*USA Basketball* WOMEN EARN GOLD v. ESP (101-72)! MEN EARN GOLD v. SRB (96-66)!

These guys need to cut this out ASAP and make it clear that this type of nonsense in unacceptable. Dudes going for other dudes groin area isn't an OKAY thing to do :lol:
I wonder what happened that set Batum off :nerd:
Looks like he was going for the basketball but yea that behavior needs to stop

edit: On second thought he was clearly trying to hack him
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I Don't know if this is the right thread for this, but Barbosa just had the crossover of the tourney and maybe year with what he did to andres nocioni! :smh: :x :pimp: :rofl: :rofl:


I wonder who won this race? I would put money on Harden or Westbook if that is him at the very end in grey.
im betting only iggy and westbrook are the only truly fast people, theres no way Harden is legit fast have you seen him run the court?
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