Wake up black men.

've never met a fellow Pakistani man whom has ever approached a female in a disrespectful manner, so don't even try and say its ALL men....

Even westernized ones know better, those whom have grown up in poor urban settings whom had nothing never resorted to such buffoonary.

I have more respect for MY SELF and my MOTHER (whom wasn't even very nurturing at that, a bit sadistic as far as parenting goes) than to approach a female in such a way. I grew up poor, in an urban setting, places deemed "the hood" and never fell susceptible to approach females in a derogatory manner....

If its a female I know I may joke around with her, but I would never resort to such blatant disrespect. Not even if I'm high and drunk...Not even if I'm with 10 of my friends who are resorting to that manner of approaching females.

Every female I've ever bagged, be it a tramp or not I act like a gentleman....

One night stand or wifey material, I do not compromise my better judgement by acting like a tool....

Never a need for that, if you can bag a chick acting like a tool imagine how much better you could be doing acting like a gentleman...

No one said anything about ALL men do this. What was said was that "calling out women" is not a specific trait that a paticular raceposses. This is true.

Until I see someone post up statistics from a reputable source confirming that Blacks do this more than any other race, its pretty much garbage. As is thispost.
I've never met a fellow Pakistani man whom has ever approached a female in a disrespectful manner, so don't even try and say its ALL men....
Since YOU have never met one, I guess it's safe to say there are NO Pakistani men who approach females in a disrespectful way right?

You can't be that naive.
i hate when guys approach me like that...
i dont even give them a chance. harsh but true.

Oh yeah all guys can be disrespectful but for some reason i only get those responses from black guys.i think its because i attract mostly black guys.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

I've never met a fellow Pakistani man whom has ever approached a female in a disrespectful manner, so don't even try and say its ALL men....

Even westernized ones know better, those whom have grown up in poor urban settings whom had nothing never resorted to such buffoonary.

I have more respect for MY SELF and my MOTHER (whom wasn't even very nurturing at that, a bit sadistic as far as parenting goes) than to approach a female in such a way. I grew up poor, in an urban setting, places deemed "the hood" and never fell susceptible to approach females in a derogatory manner....

If its a female I know I may joke around with her, but I would never resort to such blatant disrespect. Not even if I'm high and drunk...Not even if I'm with 10 of my friends who are resorting to that manner of approaching females.

Every female I've ever bagged, be it a tramp or not I act like a gentleman....

One night stand or wifey material, I do not compromise my better judgement by acting like a tool....

Never a need for that, if you can bag a chick acting like a tool imagine how much better you could be doing acting like a gentleman...
So you're just gonna go ahead and go with a generalization of how a certain people treat their women? really my pakistani dude? really?

No, never said that....At all.

All I said is that I've never met a Pakistani dude who ever approached females like that, not even hood ones.

I'm NOT saying all Black men are like this, because thats simply not true. In fact most of the ones that I choose to surround myself with do not resort toderogatory behavior....

But there are SOME that do act like this, but to say the majority of Black men act like this is simply not true.

I'm disagreeing with the whole generalization thing, I'm saying NOT all men are like this. Further more I am stating that Pakistani men dont DAREacting in such a manner that would alienate themselves from our community, we have rules in the culture we come from and the religion we practice.

Buffoonary isn't welcome, it is struck down and punished sternly....

If I were to ever act in such a way that would be considered anything BUT well-mannered I would EXPECT a fellow Pakistani male to at least make an ATTEMPT totry and strike me down....

In other words, we don't play that %$$ and I don't play that %$$....
Ok then my bad, didn't mean to miscontrue your post. But you do know how the rest of the world(generalizing) views pakistani treatment of women on a wholeright?
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I've never met a fellow Pakistani man whom has ever approached a female in a disrespectful manner, so don't even try and say its ALL men....
Since YOU have never met one, I guess it's safe to say there are NO Pakistani men who approach females in a disrespectful way right?

You can't be that naive.

Seriously trying to argue with me on that point...

Let me ask you something, are you Pakistani? How many Pakistani people do you know?

How long have you been Pakistani?

Guess what, I've been Pakistani 22 years of my life, perhaps as child I've met other adolescents that would act in a unsavory manner...

But no full grown males, sorry I haven't met any. Haven't heard of any. Simply put, we know better. Yes I am making THAT generlization....We don'tplay that $%%...

Asians in general don't play that $%% either....

Eastern cultures are stricter, we know how to raise our men and turn them into well-mannered folk....
I wouldn't say its an urban black thing, but more of a male who claims to be thug and think that he's "doing it". A lot of the young guys inthese groups learn from the elders and when these dudes run their lines on a hoodrat, and she bites, it manipulates youths to believe that is the way.Everything else they've tried never worked, so they would think a simple line here and there("yo baby yo, let me get in yo jeans"
) worked forthat guy, so it would most def work for them

IMO, dudes who holler on the streets are lame, with weak game
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

I can't help it, I'm sorry.

ill admit its pretty funny but your gonna get got for the cursing in that pic
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I've never met a fellow Pakistani man whom has ever approached a female in a disrespectful manner, so don't even try and say its ALL men....
Since YOU have never met one, I guess it's safe to say there are NO Pakistani men who approach females in a disrespectful way right?

You can't be that naive.

Seriously trying to argue with me on that point...

Let me ask you something, are you Pakistani? How many Pakistani people do you know?

How long have you been Pakistani?

Guess what, I've been Pakistani 22 years of my life, perhaps as child I've met other adolescents that would act in a unsavory manner...

But no full grown males, sorry I haven't met any. Haven't heard of any. Simply put, we know better. Yes I am making THAT generlization....We don't play that $%%...

Asians in general don't play that $%% either....

Eastern cultures are stricter, we know how to raise our men and turn them into well-mannered folk....

It doesn't matter if "yall don't play that #@%%" no matter how strict a culture is, disobedience is as natural as obedience. Getreal. There are millions of Pakistani people.
Its not a black thing its not a hispanic thing, its an INSECURE THING....

Its these dudes that always have a chip on their shoulders, that they feel like they have something to prove.

They can be wifed up and still feel the need to increase the number of chicks they are seeing.

I know dudes who have kids by 2 different mothers and are wifed up to a girl who isn't even one of them and is still going out on a nightly basis acting afool.

SAME dude has the nerve of complaining about child support and baby mother drama, are you SERIOUS?

Then he feels the need to brag about the number of skeezers he is seeing as if its some accolade....None of them happen to be very lady like btw.


I'm not saying I'm not capable of being a sleaze bag, I'm just a tad bit more subtle with my approach.
Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I've never met a fellow Pakistani man whom has ever approached a female in a disrespectful manner, so don't even try and say its ALL men....
Since YOU have never met one, I guess it's safe to say there are NO Pakistani men who approach females in a disrespectful way right?

You can't be that naive.

Seriously trying to argue with me on that point...

Let me ask you something, are you Pakistani? How many Pakistani people do you know?

How long have you been Pakistani?

Guess what, I've been Pakistani 22 years of my life, perhaps as child I've met other adolescents that would act in a unsavory manner...

But no full grown males, sorry I haven't met any. Haven't heard of any. Simply put, we know better. Yes I am making THAT generlization....We don't play that $%%...

Asians in general don't play that $%% either....

Eastern cultures are stricter, we know how to raise our men and turn them into well-mannered folk....
It doesn't matter if "yall don't play that +!#%" no matter how strict a culture is, disobedience is natural. Get real. There are millions of Pakistani people.

There are, but how many have you met that actually vocally disrespect a female in hopes of attracting her?


Be real with me right now....
Originally Posted by SneakerHeathen

Originally Posted by B Smooth 202

I've never met a fellow Pakistani man whom has ever approached a female in a disrespectful manner, so don't even try and say its ALL men....
Since YOU have never met one, I guess it's safe to say there are NO Pakistani men who approach females in a disrespectful way right?

You can't be that naive.

Seriously trying to argue with me on that point...

Let me ask you something, are you Pakistani? How many Pakistani people do you know?

How long have you been Pakistani?

Guess what, I've been Pakistani 22 years of my life, perhaps as child I've met other adolescents that would act in a unsavory manner...

But no full grown males, sorry I haven't met any. Haven't heard of any. Simply put, we know better. Yes I am making THAT generlization....We don't play that $%%...

Asians in general don't play that $%% either....

Eastern cultures are stricter, we know how to raise our men and turn them into well-mannered folk....

Speak For Yourself Fam

Even if you dont know any...some of us might...you cant make out the world with the people you surround ya self with and know.

The Stereotypical "Eastern" Culture is like that, but it doesnt make everyone like that ya feel me?
Your making Pakistani's and Asian People sound like they never degraded women before. When in Truth, when you look at the Cultures, Women dont even havemany rights in these cultures, they are sub-par to the male.
Ok so Pakistani dudes are regal in approaching women. Not so much when they choose who they want to marry or get raped.
Its this perverse psuedo-mashismo that American culture that has instilled in its youth that causes many to act in this manner....

If you fail to see this you're just in denial...I'm sorry....

America has always had its way of pigeon-holing its people, to take on these roles. Kids feel the need to act overly macho in front of females in hopes ofattracting them, even abandoning natural human decency...

Dudes know better, they know how they act is wrong. Yet they continue to act thusly.
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Ok so Pakistani dudes are regal in approaching women. Not so much when they choose who they want to marry or get raped.

I'll pardon your ignorance, where did you hear that one?

My mother chose whom she wanted to marry as did all her sisters aswell as HER mother...

ALL of whom were born and married in Pakistan....

Originally Posted by NomadicSole21

The Stereotypical "Eastern" Culture is like that, but it doesnt make everyone like that ya feel me?
Your making Pakistani's and Asian People sound like they never degraded women before. When in Truth, when you look at the Cultures, Women dont even have many rights in these cultures, they are sub-par to the male.

Ok so Pakistani dudes are regal in approaching women. Not so much when they choose who they want to marry or get raped.

You know, this has more to do with their religion, or how they perceive it, than it does what nationality they are.
he Stereotypical "Eastern" Culture is like that, but it doesnt make everyone like that ya feel me? Your making Pakistani's and Asian People sound like they never degraded women before. When in Truth, when you look at the Cultures, Women dont even have many rights in these cultures, they are sub-par to the male.
Please...MOST cultures on earth hold women to a sub-par level. This isn't just an eastern thing...it's something that has been going onaround the world since the beginning of time.
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