Was i wrong?

May 25, 2008
So it was my friends 21st and we all went to the bar but one of my closest friend didnt want to go at first
(which we are all good friends) but i convinced him after a long time of telling him"we have to go, hes our best friend, etc" so we went but he didnt want to go without me, so i went and we are all having a good time!

But trouble starts with my other boy and they wanted to go to another bar across town

Everyone was down but i didnt feel like going. so i was like "im out" and this +@*!% start saying like "aight dogg. late, you a female dog fornot coming"

I was pissed cuz he was the N that refused to go so he wants to start talking shhhhit bout me, how i was "a female cat and all this !##+
" (which i heard in the background when i was talking to my other boy

Should i be pissed bout the situation or let it go?
Just talk to him or not..whether you were wrong or not, you feel bothered by it so you should address it. But the argument of "you didn't even wannago.." shouldn't come up, because regardless he DID go..
Originally Posted by 951guero

I was pissed cuz he was the N that refused to go so he wants to start talking shhhhit bout me, how i was "a female cat and all this !##+
" (which i heard in the background when i was talking to my other boy
What is a female cat called?
A female cat is called a queen. Male cats, on the other hand, are called toms. Cats are generally associated with the female of the species.

he called you a queen? i dunno about you but I wouldn't take someone who goes around calling other dudes "queens" tooseriously.
at u making ur friend go when he didnt want to, but then u wont go with everyone else

ur a female bum either way
yea you are def wrong for that. you convinced this dude who didnt even want to go out in the first place he had to cause it was your best friend. THEN when youare already out you peace out and wonder why the dude you convinced to come out is mad?
yea man, i think you are in the wrong. it's your homey's bday, you should stay out til the bar closes with em.
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