Wake up people vol. *+@# can get real ugly real fast

Originally Posted by Si3xers55

Originally Posted by solesavage

I love when people say "wake up".....wake up and what? Panic? LOL

exactly. seriously, wut the +#*% can we do about it? if our government or the UN decides to search their ships theres nothing we can do about it. we elected the government to make the right decisions and take our interests as the #1 priority. The US has enough nukes to destroy the world 150+ times, I highly doubt that they can beat us...our army game is right

word. there ain't *#$* I can do so imma sit back and hang for now.

and I don't take op seriously anyways
Originally Posted by iBlink

Wake up and see how very possible another war is. I mean come on people, China is one of their major allies. The US is in debt to the Chinese government. I'm not trying to instill panic, just a sense of awareness.

China isnt an ally of North Korea persay...

China is just more hesitant to sanction North Korea because China realizes that a war between NK & US would eliminate North Korea... and then South Koreawould likely take the entire Korean Peninsula...

China doesnt want that because South Korea is an ally of the US... China enjoys having a "buffer state" between themselves an US allies
The fact that we have this attitude that we are completely untouchable scares me, to tell you the truth.
Originally Posted by early90s

The fact that we have this attitude that we are completely untouchable scares me, to tell you the truth.

That's what I'm saying.

I know good and well that the US is more likely to dispose of N.Korea, but to flat out act as though they don't pose any sort of threat is ridiculous. LikeI said, none of us knows what they have in their grasps. I don't care how many satellites we have watching their actions, fact of the matter is that wedon't know for sure that they haven't came up with something of their own.
iBlink wrote:
A lot of us are convinced that N. Korea doesn't have an ICBM. Let's be reminded that none of us have sat through an intel briefing to verify such an assertion.

The Japanese didn't know about the atomic bomb now did they?
North Korea can barely feed their people, how they suppose to come up with the funds for ICBMs? Do you know how much the Manhattan Project cost? Billions. And that was in the 30s and 40s. Anyways, their last two missile shoots have shown that their guiding system, delivery unit, fuel cells among otherthings are all horrible. The only card they currently hold is Seoul. Due to it's close location, even with a prompt evacuation plan millions would die.

North Korea is like the dude on the block talking $$+ because he has a .22 but, everybody else on the block has AKs and ARs.
Originally Posted by jay zoe2

iBlink wrote:
A lot of us are convinced that N. Korea doesn't have an ICBM. Let's be reminded that none of us have sat through an intel briefing to verify such an assertion.

The Japanese didn't know about the atomic bomb now did they?
North Korea can barely feed their people, how they suppose to come up with the funds for ICBMs? Do you know how much the Manhattan Project cost? Billions. And that was in the 30s and 40s. Anyways, their last two missile shoots have shown that their guiding system, delivery unit, fuel cells among other things are all horrible. The only card they currently hold is Seoul. Due to it's close location, even with a prompt evacuation plan millions would die.

North Korea is like the dude on the block talking $$+ because he has a .22 but, everybody else on the block has AKs and ARs.

You're still underestimating the possibilities fam.

As if a true form of communism exists in North Korea. For all you know, Il could be using the resources to build a stronger weaponry and military system whileis people live in poverty.
I am not saying they can't do damage. South Korea would be the one to catch hell. As I stated before, millions of South Korean would die. The point I ammaking is that the likelihood of them reaching U.S. Soil with one of their missiles is highly unlikely.
Originally Posted by early90s

Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Obama needs to send the SEAL.... Bay of Pigs 2
cuz the 1st one turned out beautifully

I know we got caught red handed.... We should try it again see what happens, worst case we finish the Korean war.
Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Originally Posted by early90s

Originally Posted by JJGRT5

Obama needs to send the SEAL.... Bay of Pigs 2
cuz the 1st one turned out beautifully

I know we got caught red handed.... We should try it again see what happens, worst case we finish the Korean war.

No. Not even close. Worst case we start World War 3, and NK launches nuclear bombs to Japan and South Korea.
I know we have some sort of diversion tactic. To much technology, to many brains. We understand nuclear weapons because we almost well pratically stold theidea and invented them.
Originally Posted by iBlink

Originally Posted by early90s

The fact that we have this attitude that we are completely untouchable scares me, to tell you the truth.

That's what I'm saying.

I know good and well that the US is more likely to dispose of N.Korea, but to flat out act as though they don't pose any sort of threat is ridiculous. Like I said, none of us knows what they have in their grasps. I don't care how many satellites we have watching their actions, fact of the matter is that we don't know for sure that they haven't came up with something of their own.

That is America for you. Our arrogance is parallel to nobody.

To be honest, we probably did something to piss them off first. You know...something CIA involved and highly secretive.
Originally Posted by AG 47

That is America for you. Our arrogance is parallel to nobody.

To be honest, we probably did something to piss them off first. You know...something CIA involved and highly secretive.

Nah. Kim Jong-il just stays pissed off at everyone.
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