War in North Korea NOW

Jan 20, 2008
My topic title does sound extremely reckless and bold, but it is the reality we must face. Kim Jong Il rivals Hitler with his concentration camps that hold400,000(?) usually from simple crimes such as criticizing the government or in one case, tearing a portrait of Kim Jong Il in half. Another crime includesattempting to escape into China by risking their lives from snipers and border guards on the North Korean border. Even if a Korean does make it to China, manyare caught and deported back to North Korea. China does not recognize North Koreans as refugees but as illegal immigrants.

North Korea also holds one of the most infamous famines. 3 million starving citizens have withered away because of a simple deficiency of rice.

The regime also upholds a Propganda Comittee in which they cover and disguise many of the atrocities the government has caused. They have even been able toconvince the citizens that America is in South Korea simply for imperialistic reasons. Many North Koreans don't even know a man has walked on the moon.

With many futile diplomatic attempts, we have moved tiny steps forward ; still useless. To attempt to derive peace from Kim Jong Il and a unification inKorea is impossible. People argue that perhaps once Kim dies, there may be a chance of a more open, capitalistic leader. Unfortunately, there stillremains a good 30 to 40 years of leadership of the tyrant; there still lies the possibility his sons may be even more oppressive.

Throughout our high school education, students have asked, "Why do we learn history?" which the teacher promptly replies,"History repeatsitself." The situation in North Korea parallels the crimes of humanity Hitler had committed. While Hitler marched into Poland, the world watched and didnothing; Kim Jong Il ruthlessly allows 3 million to starve while government income is spent on nuclear weapons. If Hitler and Kim were alive during the sametime period, they would make a powerful team.

The underlying message for my justification of a war is that 23,301,725 human beings have been violated of their human rights. They are secluded, blinded,and thoughroly brainwashed. Our fellow man has been treated far beyond the line of how a human should be treated. Families are separated in the North and Southfrom a the 38th Parallel guarded by heavily armed soldiers and landmines. Rifles are fired onto good humans trying to help their fellow Korean escape intofreedom as they are halted in their tracks by a sniper bullet. The world must use force to free North Koreans from Kim Kim Jong Il.

if you do not want to read all of this, here is a brief summary.

Kim Jong Il is a comparable evil that rivals Hitler and negotiations for peace are impossible. It is already unfortunate that we did not invade North Koreabefore they developed nuclear weapons. North Korea is not dumb enough to start a nuclear war with America; they would be obliterated. The North Korean regimehas committed crimes against humanity. 3 million people have starved in famine, many North Koreans do not even know a man has walked on the moon, 400,000Koreans are being held in brutal concentration/death camps. America must use force to liberate the citizens of North Korea before they can advance even furthertechnologically.

Here is a video that depicts the pain of North Korea
Damn man, change your thread title. I went to Yahoo! first to see if there was a story on this... then I clicked this thread.
damn, son got dudes nicked
...and how many people exactly are you willing to sacrifice to free North Korea? 20, 30, maybe 40 million?
at the thread title. But anyways, things are getting a lot better between the Koreas. You're really foolish if you think we could just declare war on N.Korea like that. China is buddy buddy with them, and there would be all kinds of $@+* going down.
a %*%@% was about to throw on CNN cause i thought u ment there was a live war going on right now
America must use force to liberate the citizens of North Korea before they can advance even further technologically.
How 'bout we concentrate on domestic issues. Because certainly, there are a number of African countries which could benefit greatly fromAmerican aid as well. I definitely won't hold my breath for that though. DF!!!
Damn like every country in Asia going through some dictatorship type control. Glad Vietnam is done with it, even though the North runs everything now.
really? and America isn't doing their own kind of pro-war propaganda? CMON.

war with north korea? !$## we cant even finish the *** war in IRAQ & AFGHANISTAN. YES WE'RE STILL IN AFGHANISTAN.

asian diplomacy is the only way to unify and reconcile the Korean peninsula. Invade another country? fk that

its your kind of thinking that has America with a target on its back.
north korea was and is a way bigger threat than iraq ever was... but thats a different story, Saddam wanted no part of the usa, kim jong is craziest enought todo something stupid.

End of the day, no oil there so we aint doin anything
what do your propose we do my man?

we try anything to help those people and millions of innocent people will die.

nothing to do.
Originally Posted by an dee 51o

at the thread title. But anyways, things are getting a lot better between the Koreas. You're really foolish if you think we could just declare war on N. Korea like that. China is buddy buddy with them, and there would be all kinds of $@+* going down.

goddddd that is the biggest misconception, china is NOT buddy buddy with north korea. their relationship atm is actually very strained. and its not asthough there is not a largely justified reason for invading north korea.
The United States does NOT want to get into any conflict with North Korea. Our military is too stretched at the moment, and our economy is taking a hit withthe oil prices rising, with that added our economy would sink even further into the hole its already in.

edit-- not to mention that Kim Jong II is psycho and would probably not care to get into nuclear conflict seeing as he has that about 3million people are beingneglected

Anybody that knows anything of North Korea's capabilities, i.e. them pouring most of their money into their military and lowdown nuclear program, knowsthat they are a force to be reckoned with.
I could be wrong, but whatever. You're right, we're not at war at the moment. We should invade another country. We don't have any servicemen in anyother part of the world... OH SH we're still in Iraq and Afghanistan!
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

The United States does NOT want to get into any conflict with North Korea. Our military is too stretched at the moment, and our economy is taking a hit with the oil prices rising, with that added our economy would sink even further into the hole its already in.

valid point, but it still should be a consideration for the near future.
As a member of our active military, I can not speak for the majority.. but when speaking to some our high ranking military personnel they have advised ourgovernment to stay clear from engaging in any other conflicts until we can get Iraq stable (which won't happen anytime soon) and capture the bigbird liketerrorist known as Osama Bin Laden.
Originally Posted by Sorkoram

As a member of our active military, I can not speak for the majority.. but when speaking to some our high ranking military personnel they have advised our government to stay clear from engaging in any other conflicts until we can get Iraq stable (which won't happen anytime soon) and capture the bigbird like terrorist known as Osama Bin Laden.

yes, i think our views differentiate in that yours are much more political which i respect. my views lie largely more on the social issue of the violationof human rights. i believe that there are many more countries willing to help the war against north korea through force.
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