something away from him.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

lol.....ya'll really think Bill did the bulk of the negotiations?
actually, from what I've heard from verrrrry close sources, he did.
they just stepped out the plane, cotdamn it, why did my eyes have to well up watching that little girl finally get reunited with her mom..
Clinton and Gore are so clutch...

I MUST know what they said to Kim Jong Il...probably threatened to get off in his a...
Originally Posted by kdawg


Most awkward picture ever?
Lookin like a 2nd grade class picture haha.

and LOL at what SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME wrote

Glad that the two journalists made it home. And I agree with what Dirty said, the plea/deal probably already happened before Bill landed (cutting and savingtime for negotiation) but nevertheless, I could only imagine what those two journalists felt when they saw Clinton over there. Props to Bill.
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