*VIDEO On to the Next One VIDEO* Vol. Weird

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Good business awwsome. Thats what life is all about right there. The never ending search for truth, wisdom and understanding.

Keep trodding forward, doors will open up for you and truth will reveal herself to you.

Read the first couple pages of Proverbs y'all...you can't tell me it doesn't relate to this topic and posts in this thread almost perfectly.

Haze you got any online articles or books that you recommend i check out?
Originally Posted by WhUtIzIt

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Good business awwsome. Thats what life is all about right there. The never ending search for truth, wisdom and understanding.

Keep trodding forward, doors will open up for you and truth will reveal herself to you.

Read the first couple pages of Proverbs y'all...you can't tell me it doesn't relate to this topic and posts in this thread almost perfectly.

Haze you got any online articles or books that you recommend i check out?
me too, Ive already asked back on pg 16 though......
Word to Haze, it's great to have a Bible within arms reach when you sit down to analyze things. Reading the first few pages of the book of Proverbs gaveme some insight on why it is important to seek knowledge from the right sources. And even when you've procured that knowledge, use it to make life thatmuch better instead of that much worse, as we've seen rulers and servants alike do since the dawn of time.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Word to Haze, it's great to have a Bible within arms reach when you sit down to analyze things. Reading the first few pages of the book of Proverbs gave me some insight on why it is important to seek knowledge from the right sources. And even when you've procured that knowledge, use it to make life that much better instead of that much worse, as we've seen rulers and servants alike do since the dawn of time.
Those with that knowledge rule the world though word to the 10%
Only so many use it towards enslavement rather than enlightenment from what i'm gathering.

"See Jesus, See Judas"
Originally Posted by Shaze804

Originally Posted by LifeisMoreThanKicks

an analysis

I dont think you people watched this. Its so much symbolism...from the new roc nation logo which is a pagan logo...the all seeing eye being on rocawear clothing...you have to be aware...while this might not affect you directly the power of influence is strong... be aware of what you intake... ....why have a hoody on that has a qoute from a satanist?
It has been symbolism throughout Jay-Z's career ... crazy, right.
Originally Posted by bay1591

Originally Posted by WhUtIzIt

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Good business awwsome. Thats what life is all about right there. The never ending search for truth, wisdom and understanding.

Keep trodding forward, doors will open up for you and truth will reveal herself to you.

Read the first couple pages of Proverbs y'all...you can't tell me it doesn't relate to this topic and posts in this thread almost perfectly.

Haze you got any online articles or books that you recommend i check out?
me too, Ive already asked back on pg 16 though......
HueyP in LouieV wrote:
I'd recommend starting here.

Its well written, touches on a little bit of everything and serves as a good reference point for branching out into different topics.

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Word to Haze, it's great to have a Bible within arms reach when you sit down to analyze things. Reading the first few pages of the book of Proverbs gave me some insight on why it is important to seek knowledge from the right sources. And even when you've procured that knowledge, use it to make life that much better instead of that much worse, as we've seen rulers and servants alike do since the dawn of time.

True indeed.
I just bought that book on Amazon along with some other ones on metaphysics and symbolism (NY resolution: Read more books than the movies I watch) and after itrecommended Attention Deficit and BP3.
too easy. "This is Roc Nation, pledge your allegiance"

Thats whats good SHWAP.

Nowadays its so easy to better yourself and expand your understanding.

Just open up Amazon, buy a good book that probably cost less than you would pay for a McDonalds Value Meal, wait a couple days and soak up some knowledge thatcan only help better your understanding of life and the World.
Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Word to Haze, it's great to have a Bible within arms reach when you sit down to analyze things. Reading the first few pages of the book of Proverbs gave me some insight on why it is important to seek knowledge from the right sources. And even when you've procured that knowledge, use it to make life that much better instead of that much worse, as we've seen rulers and servants alike do since the dawn of time.
Those with that knowledge rule the world though word to the 10%
Only so many use it towards improvement rather than enslavement from what i'm gathering.

"See Jesus, See Judas"
And the more I think about it, you're not wrong. I guess the best thing I can say about studying holy books, and definitely the Bible inparticular, is that you have to use much of your own critical thinking skills to interpret certain things. Even after doing that, you still have to take aleap of faith and believe in what you're reading, and the more important cliche, "That good will overcome evil."

It's so interesting to me, because as a young Black and Hispanic kid my parents had me in and out of the church all the time growing up, and theChristianity we know is far different from the one mentioned throughout the Bible. If anything, Jesus Christ and his beliefs were more based on Judaism thananything.... And that's coming from the New Testament, where things were far easier to believe. If you go back to the Old Testament, it tells a story of arelatively sadistic Egyptian society that made "God's people" break their backs as they labored to lay the foundation for a society that manystill find astonishing today.

Now consider this: They told us as Black kids and otherwise that the Pyramids were some of the greatest creations in the history of mankind all week in school,but on Sunday's in church we're taught to believe Moses was the hero and the Egyptians were in the wrong? Like the "random" images beingthrown into the video this thread is about, something doesn't make sense. I'm not going take sides in this example, but there are countless instanceslike this that make you wonder what historical texts throughout history were really telling the truth about their respective times.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV


Thats whats good SHWAP.

Nowadays its so easy to better yourself and expand your understanding.

Just open up Amazon, buy a good book that probably cost less than you would pay for a McDonalds Value Meal, wait a couple days and soak up some knowledge that can only help better your understanding of life and the World.

Yeah cause the realest #!*! you ever said was in this thread. 'I dont dig deeper for nothing I have knowledge before hand and the message just pops up likesecond nature' (not exact words but you said something like it). So it's nothing to get a little extra knowledge and even if I dismiss it, it doesntmean it's false. You can never learn too much. The brain is infinite.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

I guess the best thing I can say about studying holy books, and definitely the Bible in particular, is that you have to use much of your own critical thinking skills to interpret certain things. Even after doing that, you still have to take a leap of faith and believe in what you're reading, and the more important cliche, "That good will overcome evil."

Thats the key right there.

Using your GOD given intelligence to sort out what is right from wrong. What is applicable to you life and what is not. And pursuing the truth devoid ofarrogance and a prideful disposition.

Beautifully enough, people that have good intentions and an open mind almost always come to the same Universal truths, even if they approach it through athousand different pathways.
Ill purchase the book when i get some change, its just not the same reading it on the internet
OMG you guys are ridiculous.
Anyone can make a video with symbolism init, but does it really mean anything? "OMG Jayz has masonic symbolism in his video, I'm not listening to him anymore". Is it a possibility thatJayz knows people all think he's a mason and he's tryna play it up?

Fundamentally, how does Jay-z or any artist (movies, music, art, sculpure) symbolism affect you? Many artists draw symbolic inspiration from various spiritualsources (occult, religious, extraterrestrial).
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Word to Haze, it's great to have a Bible within arms reach when you sit down to analyze things. Reading the first few pages of the book of Proverbs gave me some insight on why it is important to seek knowledge from the right sources. And even when you've procured that knowledge, use it to make life that much better instead of that much worse, as we've seen rulers and servants alike do since the dawn of time.
Those with that knowledge rule the world though word to the 10%
Only so many use it towards improvement rather than enslavement from what i'm gathering.

"See Jesus, See Judas"
And the more I think about it, you're not wrong. I guess the best thing I can say about studying holy books, and definitely the Bible in particular, is that you have to use much of your own critical thinking skills to interpret certain things. Even after doing that, you still have to take a leap of faith and believe in what you're reading, and the more important cliche, "That good will overcome evil."

It's so interesting to me, because as a young Black and Hispanic kid my parents had me in and out of the church all the time growing up, and the Christianity we know is far different from the one mentioned throughout the Bible. If anything, Jesus Christ and his beliefs were more based on Judaism than anything.... And that's coming from the New Testament, where things were far easier to believe. If you go back to the Old Testament, it tells a story of a relatively sadistic Egyptian society that made "God's people" break their backs as they labored to lay the foundation for a society that many still find astonishing today.

Now consider this: They told us as Black kids and otherwise that the Pyramids were some of the greatest creations in the history of mankind all week in school, but on Sunday's in church we're taught to believe Moses was the hero and the Egyptians were in the wrong? Like the "random" images being thrown into the video this thread is about, something doesn't make sense. I'm not going take sides in this example, but there are countless instances like this that make you wonder what historical texts throughout history were really telling the truth about their respective times.
As for the first bolded part, i believe that if your on a righteous path & you have freed your mind through applying ancient wisdom &modern sense, evil doesn't really exist in your universe. Of course you can still recognize the oppressed & those who use wisdom as enslavement but itwon't effect your outlook, all you can really do is try to share your light. "bring em to the well, but can't make em drink."

& as for the second bolded
I'm usually appalled by what i see taughteveryday in history classed at my school & what is said in the church on sundays. I honestly believe it is a way of defeating our self esteem as blackpeople & stripping away at our ties to our culture from early on in our lives, but that's a whole other conversation within itself.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

OMG you guys are ridiculous.
Anyone can make a video with symbolism in it, but does it really mean anything? "OMG Jayz has masonic symbolism in his video, I'm not listening to him anymore". Is it a possibility that Jayz knows people all think he's a mason and he's tryna play it up?

Fundamentally, how does Jay-z or any artist (movies, music, art, sculpure) symbolism affect you? Many artists draw symbolic inspiration from various spiritual sources (occult, religious, extraterrestrial).
Have you read anything in this thread? Be honest
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV


Thats whats good SHWAP.

Nowadays its so easy to better yourself and expand your understanding.

Just open up Amazon, buy a good book that probably cost less than you would pay for a McDonalds Value Meal, wait a couple days and soak up some knowledge that can only help better your understanding of life and the World.

Yeah cause the realest #!*! you ever said was in this thread. 'I dont dig deeper for nothing I have knowledge before hand and the message just pops up like second nature' (not exact words but you said something like it). So it's nothing to get a little extra knowledge and even if I dismiss it, it doesnt mean it's false. You can never learn too much. The brain is infinite.

Thats some real talk right there.

Just like awwsome was showing on the last page, knowledge is the key to understanding. Just by having an open mind and doing his own research, he was able tounderstand some lyrics in a new way. He didn't have to find a random lyric and then analyze it. He processed the background information and anotherdimension of the lyrics revealed itself to him naturally.
Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by awwsome

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Word to Haze, it's great to have a Bible within arms reach when you sit down to analyze things. Reading the first few pages of the book of Proverbs gave me some insight on why it is important to seek knowledge from the right sources. And even when you've procured that knowledge, use it to make life that much better instead of that much worse, as we've seen rulers and servants alike do since the dawn of time.
Those with that knowledge rule the world though word to the 10%
Only so many use it towards improvement rather than enslavement from what i'm gathering.

"See Jesus, See Judas"
And the more I think about it, you're not wrong. I guess the best thing I can say about studying holy books, and definitely the Bible in particular, is that you have to use much of your own critical thinking skills to interpret certain things. Even after doing that, you still have to take a leap of faith and believe in what you're reading, and the more important cliche, "That good will overcome evil."

It's so interesting to me, because as a young Black and Hispanic kid my parents had me in and out of the church all the time growing up, and the Christianity we know is far different from the one mentioned throughout the Bible. If anything, Jesus Christ and his beliefs were more based on Judaism than anything.... And that's coming from the New Testament, where things were far easier to believe. If you go back to the Old Testament, it tells a story of a relatively sadistic Egyptian society that made "God's people" break their backs as they labored to lay the foundation for a society that many still find astonishing today.

Now consider this: They told us as Black kids and otherwise that the Pyramids were some of the greatest creations in the history of mankind all week in school, but on Sunday's in church we're taught to believe Moses was the hero and the Egyptians were in the wrong? Like the "random" images being thrown into the video this thread is about, something doesn't make sense. I'm not going take sides in this example, but there are countless instances like this that make you wonder what historical texts throughout history were really telling the truth about their respective times.
As for the first bolded part, i believe that if your on a righteous path & you have freed your mind through applying ancient wisdom & modern sense, evil doesn't really exist in your universe. Of course you can still recognize the oppressed & those who use wisdom as enslavement but it won't effect your outlook, all you can really do is try to share your light. "bring em to the well, but can't make em drink."

& as for the second bolded
I'm usually appalled by what i see taught everyday in history classed at my school & what is said in the church on sundays. I honestly believe it is a way of defeating our self esteem as black people & stripping away at our ties to our culture from early on in our lives, but that's a whole other conversation within itself.
I definitely feel you as far as that last part goes, but like you said, we'll have to save that discussion for another time.

If nothing else, I hope heads are listening to enough of what Haze is saying to go out on their own and do research or analyze the world around them and cometo their own conclusions. As much as what's in this thread has a negative connotation, there are certain redeeming things that will make you feel thatmuch better. I couldn't have said it better than Haze did right here:

Beautifully enough, people that have good intentions and an open mind almost always come to the same Universal truths, even if they approach it through a thousand different pathways.
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