Warriors Haters & Steph Curry Haters Call To Arms (Haters Unification Thread) VOL WHY NOT?

kenny smith said this ***** was the new jordan
as part of dubnation yes bring on all the heat we deserve to be humbled after this season.. but best believe when we win it all next year we will raise hell up in here haha
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Man this dude @dhart48
been going in.

Sheesh. :lol:
If you even knew what I've been through especially being a lakers fan living in the bay area, you'd understand
people tried to act like Chris Mullin, or mitch Richmond, or Chris Webber, and Antawn Jamison, Tim Hardaway, Monta Ellis, Latrell Spreewell, stephen jackson, Jason Richardson, Baron Davis
are the Next MJ/Magic/ whoever
year after year :lol:
It was always "just wait and see, we got next"
They had me on the ropes and they smelled blood but just like Emperor Palpatine the hate is strong with me man, I just KNEW this was too good to be true for them, and I Knew they choke. I bet my mom as a joke on mother's day dinner if the warriors won just because I'm thinking there's no way they beat OKC or Cleveland and what do you know :lol:
I called my mom the closing seconds of game 7 to gloat and she cussed me out and said she'd never bet me again. I told her don't worry about dinner but she's gonna do it anyway, I'll sneakily give it back to her
I just want the lesson to be learned stop putting your faith in Chumps like the warriors

Warriors fans are actually calling 2 good seasons a CAREER now :lol:
when does it stop???
Comparing Steph to MJ off of one championship, ugly shoes and no finals MVP :lol:

I'm IN TEARS right now as I type these things
and yeah I'm gonna kick them when they're down EVERYTIME, if you only knew how I had to turn my phone off, take out the battery because people just kept calling and texting me when the lakers got blown out by boston in the finals, it was crazy
Much like Klay they shoulda known better and kept their mouth shut, it's not like I can even hype up anything the Lakeshow doing, and I would never be that stupid

as part of dubnation yes bring on all the heat we deserve to be humbled after this season.. but best believe when we win it all next year we will raise hell up in here haha

so much stupidity in this post, what are you even basing the fact that you will win next year, let alone make it out of the west? I mean you guys go up 3-1 again and you guys are gonna be on pins and needles, what team would do that to their fans???
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dhart48 dhart48 going hard with this hate :pimp:
I was getting scared that all Bay Area fans were delusional, but at least you keep it 100

Anyway F Lacob also, dude needs to be humbled
Why would we be envious of some dudes that couldn't back up all that weak trash they were talking :rofl:
I knew it was over when Mo Speights became the team spokesperson.
First his dumb asss start tryin to blast King James in the media and on the WWW.
Then the idiot had the nerve to say Scurry Curry was gone drop 50 in game 7 :rofl:
It's a dayum shame that the whole team started believing the ludicrous, comedic comparisons between MJ and Lightweight Curry :smh: :rofl:
I love this thread. I love how it's flourishing hahahaha.

Can't wait til next year, when GS won't even reach the finals.

Shoutout to the warrior fans on NT. Dudes have gone ghost since game 7.
Haha so the hate basically comes down to envy

Damn yall fans are cocky and delusional just like yall owner :lol:. The way your owner talks you would of thought this team was a historical dynasty like the Yankees, Lakers and Celtics or Bulls...yall not even scratching the Pats title runs/championship and even they owner/fans don't talk greasy like this.

Yall last chip is questionable and this choke job sealed the deal. next season its gonna be a long ugly season for yall :rofl:. Players can't wait to face you.

Ya golden boy Curry had a spark when he started...now he's just garbage :lol:
John Salley has been on Mike and Mike the past couple of days.
This morning he said if the Cavs had kept Wiggins, they would have won the title last year.

As a Mavs fan I couldn't imagine being as arrogant and obnoxious as Folden State fans have been after winning just one title.
All that negative energy caused yall to become the worst Finals team in the history of the NBA :nthat:
Haha so the hate basically comes down to envy
See this is the kind of stupidity and immaturity I'm talking about, these cats aren't used to winning, so when they do, they try to have this clout with them. He probably thinks he got us with this comment. Reminds me of a scene from American Pie where the dude has the hot chick naked in his room and blows his wad twice....while still wearing his shorts
When your not used to having something amazing(well in this case just....ok), you just don't know what to do with yourself.

Why on earth would we envy Folden State? Nothing is appealing to us about them AT ALL
It's literally like trying to talk to brick from Anchorman
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the widespread delusion and eventual suffering by the bandwagon fans makes the collapse even better
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Damn yall fans are cocky and delusional just like yall owner
. The way your owner talks you would of thought this team was a historical dynasty like the Yankees, Lakers and Celtics or Bulls...yall not even scratching the Pats title runs/championship and even they owner/fans don't talk greasy like this.

Yall last chip is questionable and this choke job sealed the deal. next season its gonna be a long ugly season for yall
. Players can't wait to face you.

Ya golden boy Curry had a spark when he started...now he's just garbage
"We are light years ahead of everyone in the league." 

Well those words came from the owners mouth, or should I say the horses mouth.

Cuz y'all played like complete horse ****.

Humility is the guy you need to look for in the offseason. **** trying to look for KD breh.
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