Video Game PS3 or 360?

Something that no one else has mentioned.

Xbox Mutliplayer exclusives> PS3's

PS3's Single player exclusives >Xbox's

I'm fortunate enough to have both and there isnt a single xbox single player exclusive that stacks up to what the PS3 has available. It used to be Bioshock but then PS3 got that too. On that same Token PS3's multiplayer offerings dont stack up to Halo, Gears, COD on xbox for some reason has a better player base, and  the same applies to the sports games as well(not exclusives but from my experience the same rules apply). Cant go wrong with either IMO, but I'm just more of an xbox guy simply because of Halo and the fact that most of my friends have it as opposed to PS3.
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you should just wait for the new systems instead

but i have both systems now and i have a softmodded wii also

I like all three systems for what they provide in terms of entertainment...yes including the wii lol
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For free multiplayer online, blueray, and great single player titles get the ps3. If you want paid but superior multiplayer online and games then get the xbox 360.
Ok, i have been an avid gamer since i was a little guy. Now all of a sudden i want to buy a gaming system. I haven't played games since like 09, now at 20 and in college i need help, 360 or ps3? Which one has better games? I'd also love to play online, does that cost? Also what are some good games? Sorry I have little knowledge of either, as I've been out the game since 09.

I think most of us can agree without bias that the ps3 has better exclusive titles. However xbox live far outclasses psn. People complain about racists, then mute them. Nobody really cooperates anyway. If you're into shooters , then go with the 360.

also xbox live us 10 bucks/month
I have a PS3 and I love it. I rarely play a game online so that aspect doesn't matter to me. I do notice though that my friends who play online a lot have 360's. Is Sony ever going to design a new controller? I like the current one but they should change it up.
Your really late. depending on your budget I say get a gaming PC for around $500 it will last you longer then a xbox or ps3 which are only good till 2014. If anything get what your friends have so yall can play together. The systems are so interchangable with multi platforms it does not even matter which you get.
I have the PS3, and I like it. The only annoying thing is that for online games, pretty much everyone I know seems to play on Xbox.
playstation plus itself makes the ps3 better than xbox. i mean come you pay $5 a month and get free games and the already free online. or $10 a month and pay to play online and use other things like netflix which is ********
Also the interface is much cleaner and easier to use on XBOX.

And PS3 doesn't have Minecraft.

lies *knocks on wood*
my fat back with 4 usb ports & 4 card readers is still doin the job

mine as well but lately its been doing some weird stuff lol

i'm about to sell mine and get a slim

don't say I didn't warn you lol Those are dying right now
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lies *knocks on wood*
my fat back with 4 usb ports & 4 card readers is still doin the job

mine as well but lately its been doing some weird stuff lol

i'm about to sell mine and get a slim

you should sell it while its still alive...don't say I didn't warn you lol

i had to send it in maybe 3 yrs ago(my baby girl stuck my gf's id in the cd slot...easiest $150 Sony will ever make...i sent it in & they fixed it while i was on the phone & i had it the next day :smh: ) & was offered a slim but i declined... i need them 4 ports & the card reader's
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you will find out soon grasshopper

I know what the red ring is you silly goose!

I have an original XBOX from before they even had HDMI ports...never had the red ring. I am about to get a slim soon because this thing is maaaaad loud...sounds like a car.
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