Video of child prostitution OKC public park + 1 man's web based crusade to end prostitution in OKC

Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

so dude thinks its ok to just show the lil girls face all over the internet? smh

thats the biggest issue you had with that video?
So you think its ok to show her face? The internet is forever man. Shes 12 homie. The police will take care of the "pimp" or whatever but that lil girl still has a full life ahead of her. The guy recording calls himself helping his community but having her face plastered all over the internet isnt helping anybody.
Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

so dude thinks its ok to just show the lil girls face all over the internet? smh

thats the biggest issue you had with that video?
So you think its ok to show her face? The internet is forever man. Shes 12 homie. The police will take care of the "pimp" or whatever but that lil girl still has a full life ahead of her. The guy recording calls himself helping his community but having her face plastered all over the internet isnt helping anybody.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

so dude thinks its ok to just show the lil girls face all over the internet? smh

thats the biggest issue you had with that video?
So you think its ok to show her face? The internet is forever man. Shes 12 homie. The police will take care of the "pimp" or whatever but that lil girl still has a full life ahead of her. The guy recording calls himself helping his community but having her face plastered all over the internet isnt helping anybody.
Yeah censor the truth.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

so dude thinks its ok to just show the lil girls face all over the internet? smh

thats the biggest issue you had with that video?
So you think its ok to show her face? The internet is forever man. Shes 12 homie. The police will take care of the "pimp" or whatever but that lil girl still has a full life ahead of her. The guy recording calls himself helping his community but having her face plastered all over the internet isnt helping anybody.
Yeah censor the truth.
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

so dude thinks its ok to just show the lil girls face all over the internet? smh

thats the biggest issue you had with that video?
So you think its ok to show her face? The internet is forever man. Shes 12 homie. The police will take care of the "pimp" or whatever but that lil girl still has a full life ahead of her. The guy recording calls himself helping his community but having her face plastered all over the internet isnt helping anybody.
posting her face for those that live in the area & are interested in the same cause as this guy can help get this girl off the streets. so far it looks as if her "full life" is going to involve not as much school and a lot more of random men looking to take advantage of her. if someone in the okc recognizes her or sees her in the future it will go a lot further, than simply turning the tape over to the police and blurring out the images. the police dont seem to be doing as much to begin with if its gotten this bad. 
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

so dude thinks its ok to just show the lil girls face all over the internet? smh

thats the biggest issue you had with that video?
So you think its ok to show her face? The internet is forever man. Shes 12 homie. The police will take care of the "pimp" or whatever but that lil girl still has a full life ahead of her. The guy recording calls himself helping his community but having her face plastered all over the internet isnt helping anybody.
posting her face for those that live in the area & are interested in the same cause as this guy can help get this girl off the streets. so far it looks as if her "full life" is going to involve not as much school and a lot more of random men looking to take advantage of her. if someone in the okc recognizes her or sees her in the future it will go a lot further, than simply turning the tape over to the police and blurring out the images. the police dont seem to be doing as much to begin with if its gotten this bad. 
im talkin about a black bar or fuzz out the face or something you dumb #*%$#, you can still get the point without actually showing her face the hell is wrong with u dudes
im talkin about a black bar or fuzz out the face or something you dumb #*%$#, you can still get the point without actually showing her face the hell is wrong with u dudes
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

so dude thinks its ok to just show the lil girls face all over the internet? smh

thats the biggest issue you had with that video?
So you think its ok to show her face? The internet is forever man. Shes 12 homie. The police will take care of the "pimp" or whatever but that lil girl still has a full life ahead of her. The guy recording calls himself helping his community but having her face plastered all over the internet isnt helping anybody.
Why not? He uses public humiliation via his camera and the internet, along with calling the actual police and associates of the people involved via his own "detective work," as a deterrent to push the crime out of his neighborhood and city. I think it's admirable on his part. He has a cause, and is putting his life literally on the line for it. I couldn't find it because he has so many videos, but this dude is literally running up in the middle of fights between pimps and hos, hos and Johns, and even got involved in a major drug bust and he makes no effort to hide his identity, in fact lets it be known he got so and so arrested. Furthermore with Oklahoma being a gun totting state, running up on people like that is not a good move.

He's a local legend for this #*##. The 911 operators know him, the police know him, the hos know him, and the Johns know him.

The most fascinating video IMO didn't have to do directly with prostitution but was when he caught a black John being arrested, and like 6 cops just showed up all of a sudden and went Rodney King on dude and of course Brian uploaded the video. Then later he was threatened by an officer who was mad he uploaded that video and it made it to the news, thus making them look bad. Of course, he then uploaded THAT video too and the officer was "disciplined."

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

Originally Posted by ErvinSB91

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

so dude thinks its ok to just show the lil girls face all over the internet? smh

thats the biggest issue you had with that video?
So you think its ok to show her face? The internet is forever man. Shes 12 homie. The police will take care of the "pimp" or whatever but that lil girl still has a full life ahead of her. The guy recording calls himself helping his community but having her face plastered all over the internet isnt helping anybody.
Why not? He uses public humiliation via his camera and the internet, along with calling the actual police and associates of the people involved via his own "detective work," as a deterrent to push the crime out of his neighborhood and city. I think it's admirable on his part. He has a cause, and is putting his life literally on the line for it. I couldn't find it because he has so many videos, but this dude is literally running up in the middle of fights between pimps and hos, hos and Johns, and even got involved in a major drug bust and he makes no effort to hide his identity, in fact lets it be known he got so and so arrested. Furthermore with Oklahoma being a gun totting state, running up on people like that is not a good move.

He's a local legend for this #*##. The 911 operators know him, the police know him, the hos know him, and the Johns know him.

The most fascinating video IMO didn't have to do directly with prostitution but was when he caught a black John being arrested, and like 6 cops just showed up all of a sudden and went Rodney King on dude and of course Brian uploaded the video. Then later he was threatened by an officer who was mad he uploaded that video and it made it to the news, thus making them look bad. Of course, he then uploaded THAT video too and the officer was "disciplined."

Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

im talkin about a black bar or fuzz out the face or something you dumb #*%$#, you can still get the point without actually showing her face the hell is wrong with u dudes
  1. u mad for no reason
  2. son has tons of videos. this is just one, its not about a point its about getting those specific girls and the unseen ones out of a life that will probably end in death, drug addiction, unwanted pregnancies, stds... etc. if that dude simply wanted a point he could have written an article.
  3. if he has to show a young girls face in order to get her off the streets into a safe home, so be it. thats the better option and chance at life than a lifetime of being a w****
Originally Posted by DontStepOnMyShoes

im talkin about a black bar or fuzz out the face or something you dumb #*%$#, you can still get the point without actually showing her face the hell is wrong with u dudes
  1. u mad for no reason
  2. son has tons of videos. this is just one, its not about a point its about getting those specific girls and the unseen ones out of a life that will probably end in death, drug addiction, unwanted pregnancies, stds... etc. if that dude simply wanted a point he could have written an article.
  3. if he has to show a young girls face in order to get her off the streets into a safe home, so be it. thats the better option and chance at life than a lifetime of being a w****
i understand this as a tactic to fight child prostitution and exploitation. i would love to see him continue to do this and i would like to see others do this as well.

but if a dude wants to smash a consenting of-age %$+%%! in the back of a lowes truck, that's his business. son was gettin it in in there and dude just flung the door up and ruined the whole vibe. now he just wasted $20, probably lost his job, and some effeminate dude is tryna lecture him about right and wrong.

Bruh, I'm like 35, i dye my hair bleach blonde but keep my goatee black. I work at Lowes for a living driving a truck for $9 and hour because i flunked outta Truckers USA. It's like 90 degrees out here and there's not even a fan in this joint. This is the one day I don't have my damn manager riding with me talking about his ******ed kid all day and how he hates Obama. Let me smash this prostitute before my lunch break is up and I have to go back to putting fridges in rich people's houses and wishing i never messed up that football scholarship. Look at me, my mlife is nothin but bad decisions. What's the point of you ruining the little bit of my day that I enjoy?
i understand this as a tactic to fight child prostitution and exploitation. i would love to see him continue to do this and i would like to see others do this as well.

but if a dude wants to smash a consenting of-age %$+%%! in the back of a lowes truck, that's his business. son was gettin it in in there and dude just flung the door up and ruined the whole vibe. now he just wasted $20, probably lost his job, and some effeminate dude is tryna lecture him about right and wrong.

Bruh, I'm like 35, i dye my hair bleach blonde but keep my goatee black. I work at Lowes for a living driving a truck for $9 and hour because i flunked outta Truckers USA. It's like 90 degrees out here and there's not even a fan in this joint. This is the one day I don't have my damn manager riding with me talking about his ******ed kid all day and how he hates Obama. Let me smash this prostitute before my lunch break is up and I have to go back to putting fridges in rich people's houses and wishing i never messed up that football scholarship. Look at me, my mlife is nothin but bad decisions. What's the point of you ruining the little bit of my day that I enjoy?
This is why he does it and when I have a problem with it. Behind closed doors, I don't give a #**% but in public parks, in the daytime by school bus stops and churches is terrible.
This is why he does it and when I have a problem with it. Behind closed doors, I don't give a #**% but in public parks, in the daytime by school bus stops and churches is terrible.
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