*VIDEO* - Nas & Kelis Interview On CNN Speakin On Nas's New Album @ The Grammys! LMFAO

We need to know more about these types of things. Its like alot of us are more concerned with entertainment and fashions, i like to dress and everything toohowever it is more issues that we all need to learn more about.

he dont give a #%#!.....at all
I honestly don't even know how I feel anymore about Nas wit' this whole "___" thing. A mix of pride & shame is probably the best way forme to describe it....
lol @ the 'N*gger Girls' with him, son is trippin......co-sign the dudes ^^^. Im black with a 'f*ck it, its whateva' mentality, and itssomewhat uncomfortable for me to even watch that.
Originally Posted by quiverofarrows

exactly what he said blacks can only vote for another 23 years. The Voters Rights Act signed in 1965 by Lyndon B. Johnson was just an ACT. It was not made a law. Our rights ended and they signed it again so we have 25 years from the time they signed it which means we have 23 remaining...which they can sign it again meaning 38 states have to approve of extension or president can pass it as a law and it can go to congress and they can decide on it

Dont need to get all political on us

You sir are an idiot. He couldn't answer the question without doing some explaining.
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02/11/08 12:41 PM
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I never heard Nas talk so fast in person...weird, he sounded like a totally different guy
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Nas is wild...with all this $@*@ he is pullin off the album better be atleast up on the level of Stillmatic...
I can't believe people are offended by the word $%*@%#.

1. It's a word.

2. Stop trying to fit in. Everyone knows that we're (black people) *#%$#@% in certain people's eyes. Who are we fooling acting like we have no ideathat racism is still alive? The person that calls you a $%*@%# and means it will not stop doing so and if the word was erased from our language they would findsomething else to call you.

3. What's to be embarrassed about? Nas wore a word on his shirt that has come to mean a number of things and is left up to interpretation. So if anyonesees the shirt and has a negative feeling about, they should do some soul searching and find out why. Why are you held captive by a word? Why does it have somuch power over you?
^ word. It's just a word, you have the choice to give it power or not. I won't let a word like that make me feel uncomfortable. Nas is that dude.
You sir are an idiot. He couldn't answer the question without doing some explaining.

at the end of the day..im pretty sure this album will not be up to all the hype behind the album title...Nas better GO IN on this LP
When I first saw nas last nite, I aint know whether 2 throw my fist up in tha air, or wonder wat tha hell is wrong wit my dude.
Then, I thought about it and looked at it different...that word originally meant 'a ignorant person' of any color, n I think (him bein Nas, after all)he's usin a word as a symbol 4 freedom from oppression (both outside and of tha self) and promoting artistic expression. It aint about racism, its about amindset...and more importantly breakin free of it. He's using tha shock value so everybody listen 2 wat he got 2 say, and I think (hope) its gonna begood...so, hell I endorse it...

I will say this: if he doin this purely 4 shock value, I can't never respect him again...this is eitha gon be tha best thing he do wit his career, or thalast. Good luck, Nasir...
I hate gimmicks.

Dude needs to stop focusing so much on album titles and hype and just go back to making good music.

His last really thoro album dropped 6 years ago....
It's just a word

Yeah, but why name your album that? What exactly is Nas attempting to accomplish by doing this? Does he think that the album willsimultaneously be played around the world & people everywhere are going to stop what they're doing & come to the conclusion that "Hey,it's merely a word. So what people have died behind that world & been demoralized behind that word. It's just 6 letters, let's let bygones bebygones". Hell no that's not what's going to happen. There's absolutely nothing Nas can say that can justify naming this potential brick of analbum "____" & this is coming from a certified Nas fan. I've said it before & I'll say it again, his art, his creativity & evenhis respect for the conscienceness of his fans hasn't been the same since the Jay beef & losin' his Moms. That whole situation cost son a couple ofbrain cells, in addition to whatever the hell he be stuffin' in his blunts...
True story K.

If it was just a regular word...he wouldn't have to be coppin pleas and trying to wrap the struggle of the other races up in something uniquelyAfrican-American. To me thats downright disrespectful...Talking about it encompasses the struggle that whites and other races go through everyday....nah homie.The word encompasses the struggle that your ancestors went through everyday and the ignorance that is destroying our generation til this day. Aint nothing thatyou can say or do, going to change the reality of history. Dudes ego is out of control now and he needs to keep stroking it through sub-par music.


This mans soul was tortured with that word, while he was burned alive. His only crime was being born blackin America. How you think he (and the 500 a year that met the same fate) would feel about this?

If he doesn't come with some brilliant lyricism, powerful commentary and good Hip-Hop music....its a wrap for son.His legacy is a trashed and i'm done listening. Hip-Hop is Dead was basura...he caused all of the ruckus and bad sentiment...to talk about "Grindin, Hittin Brazilian Dimes From Behind..."

He better come with some "Du-Rags", "Black Zombie" type tracks or be prepare to lose the little loyal fanbase that he still has.
Nah tho, I mean, I do respect his rationale, he DOES have motive for this... This whole thinig came about because of what happened with him & theVirginia Tech sitaution where he got killed by the right-wing media (Fox News & Bill O'Reilly went IN on dude, painted a crazy pic of him stereotypinghim as this killer/gangsta rapper that didnt belong at VT after the mass-killing), which happened right after the Don Imus situation....He been tryna make thatalbum, that %$%+ prolly pushed him over the edge with it. Before all that happened, he was about to go and make commercial/mainstream friendly music for thisalbum. But dude chose to respond (like he's been doing since the bottom of the 90's) by rebelling thru his music.

feel the the same as what Jay basically said, I applaud/admire his courage, it just seems misguided and out-of-place...
This message is 'gon fail

pretty much, Im sure its gonna have a considerable about of real talk, but there is no way its gonna have an impact...I mean N' its 2008, themost he can do is put his perspective on sentiments thats been said for years and years now...
damn, aint even realize that...Dania = BAD *$@*%....

Nacho what you mean she wouldnt have done that in college? You talkin like became a ho or somethin lol, you dont think she got her views....
EZ.....to me thats a cop out and wild selfish.

Son ain't rebelling, he's conforming.

This is easy money for Bill O'Reily and the millions of other closet racists out there. This is exactly what they want....a Hip-Hop album named _ger thatwill be around for them to smirk about forever.

If he was some type of revolutionary intellectual dude, that could create a masterpiece of social commentary like Pac or Huey Newton or someone...i'd beall for it.

But Nas only has an impact in his own head at this point. Kanye has 1000 more ability to articulate and create impact than this cat.

Right now Nasir is just a hermit, who goes into his cave, gets smoked out, has a bunch of wild thoughts and comes out shooting in every direction. Causing moreconfusion than anything else.
and i'm done listening

^didn't you say that the last time?

The official thread for his album is going to be hilarious.

Haze I have a question to ask you, how do you feel about "If I Ruled The World"?

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