Waka Flocka Flame Concert Ends in Violence, Eight Teens Shot

Originally Posted by Cicero Avenue Dopeman

Originally Posted by LUIS BALLER 88

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

I heard his name is the sound of a gun clicking or something like that. If that's true I'm gonna side with Rudemeister.
I've never heard my gun make that sound. And if it ever did make a sound like Wacka Flocka it will be returned
Waka Flocka is what the choppa says;

It'll end when stupid ignorant rappers stop promoting it. Young kids in the hood look up to these guys so its inevitable that they're going to take some of the things they say to heart..Entertainment outlets don't care about the kids so they'll continue to promote whatever garners the most dollars, no matter what the "music" endorsess.

  That won't stop the violence...
I hate when people try to blame it on that....
Stuff like this was goin on before these "stupid ignorant rappers" were promoting it...
Where do you think they got it from?

Ignorant response because it still is promoting violence regardless if its been going on for years.
Originally Posted by ChiefWiggum

How could you mistake eight people for Waka Flocka?!? SMH

So was Wu Tang's music reckless when ODB got shot up?? Or when U God's son got shot?? Or when Ghostface got shot?? Is it OK when Ghost get's locked up for an armed robbery... And YOU're letting them off as if their words and actions have NO repercussions

Find me the statement where I let Wu Tang off the hook for anything? "Before anyone says it: There are rappers who discuss the same topics but do it in a manner in which theyre not promoting but instead discussing past transgressions and mistakes." If you think this statement is me letting WT off the hook then you need to go back, re read what I said again and try to comprehend what was said in the right way. The cleanest rappers out can touch on the same topics and not promote "drug dealing music" the way this guy does. Obviously every rapper who goes down this route will face repercussions, that should be common knowledge by now..Every year these types of rappers go to jail, get shot, stabbed, beaten and embarrassed (See: Lil Wayne, Guccimane, T.I., Yung Berg, Dolla, and now Wocka Flocka)  

But you're so quick to point a finger @ Waka Flocka who has done 100s of shows in the past year, you're willing to blame teenagers shooting @ eachother on him...

LOOK AT THE EVIDENCE IN FRONT OF YOUR EYES. Since he blew up he's constantly been in danger of losing his life and now the violent aura that he carries has spilled over. People in this post are saying that the kids wouldve shot at each other and thats just an opinion that you can never prove. These kids got shot at his concert and thats a fact.

You sound like Sean Hannity or Bill O'reily with that +%+%... I bet its all hip hop fault that these kids are goin out and buyin guns, cause their fav rapper talked about it in a song...

All the BS you're saying is the SAME +%+% Delores Tucker & Calvin Butts were blabbing about in the mids 90s... Blaming rappers for the +*@+#@ up state of black people 

You don't get it. Im not blaming rappers for black peoples problems, I'm blaming rappers for taking those problems and making a living off of them while not helping make things better for the people who listen and believe this stuff (kids) What youre doing now is avoiding said point and trying to take this argument somewhere it wasnt intended to go and doesnt need to go.

Waka NOT making an honest living??... The people around him would STILL be subjected to the same violence if he never made a record and was still stuck in the hood...

Everyone in the hood is subjected to violence and the potential for things to jump off BUT you can avoid the drama. By Waka Flocka being who he is, he's putting himself as well as anyone who can be caught around him directly in the line of fire.

You make it seem like people wern't shooting one another last year before ANYone knew who Waka Flocka was...

 Stop assuming and read what I wrote and take it for what it is. I never said any of that and thats strictly you assuming what you want me to mean so you can argue.

The evidence is there my man, rappers with that violent aspect in their music suffer the consequences. Its unfortunate but there are kids that look up to these clowns and may take some of what they say to the heart.

I mean to anyone trying to deny the effects of Waka's music: Dude says in the hook, "Drug-dealing music, I influence, (HEY) I influence."  I mean really, I don't know what could be worse: Him not realizing the effect his music has at hole-in-the-wall clubs, or him doing all of this on purpose just to make money. 
Originally Posted by JR Paperstacks

JediMaster23 wrote:
Im black i live in the south and i dont know who this guy is nor have i ever heard of him.

Real talk though, ever since this lame %%$ came out he has not gotten into anything but trouble, this guy is just really not a people person.

Next time learn to aim and fire all shots at that fool.


People/responses like this is why i am an avid promotor of condoms and/or abortion. Trojan leaking FTL.

1st you must be lame if you in an area where someone or something is an are unaware of whats happening/your surroundings. That would be like me saying im a big basketball fanatic, live in chicago, yet never heard of the bulls, and then deem that derrick rose sucks.

2nd if you dont know of him or who he is or never heard of him, how can you know what he has done every since he came out. Or whether or not he is a people person, or for that matter what kind of person he is. No different then judging a bball player you never seen, never heard of, and then on top of that discuss or comment on what kind of player he always have been.

I mean if you just commenting to board the bandwagon, seem cool in e-land, or whatever your motive was ok i get that. But if not you sure come across as unintelligent at best.

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