Wake up people vol. *+@# can get real ugly real fast

How would they exactly wipe the US off the map? They don't even have ICBM's.

Second of all. Even if they could do as they proclaim it'd be wholly counterproductive.
Kim Jong Il and the other N. Korean leaders don't want to die.
Originally Posted by 23MCpizzle23

man we got PRIME they dont want it
Lmao, when i read your initial(megatron) response i was

Funny nonetheless

N. Korea can't eff with us, come on
Originally Posted by 651akathePaul

Originally Posted by jthagreat

Originally Posted by solesavage

I love when people say "wake up".....wake up and what? Panic? LOL
great point.
co-sign. Never really thought about it. It's like, what are we supposed to do exactly?
I mean even if they were about to bombard us with nukes I'd rather die going about my day as usual rather than running around panicking likein those movies
US: heyy britian and france
britian and france: heyyyyyyyy
US: wanna unload some of those new stronger nukes... i mean we have so many.
Britian and France: sure.

war end/
Wake up and see how very possible another war is. I mean come on people, China is one of their major allies. The US is in debt to the Chinese government.I'm not trying to instill panic, just a sense of awareness.
There is no doubt in my mind that, that Gundam will be moblie. I am not fooled by this statue non-sense. If the U.S. develops a Guyver suit count me in tofight N. Korea...
Originally Posted by JordanXI45

What gives the U.S. the right to search their ships??
Basically the same rights granted to them to bring democracy to the middle east....
the RED WHITE and GotDamn BLUE
Originally Posted by JoseBronx

yea right, we holla at the **** and send some mobile suit on them son

No need to be racist man... maybe you're ignorant to the fact that "****" is a racial slur?

Either way
@ the mobile suit comment
Well NYC is safe since most it's buildings are fallout shelters.

But if we go to war with north Korea, no doubt china has their back.
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