Virgins of Niketalk, Assemble.

Edit: One of the biggest self confidence killers is knowing that so many 16 and 17 yr olds are smashing nowadays and ur older and you haven't. Its gotten to the point that I hate my birthdays since they make me feel like life is running out. Makes you question yourself and wonder if there's something wrong with you.
One day you'll see that things happened just the way they were supposed to for you.  Every person is different and every person has a different time.   Instead of worrying about why you haven't had sex and others have, work on all the qualities about yourself that you would like to improve/enhance.  Mentally, physically, emotionally.  Then do that.  By becoming the best you possible, you'll automatically become even more appealing to those around you.  

Also, don't compare yourself to young kids that are sexually active.  Most of them are having sex and don't even know what real intimacy is.  Hell, even a lot of clueless adults don't know 
.  Any idiot can "smash"'s really not that hard 
.  Doesn't make you any better or cooler of a person.  And it don't make you good at it either.  Any person who's self worth/confidence is based on the amount of sex they get is weak IMO.  A real man is not defined by his sexual conquests.  
Story of my life. I know exactly how you feel man. I'm going through same thing right now and I'm 24. people look at me like i'm crazy when I tell them this. It like feel time is just running out for me. I went through a little depression last year because of this. I try not to think about it as much, but there are times when those negative thoughts come into my head and it bothers me. I could only blame myself for this and it's up to me to change it. a lot of really good advice has been posted in this thread so I will definitely use them. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to finally get a GF. don't know how long it's gonna take me but i hope it's soon.
Whatever you not make that your New Years Resolution man.

You're only setting yourself up for more "failure."  If you're going to set timelines for goals to achieve, make them things solely based upon your personal improvement.  You'll find that as you better yourself, and the more you learn to love yourself...the candidates for GF will improve as well.  If you put that pressure on yourself to get a GF in 2013, you're not doing yourself a favor, and odds are you'll end up settling for less than you really want or deserve.

Settling is never the way to go
I haven't read all the posts in this thread, so forgive me if I'm repeating advice or not speaking within the flow of the conversation.

One should never set goals when it comes to broads. They will come and go, as does everything else in your life. Your number one priority should be to focus on the constants in life, and to be frank, the only constant in this life of ours is YOU. Train your mind to be better than the best. Train your body to be attractive and strong. Learn new skills and fun facts. Your body and mind is the foundation of all your successes and failures. With a strong foundation, anything is possible. With the right mindset, women will surround you because they want to be around your personality and humor. You won't have to worry about success finding you because you will actively seek it out. You will seriously see the world in a completely different way.
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Story of my life. I know exactly how you feel man. I'm going through same thing right now and I'm 24. people look at me like i'm crazy when I tell them this. It like feel time is just running out for me. I went through a little depression last year because of this. I try not to think about it as much, but there are times when those negative thoughts come into my head and it bothers me. I could only blame myself for this and it's up to me to change it. a lot of really good advice has been posted in this thread so I will definitely use them. One of my New Year's Resolutions is to finally get a GF. don't know how long it's gonna take me but i hope it's soon.
Whatever you not make that your New Years Resolution man.

You're only setting yourself up for more "failure."  If you're going to set timelines for goals to achieve, make them things solely based upon your personal improvement.  You'll find that as you better yourself, and the more you learn to love yourself...the candidates for GF will improve as well.  If you put that pressure on yourself to get a GF in 2013, you're not doing yourself a favor, and odds are you'll end up settling for less than you really want or deserve.

Settling is never the way to go

damn never thought of it like that. Thanks for advice man.
I haven't read all the posts in this thread, so forgive me if I'm repeating advice or not speaking within the flow of the conversation.
One should never set goals when it comes to broads. They will come and go, as does everything else in your life. Your number one priority should be to focus on the constants in life, and to be frank, the only constant in this life of ours is YOU. Train your mind to be better than the best. Train your body to be attractive and strong. Learn new skills and fun facts. Your body and mind is the foundation of all your successes and failures. With a strong foundation, anything is possible. With the right mindset, women will surround you because they want to be around your personality and humor. You won't have to worry about success finding you because you will actively seek it out. You will seriously see the world in a completely different way.
That's what I have been doing. But it aint working!

My goals for 2012 is to do a lot of working out. I want to start a sleeve but my arms aint big enough.
I also got these nice swim trunks that I want to look good in by 2014 summer.
Get a job - I almost have one
Get a crib - Not sure if I want one myself or with a roommate

I have been doing a lot of self improvement for the last 2 years now.
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From reading this thread, it feels like I'm on arcanine, except I'm on NT.

I haven't read all the posts in this thread, so forgive me if I'm repeating advice or not speaking within the flow of the conversation.
One should never set goals when it comes to broads. They will come and go, as does everything else in your life. Your number one priority should be to focus on the constants in life, and to be frank, the only constant in this life of ours is YOU. Train your mind to be better than the best. Train your body to be attractive and strong. Learn new skills and fun facts. Your body and mind is the foundation of all your successes and failures. With a strong foundation, anything is possible. With the right mindset, women will surround you because they want to be around your personality and humor. You won't have to worry about success finding you because you will actively seek it out. You will seriously see the world in a completely different way.
That's what I have been doing. But it aint working!

My goals for 2012 is to do a lot of working out. I want to start a sleeve but my arms aint big enough.
I also got these nice swim trunks that I want to look good in by 2014 summer.
Get a job - I almost have one
Get a crib - Not sure if I want one myself or with a roommate

I have been doing a lot of self improvement for the last 2 years now.

Brother, you are well on your way to greater self esteem, success, and beautiful women.

I think getting a job is huge. Not only will you have more income, but you will be out in the world, engaging others, talking to strangers, walking around, etc. As for a roommate, I say unless you absolutely want to have one, don't get one. Sometimes, especially if they're random dudes, they're more trouble than they're worth.
Not a random. Some of my college friends are all moving from surrounding suburbs to the city. The only one I KNOW for sure I can get along with as a roommate already has one. There is one other but he already has his job and is prolly moving to the Chi sooner than I can be his roommate

OT: I hope you are right. Because that is truly all I have left
I know for males is harder than females to be virgins, but if a female is in her mid 20s and still has her v-card is she cute or a turn off?
I mean less experience and she may get too clingy and overly attached, but at least you'll be the 1st one diving in.
I know for males is harder than females to be virgins, but if a female is in her mid 20s and still has her v-card is she cute or a turn off?
I mean less experience and she may get too clingy and overly attached, but at least you'll be the 1st one diving in.

That has problem written all over it
One day you'll see that things happened just the way they were supposed to for you.  Every person is different and every person has a different time.  

This frame of thought can be used in a lot of aspects in life,
We think everything has to be cookie cutter

A lot of things I wanted to happen by a certain age and they didn't and when I look back I see that I would been able to handle it at the time i wanted it
I know for males is harder than females to be virgins, but if a female is in her mid 20s and still has her v-card is she cute or a turn off?
I mean less experience and she may get too clingy and overly attached, but at least you'll be the 1st one diving in.

I am a virgin and this late in the game I dont want a virgin.

1. Now neither of us know what we are doing.
2. At my age even girls should have had a few *****. Since girls can get it whenever they want, it weirds me out that it took her so long. Why wait? Why me?
3. My experience has made me hate women. I dont want them in my life like that. I cannot deal with clinginess at the moment. Girls had their chance and blew it.
I know for males is harder than females to be virgins, but if a female is in her mid 20s and still has her v-card is she cute or a turn off?
I mean less experience and she may get too clingy and overly attached, but at least you'll be the 1st one diving in.

I am a virgin and this late in the game I dont want a virgin.

1. Now neither of us know what we are doing.
2. At my age even girls should have had a few *****. Since girls can get it whenever they want, it weirds me out that it took her so long. Why wait? Why me?
3. My experience has made me hate women. I dont want them in my life like that. I cannot deal with clinginess at the moment. Girls had their chance and blew it.

I think men can get it too pretty often if they lower their expectations at a bar or night club and find a drunk girl to take home :rolleyes
As a virgin idk if that's really true but w/e, my only chance was like that and turn it down bc I didn't want to feel like a ****
I know for males is harder than females to be virgins, but if a female is in her mid 20s and still has her v-card is she cute or a turn off?
I mean less experience and she may get too clingy and overly attached, but at least you'll be the 1st one diving in.

Honestly, I never understood the appeal with virgins. I think you gotta have a certain fetish for virgins because there are no pros to smashing a virgin. Her sex game is nonexistent, and poppin the cherry is a mess.
I know for males is harder than females to be virgins, but if a female is in her mid 20s and still has her v-card is she cute or a turn off?
I mean less experience and she may get too clingy and overly attached, but at least you'll be the 1st one diving in.

Met a chick that was a virgin at the age of 20, she was so socially awkward. Literally the most awkward human being I've ever met in my life. When having a conversation she would mumble a bunch of **** and then say "yeah?,no?,you know what I mean?". She literally seemed like she couldn't answer any question in fear of turning me off either that or she had a mental issue. She asked if I had any criminal history and said her father works for the city and could check it out if I'm lying. After that day I completely cut her off , she started texting/calling me every day for a week non stop even with no reply. Saying she's a virgin but not saving herself for marriage just a relationship, how she's not as innocent as I think and begging for another chance Dan THIS WAS AFTER HANGING OUT ONE TIME FOR A COUPLE HOURS. That's not it though the next week the chick and a friend randomlly pops up at my house and rings my doorbell and when I come to answer the door SHE TRIES TO ****** HIDE BEHIND HER FRIEND AND CLOSED HER EYES LIKE SHE WAS GOING TO MAGICALLY BECOME INVISIBLE OR SOMETHING. I don't know if all female virgins are this easily attached or if this girl was just crazy :lol:

Sorry for the long post :lol:
I know for males is harder than females to be virgins, but if a female is in her mid 20s and still has her v-card is she cute or a turn off?
I mean less experience and she may get too clingy and overly attached, but at least you'll be the 1st one diving in.

Honestly, I never understood the appeal with virgins. I think you gotta have a certain fetish for virgins because there are no pros to smashing a virgin. Her sex game is nonexistent, and poppin the cherry is a mess.

Virgins are better for me. I get too butthurt thinking about who ever else shoved his **** in my girl :lol:

Virgins >>> all

No experience no problem, then you get to practice :smokin
I know for males is harder than females to be virgins, but if a female is in her mid 20s and still has her v-card is she cute or a turn off?
I mean less experience and she may get too clingy and overly attached, but at least you'll be the 1st one diving in.

Met a chick that was a virgin at the age of 20, she was so socially awkward. Literally the most awkward human being I've ever met in my life. When having a conversation she would mumble a bunch of **** and then say "yeah?,no?,you know what I mean?". She literally seemed like she couldn't answer any question in fear of turning me off either that or she had a mental issue. She asked if I had any criminal history and said her father works for the city and could check it out if I'm lying. After that day I completely cut her off , she started texting/calling me every day for a week non stop even with no reply. Saying she's a virgin but not saving herself for marriage just a relationship, how she's not as innocent as I think and begging for another chance Dan THIS WAS AFTER HANGING OUT ONE TIME FOR A COUPLE HOURS. That's not it though the next week the chick and a friend randomlly pops up at my house and rings my doorbell and when I come to answer the door SHE TRIES TO ****** HIDE BEHIND HER FRIEND AND CLOSED HER EYES LIKE SHE WAS GOING TO MAGICALLY BECOME INVISIBLE OR SOMETHING. I don't know if all female virgins are this easily attached or if this girl was just crazy :lol:

Sorry for the long post :lol:


******* be crazy sometimes.

I know for males is harder than females to be virgins, but if a female is in her mid 20s and still has her v-card is she cute or a turn off?
I mean less experience and she may get too clingy and overly attached, but at least you'll be the 1st one diving in.

Honestly, I never understood the appeal with virgins. I think you gotta have a certain fetish for virgins because there are no pros to smashing a virgin. Her sex game is nonexistent, and poppin the cherry is a mess.

Virgins are better for me. I get too butthurt thinking about who ever else shoved his **** in my girl :lol:

Virgins >>> all

No experience no problem, then you get to practice :smokin

Lol let me guess, do you get jealous easily?
I think men can get it too pretty often if they lower their expectations at a bar or night club and find a drunk girl to take home :rolleyes
As a virgin idk if that's really true but w/e, my only chance was like that and turn it down bc I didn't want to feel like a ****

I tried doing that and i failed miserably. Lowering my standards made me reek of thirst. Now idk if i want to keep my low standards or not. I fear the term "use it or lose it" is in effect. Late bloomers are known to have ED. At the risk of spreading tmi. I gave up porn earlier this year because I noticed i was "losing it" so giving it up was a very easy task.

But then again it could be my depression and hating myself for being a virgin
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I think men can get it too pretty often if they lower their expectations at a bar or night club and find a drunk girl to take home :rolleyes
As a virgin idk if that's really true but w/e, my only chance was like that and turn it down bc I didn't want to feel like a ****

I tried doing that and i failed miserably. Lowering my standards made me reek of thirst. Now idk if i want to keep my low standards or not. I fear the term "use it or lose it" is in effect. Late bloomers are known to have ED. At the risk of spreading tmi. I gave up porn earlier this year because I noticed i was "losing it" so giving it up was a very easy task.

But then again it could be my depression and hating myself for being a virgin

You in LA fam? We can chill at a bar/club sometime.
A woman can report rape if you have sex with her drunk because she cant give consent. Smarten up NT.

(A sexual rape detective told our class this)
I used to just want virgins too as I would get jealous too that my girl would have had their cheeks clapped.
Eventually i didn't get mad as long as it was less than 5.
I'm dating a girl who has been with 8. Bothered me at first, but she says she regrets most of them and that's the past. Which is true.
Btw y'all how many partners is too much for a girl?
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