(VIDS UP)CNN reports briefing in Washington on UFOs **IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL YALL**

Post-Modernism is soooooooo flawed & psychotic & this is what you guys are arguing .

I didn't read the last couple of pages though .
Originally Posted by 49ers650

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by 49ers650

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

I actually saw an alien today.
What? Where?
Home Depot.
Oh. Ha!

am I that predictable?
Superantigen...I usually agree with your points and like I stated before, skepticism is healthy and it propels discovery...but the extremism of your stanceputs you in line with the over the top conspiracy theorists that believe everything.

If you're going to skeptical, you should at least have a researched counter point in place of absurd over sarcasm. Thats the other side of the coin that isequally unproductive.

Without dissent, independent research and formulation of theory...there is no human advancement. Every human triumph has come from the categorization ofpattern. From tool making, to fire, to Newton's discoveries, to math and space exploration. All science and math is the formalization of pattern, so foryou to mock that modus operandi is kind of pointless.

If you do the slightest bit of research on the topics being discuss you will see the wealth of first hand information, the generations of organization and welldocumented events behind these phenomena. The very word Illuminati, has become a safe haven for quacks and con-artists but all the word really means is aveiled, ruling society....which we can all agree exists in various forms.

I mean Bush and Kerry are admitted secret society member who practice pagan rituals...thats from their own mouths, not dusty old books and old wives tales.There are initiates on Ivy league schools right now going through the same processes...

Cecil Rhodes's own memoirs and tons of first hand account verify his formation of monopolies and secret fraternities to control the Earth natural resources(namely Africa's).

Freemasonry is well documented and very much alive today. You can go verify that for yourself...

You have an all seeing eye over a pyramid on the back of your dollar bill and an obelisk in nations capital...

. . . . . . . .

Like I said...there is tons of misinformation and stupidity out there but for you not to care or to dismiss well documented occurrences and societies isequally stupid.

If all you have to offer is total skepticism and disbelief, then it is you who are really ignorant and lost, not the person searching for the truth. If you canoffer equally well documented and logical opposition, then you have a leg to stand on but a blanket dismissal of everything that may sound different or scaryto you is a dangerous mentality.

Thats how our civil rights leaders get wiped off the map by the government with no opposition...only to find out that COINTEL PRO was real, thats how we aretold that Iraq poses and imminent threat to our safety with WMDS and hundreds of thousands of people ends up dead, multilated and displaced and that how thebiggest wealth transfer in human history takes place under our nose with our passive approval.

The information is out there, you just have to get over the apathy and unwillingness.

And its not about all bulls being signs of baal....the point is that there is clear symbolism and borrowing from past cultures.

A bull has always been a symbol of virility and power in virtually every human society where they were prominent. Thats why the ads usually have a sexualconnotation meant to help sell the product as a sexual booster. What is that behind the bull though? Just a random yellow circle? or the sun? Red Bull givesyou wings?..you don't see the bulls forming the shape of a wingspan? You don't see the emphasized tail on the bull? The colors red and yellow...purecoincide?


More pure coincide?



Its not about things being automatically sinister...its about borrowing from the past and the reasons/history behind it.

Just check out the beginning of this....

Im out to school. Ill be back in here later. Just wanted to drop something to think about before I bounced.

Don't wrap everything that you hear spoken in these discussion into one definitive line of thinking or you will have no choice but to write it off asabsurd and over the top, just try to see the truths behind the basic premise of the theory and embark on your own research if you care enough.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Haze like usualy spitting knowledge....even though i don't agree with everything dude talksabout, you cannot hate[/color]
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Fact: you only know what you can prove. YOU can only PROVE something that came into existence from the beginning of YOUR existence. For example.. if YOU were born in 1980, YOU can only prove what happened from 1980 forward. EVERYTHING ELSE...is based on what other people have told you. How do you know there weren't dinosaurs walking around earth in 1975? I say it's possible. You think I'm crazy for saying that...but how do you know? WERE YOU THERE?

Now who's crazy?

I'm going to leave it at that.

Well, if you become a super smart scientist and understand how carbon dating works, you can probably deduce that the dinosaur probably died a lot longer than before 1975.
wth.. so your telling me if i had a baby now. and i tell him about 9/11. i cant prove to him that planes hit the buildings? since he was born after 9/11. i can use things to prove to him that its true, like newspapers, videos.. etc..

1.) What's carbon dating? What's a number? What's 1975 even? Psshhhh.. WHAT ARE DINOSAURS?

2.) You can show your kid the planes, newspaers, videos, etc.... but there's no way for him to know for sure. He will have to take your word for it.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Fact: you only know what you can prove. YOU can only PROVE something that came into existence from the beginning of YOUR existence. For example.. if YOU were born in 1980, YOU can only prove what happened from 1980 forward. EVERYTHING ELSE...is based on what other people have told you. How do you know there weren't dinosaurs walking around earth in 1975? I say it's possible. You think I'm crazy for saying that...but how do you know? WERE YOU THERE?

Now who's crazy?

I'm going to leave it at that.

Well, if you become a super smart scientist and understand how carbon dating works, you can probably deduce that the dinosaur probably died a lot longer than before 1975.
wth.. so your telling me if i had a baby now. and i tell him about 9/11. i cant prove to him that planes hit the buildings? since he was born after 9/11. i can use things to prove to him that its true, like newspapers, videos.. etc..

1.) What's carbon dating? What's a number? What's 1975 even? Psshhhh.. WHAT ARE DINOSAURS?

2.) You can show your kid the planes, newspaers, videos, etc.... but there's no way for him to know for sure. He will have to take your word for it.
Ghenges is crazy but his argument holds validity.
Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by buggz05

Has anybody been having trouble meditating?
Yeah... I've been falling asleep or have been distracted trying to do it lately. The closest thing I could do to either it or praying today was shooting some hoops in the gym today.
please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or need some tips for meditation.
or we can always just discuss it in here

It's all G, we can discuss it here with other like-minded NTer's.
It's like...idunno...there is something negative that won't let me achieve that higher superimposition, and I'm not sure whetherthat's coming from something internally or externally. I feel like I'm being held back by something that needs to be cleaned out. I can barely getinto a mild meditation where I get the feeling, but it only feels up 70% of my body. When I do get deep I can barely get 20% OB, and if I do get OB...it'snot the same. Not as clear, lucid....choppy etc.

I've noticed my ability to focus in worldy life has dithered away too

Any help? Or anybody else experiencing the same?
Originally Posted by Saba
Could tell it was fake at 2:42 but you know SOMETHING is going on if they cut trasmission from the radio, regardless of the prank call.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Freemasonry is well documented and very much alive today. You can go verify that for yourself...

You have an all seeing eye over a pyramid on the back of your dollar bill and an obelisk in nations capital...

. . . . . . . .

Like I said...there is tons of misinformation and stupidity out there but for you not to care or to dismiss well documented occurrences and societies is equally stupid.

If all you have to offer is total skepticism and disbelief, then it is you who are really ignorant and lost, not the person searching for the truth. If you can offer equally well documented and logical opposition, then you have a leg to stand on but a blanket dismissal of everything that may sound different or scary to you is a dangerous mentality.

Thats how our civil rights leaders get wiped off the map by the government with no opposition...only to find out that COINTEL PRO was real, thats how we are told that Iraq poses and imminent threat to our safety with WMDS and hundreds of thousands of people ends up dead, multilated and displaced and that how the biggest wealth transfer in human history takes place under our nose with our passive approval.

The information is out there, you just have to get over the apathy and unwillingness.

I have a friend who is a freemason he couldnt tell me everything but what he told me opened my eyes to how conspiracies start and how alot of rumors aboutsecret societies
-He admitted that he doesnt know what goes on at the "top" but he is mentored by 33rd masons and he says the majority of them are the most religiouspeople you will meet

- He basically said alot of these conspiracy theories are started by people who who fear "secret societies" and start rumors that carry on fordecades. Usually the rumors can be traced back to one person who doesnt know what their talking about. Similiar to Builderburg Group conspiracies trace back toPhyllis Schlafly who jokingly said the

- There are bad people who are/were masons they might even worship the devil but that isnt a principle that freemasons follow. Masons hold secrets but theydont control the world and you would be surprised how modest Masonry really is.
Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Fact: you only know what you can prove. YOU can only PROVE something that came into existence from the beginning of YOUR existence. For example.. if YOU were born in 1980, YOU can only prove what happened from 1980 forward. EVERYTHING ELSE...is based on what other people have told you. How do you know there weren't dinosaurs walking around earth in 1975? I say it's possible. You think I'm crazy for saying that...but how do you know? WERE YOU THERE?

Now who's crazy?

I'm going to leave it at that.

Well, if you become a super smart scientist and understand how carbon dating works, you can probably deduce that the dinosaur probably died a lot longer than before 1975.
wth.. so your telling me if i had a baby now. and i tell him about 9/11. i cant prove to him that planes hit the buildings? since he was born after 9/11. i can use things to prove to him that its true, like newspapers, videos.. etc..

1.) What's carbon dating? What's a number? What's 1975 even? Psshhhh.. WHAT ARE DINOSAURS?

2.) You can show your kid the planes, newspaers, videos, etc.... but there's no way for him to know for sure. He will have to take your word for it.

Technically, you're right. But come on.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

What is everyone's thoughts on telepathy?

Very possible. Its deep in our minds but we dont understand it yet. There are levels of energy thay every living and non living thing produces. Our minds are just not tuned to most of them. Telepathy is one of them. We all get that "wierd feeling" sometimes. Or the feeling you do not like an individual Even though youve never seen them or spoke to them in your life. Its an aura, an essense, An energy that a person gives off. I can be possitve or negative but we feel it. I felt it. Energies from everywhere. I touched my dog and felt nothing but peace And calmness, but felt negative scratching energies from ppl. I understood that our minds Are just not "tuned" to it in our everyday lives, but we do have this ability. When we are born and grow we slowley fall away from it. Just like when you reach a certain Age we cant hear certain sound waves anymore. Thos waves are energies that our minds Have chosen to not be apart of our daily lives. But there are things the earth bares that brings Us back to that state where our "ego" is no more allowing our minds to be more sensative to energies

I know for myself i've had 2 telepathic experiences, both when me and whoever im with are high. The first time was with my cousin... I was able to perceivewhat he said, as if the he thought out loud. A few awkward moments of silence passed, then he cracked a joke pretty much confirming that he knew iheard/perceived him because it was directly related to what i heard him say, no way it was just a coincidence. second time i was rollin wit my boy, he wasgiving me a ride home. i thought he was gonna keep on driving in the direction we were going but i had hoped he took another direction since i saw traffic wascrappy if he continued. i didn't think he would, though, because i didn't think he was familiar with the area. He turned in the direction i hoped hewould and started telling me how he knew about that area, said he had a friend who lived around there. apparently that time i was the one who thought out loud.once again, no way it was just a coincidence. I've never asked my cousin about that day, if he even remembers.
Originally Posted by retr0sxual

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Fact: you only know what you can prove. YOU can only PROVE something that came into existence from the beginning of YOUR existence. For example.. if YOU were born in 1980, YOU can only prove what happened from 1980 forward. EVERYTHING ELSE...is based on what other people have told you. How do you know there weren't dinosaurs walking around earth in 1975? I say it's possible. You think I'm crazy for saying that...but how do you know? WERE YOU THERE?

Now who's crazy?

I'm going to leave it at that.

Well, if you become a super smart scientist and understand how carbon dating works, you can probably deduce that the dinosaur probably died a lot longer than before 1975.
wth.. so your telling me if i had a baby now. and i tell him about 9/11. i cant prove to him that planes hit the buildings? since he was born after 9/11. i can use things to prove to him that its true, like newspapers, videos.. etc..

1.) What's carbon dating? What's a number? What's 1975 even? Psshhhh.. WHAT ARE DINOSAURS?

2.) You can show your kid the planes, newspaers, videos, etc.... but there's no way for him to know for sure. He will have to take your word for it.

Technically, you're right. But come on.

Technically, you're right. But come on.

Let's disect this sentence.

"Technically" = Logically

"you're right" = you speak the truth

"but" = but it can't be the truth because

"come on" = I've been pre-programmed from birth to accept things as they are taught to me without asking questions.

What's a Nike shoe? Shaped rubber, cloth, mesh, plastic and glue put together in a certain order? If you take it apart piece by piece...the rubber, thecloth, plastic, etc...and bury each separate entity on a different continent... does that Nike shoe still exist? The pieces still exist. They are justthousands of miles apart. Does that Nike shoe only exist when those those pieces are together? Not only together but assembled in a certain order?

Who says it's a Nike shoe? Why can't it be Reebok? THINK MAN THINK!
I can honestly say that y'all have managed to confuse the %!$+ out of me.

To the point where it's debatable that I even wanna engage in discussions like this or go read about it.

I wish my A.D.D was a bit worse, b/c then I woulda stopped on Page 5.

And I didn't even watch the videos yet.


And thanks for the Socratic Method explanation a couple pages back Simply.

Oh, and FTR.

The Matrix get's 1 and 1/2
's from me.

I think there's A LOT of reaches that people make about that movie.

But whatever.

I'm off to dig in ths work and try to unscramble my brain.
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Fact: you only know what you can prove. YOU can only PROVE something that came into existence from the beginning of YOUR existence. For example.. if YOU were born in 1980, YOU can only prove what happened from 1980 forward. EVERYTHING ELSE...is based on what other people have told you. How do you know there weren't dinosaurs walking around earth in 1975? I say it's possible. You think I'm crazy for saying that...but how do you know? WERE YOU THERE?

Now who's crazy?

I'm going to leave it at that.

Well, if you become a super smart scientist and understand how carbon dating works, you can probably deduce that the dinosaur probably died a lot longer than before 1975.
wth.. so your telling me if i had a baby now. and i tell him about 9/11. i cant prove to him that planes hit the buildings? since he was born after 9/11. i can use things to prove to him that its true, like newspapers, videos.. etc..

1.) What's carbon dating? What's a number? What's 1975 even? Psshhhh.. WHAT ARE DINOSAURS?

2.) You can show your kid the planes, newspaers, videos, etc.... but there's no way for him to know for sure. He will have to take your word for it.
Ghenges is crazy but his argument holds validity.
technology reach the point where it can confirm past events. huge solar flares every few years, comet that pass by every 50 + years, asteroidsevery few thousand years, ice age, and galactic alignments every 2600 years, mass extinction every few million years.. how do we all know this? because ithappened in the past and the clues are there for us to examine. craters as big as a few football fields confirms that an asteroid happens every few thousandyears with devastating results. carbon dating was obviously tested to see how accurate it is. and it is. so if they do carbon dating on a fossil. theresult would be about 80% right or more.

so my point is. history can be proven if the clues were left behind for us.
Originally Posted by DRJordanFreak88

I know for myself i've had 2 telepathic experiences, both when me and whoever im with are high. The first time was with my cousin... I was able to perceive what he said, as if the he thought out loud. A few awkward moments of silence passed, then he cracked a joke pretty much confirming that he knew i heard/perceived him because it was directly related to what i heard him say, no way it was just a coincidence. second time i was rollin wit my boy, he was giving me a ride home. i thought he was gonna keep on driving in the direction we were going but i had hoped he took another direction since i saw traffic was crappy if he continued. i didn't think he would, though, because i didn't think he was familiar with the area. He turned in the direction i hoped he would and started telling me how he knew about that area, said he had a friend who lived around there. apparently that time i was the one who thought out loud. once again, no way it was just a coincidence. I've never asked my cousin about that day, if he even remembers.

lol Anyways, your stories aren't that impressive and can be easily rationalized

But.. I think drugs can/do activate parts of the brain that we don't normally use (and maybe the telepathic regions).. Who knows..
Oh hell no theres a aol article that was posted up. that an ex-astrounaut says we've made contact with aliens and the govt is hiding it. man. i nowbelieve that aliens exist. look at roswell. i know thats true homie.

Edgar Mitchell, an Apollo 14 astronaut who once held the record for the longest space walk, has spent the past year telling anybody who wants to hear that we've made contact with space aliens multiple times, and NASA is covering the evidence up.

He shouted it loud and proud again yesterday during a press conference for Paradigm Research Group, an organization that lobbies for the release of government information on UFOs.

Does having a decorated old astronaut on their side make the UFO truthers claims more credible to you, or will you only start taking them seriously when they start providing the hard evidence?
man F the govt. hope they listening and delete my social security and records...

na chill. sorry
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Originally Posted by moonmaster3

Originally Posted by Ghenges

Fact: you only know what you can prove. YOU can only PROVE something that came into existence from the beginning of YOUR existence. For example.. if YOU were born in 1980, YOU can only prove what happened from 1980 forward. EVERYTHING ELSE...is based on what other people have told you. How do you know there weren't dinosaurs walking around earth in 1975? I say it's possible. You think I'm crazy for saying that...but how do you know? WERE YOU THERE?

Now who's crazy?

I'm going to leave it at that.

Well, if you become a super smart scientist and understand how carbon dating works, you can probably deduce that the dinosaur probably died a lot longer than before 1975.
wth.. so your telling me if i had a baby now. and i tell him about 9/11. i cant prove to him that planes hit the buildings? since he was born after 9/11. i can use things to prove to him that its true, like newspapers, videos.. etc..

1.) What's carbon dating? What's a number? What's 1975 even? Psshhhh.. WHAT ARE DINOSAURS?

2.) You can show your kid the planes, newspaers, videos, etc.... but there's no way for him to know for sure. He will have to take your word for it.
Ghenges is crazy but his argument holds validity.
technology reach the point where it can confirm past events. huge solar flares every few years, comet that pass by every 50 + years, asteroids every few thousand years, ice age, and galactic alignments every 2600 years, mass extinction every few million years.. how do we all know this? because it happened in the past and the clues are there for us to examine. craters as big as a few football fields confirms that an asteroid happens every few thousand years with devastating results. carbon dating was obviously tested to see how accurate it is. and it is. so if they do carbon dating on a fossil. the result would be about 80% right or more.

so my point is. history can be proven if the clues were left behind for us.

lol @ having a serious reply
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

Oh hell no theres a aol article that was posted up. that an ex-astrounaut says we've made contact with aliens and the govt is hiding it. man. i now believe that aliens exist. look at roswell. i know thats true homie.

Edgar Mitchell, an Apollo 14 astronaut who once held the record for the longest space walk, has spent the past year telling anybody who wants to hear that we've made contact with space aliens multiple times, and NASA is covering the evidence up.

He shouted it loud and proud again yesterday during a press conference for Paradigm Research Group, an organization that lobbies for the release of government information on UFOs.

Does having a decorated old astronaut on their side make the UFO truthers claims more credible to you, or will you only start taking them seriously when they start providing the hard evidence?
man F the govt. hope they listening and delete my social security and records...

na chill. sorry

There has been a few astronauts that have come out and said that they have seen things. Buzz Aldrin has said some crazy things.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by buggz05

Has anybody been having trouble meditating?
Yeah... I've been falling asleep or have been distracted trying to do it lately. The closest thing I could do to either it or praying today was shooting some hoops in the gym today.
please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or need some tips for meditation.
or we can always just discuss it in here

It's all G, we can discuss it here with other like-minded NTer's.
It's like...idunno...there is something negative that won't let me achieve that higher superimposition, and I'm not sure whether that's coming from something internally or externally. I feel like I'm being held back by something that needs to be cleaned out. I can barely get into a mild meditation where I get the feeling, but it only feels up 70% of my body. When I do get deep I can barely get 20% OB, and if I do get OB...it's not the same. Not as clear, lucid....choppy etc.

I've noticed my ability to focus in worldy life has dithered away too

Any help? Or anybody else experiencing the same?
It was hard bro, but I cut out a lot of worldly stuff in the last few weeks and am still working on cutting out a lot of things. I've beenspending the last few days detoxing more or less, and it's paid off. My mind is as sharp as ever and I feel vital again. Try to go out and get someexercise or go on a long walk or run if you can. The endorphins and opiates that will develop will definitely calm your parasympathetic nervous system down.
Originally Posted by buggz05

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by LESfamilia

Originally Posted by buggz05

Has anybody been having trouble meditating?
Yeah... I've been falling asleep or have been distracted trying to do it lately. The closest thing I could do to either it or praying today was shooting some hoops in the gym today.
please feel free to PM me if you have any questions or need some tips for meditation.
or we can always just discuss it in here

It's all G, we can discuss it here with other like-minded NTer's.
It's like...idunno...there is something negative that won't let me achieve that higher superimposition, and I'm not sure whether that's coming from something internally or externally. I feel like I'm being held back by something that needs to be cleaned out. I can barely get into a mild meditation where I get the feeling, but it only feels up 70% of my body. When I do get deep I can barely get 20% OB, and if I do get OB...it's not the same. Not as clear, lucid....choppy etc.

I've noticed my ability to focus in worldy life has dithered away too

Any help? Or anybody else experiencing the same?
In search of my own worldly enlightenment, I have read articles & books, I have seen pictures and films, and I have experienced certain thingsfor myself.

As of late, everything that I have learned about life in general, on all aspects, has been making more sense as to how the entire experience of life itself isinterconnected.

The more I read, for instance, the opinions given in this thread, and the things I see in real life, the more I lose the ability to believe in what is said tobe important for me.
I have recently decided that Money is definitely something that I don't want my life to be surrounded by, unlike almost 99% of the population does. (Atleast the 99% of the people that I have met.) I just refuse to put any of my life and/or effort into something that has such an "evil" essence to it.

I can't concentrate on meditating anymore, seeing as how there are so many things to learn about what is out there and how everything works. Nevertheless,I know that the answer lies within my own mind, and now am beginning to think that I'm losing this battle with learning the "truth" (I believe"truth" to be relative to each person's perspective of the word).

This being said, I think because I'm losing this battle, I need to find a way to get back on track.
[h3]**IT'S ABOUT TO GET REAL YALL**[/h3]*Its been getting real for me and it's frankly making me suffer somewhat* (Then again suffering is the mindsway of strengthening itself, so maybe im not so far)

I just wish I could've read this sooner so I can get some real insight on what I've just typed.

I mean does it freak anyone else out that its scientifically proven that the Great Pyramid of Giza is at the exact balancing point of the entire Earth'sLand mass?

Or that Money is made up of a material that can carry disease and viruses?

There's a connection to all of this, and I feel it culminating, at least in my own life. (or maybe it is a worldwide thing on which we are all connected?)

I'm close, yet feel so far.... Does anyone out there feel me on this?
I want to be able to live longer, and use 100% of my brain power. What if we all had a limiter set in us at birth?
don't we all get shots when we arefirst born??
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