Visiting Juárez?


Feb 9, 2013
I really wanna visit Ciudad Juárez but I've heard it's beyond dangerous, especially for people who clearly look out of place/don't speak spanish.

Anyone been recently?

Juarez is being disputed right now by La Gente Nueva (Chapo Guzman's armed wing) and what's left of La Linea (Juarez Cartel armed wing). La Linea has nowhere near the resources as the Sinaloa Cartel and those pigs are extorting/kidnapping/robbing like crazy. It doesn't help that they are backed up by Los Zetas :smh:

I have family there and they come here to visit instead of any of us going there. Don't go brother.
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If you do not have a serious reason to go, don't.....Why not visit other places in Mexico?
it was ranked as the most violent/dangerous city in the world a few years ago i believe.

Cancun -->
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If you do not have a serious reason to go, don't.....Why not visit other places in Mexico?
Gabriel Iglesias stand up....
I went there almost a decade ago with my dad. Even then it wasnt a place that nice to see. I cant imagine why anyone would want to visit Juarez :lol:
i mean why are you telling him not to go?  darwinism right?  let him go and find out how much he missed a first world country.....i mean there are so many other options in mexico and you choose really have a death wish, alot easier to just go play in traffic
maybe he lives in el paso and juarez is the closest city to him.

anyway, i went about 12 years ago and it was rough then. its definitely gotta be rough(er) now. i met this girl with a mean welt/scratch on her throat that looked like salma hayek. one day i asked her what happened and she said she went to juarez and got into a fight at a club...long story short, she danced with this girl's bf (unknowingly) and the girl ran up on her with a broken bottle and slit her throat with it.

she was like 16 or 17 when it happened.
Beware of the cartels, crooked policia looking for bribes and possible kidnapping/beheading. Enjoy your trip.
if you do go dont drive..

they follow american plates and the cops will stop you and try to milk you for every penny you got.

really man? you're gonna risk your life to see that fat guy squeal like a girl 

im sure he will come to tejas later compa.
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