Was Roy Williams in the right or in the wrong for wearing the Jayhawk sticker last night?

First of all, im a Carolina fan, and with that being said I dont think he was in the wrong at all
Whats wrong with him cheering for a school he has a great past with? I think everyones taking it way too seriously
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Personally, I don't agree with Roy sporting the sticker. I think he could have shown his support in a more subtle way rather than sitting in the stands with all the Kansas fans, alums, and former players.

that's how i feel....but i don't think it's that big a deal.
I said last night in the title game post that it didn't sit well with me. I dunno, it's probably not a big deal and everybody knew he'd be rootingfor Kansas, but the huge KU logo was a bit much for me personally.
Do we know how the sticker came about? I mean it probably was he was just in the stands, the stickers were passed out by cheerleaders or whatever, and he thenput it on. I don't think that much thought would have, or even should have come into play in this situation. I doubt he was sitting in his htel room andthinking "This is a great fashion choice and screw everyone else who thinks otherwise"
I think it was fine - a nice show of respect for the program that put him on the map, where he spent a large portion of his life. Maybe he could've beenmore subtle about it, but what the hell.. there's no real conflict of interest there, his team was knocked out and his former team was in a position to wina national title.. why wouldn't he be pulling for them? It's silly to try to convince yourself that he's not hoping they win that game, sodisplaying his rooting interest is not that big of a deal.

I understand why people want to be upset about this - but there's nothing here. He's a grown man, he can do what he wants.
its not that big of a deal imo..he used to coach at that school so im sure he still has some ties within the team
Originally Posted by dreClark

I loved every second of it

But he was DEAD %+! wrong for that one....No doubt about it...


Last night when I saw him in the crowd with the Kansas sticker I started dying because of how boneheaded it seemed to me at the time.
As a diehard Carolina fan, I am upset that he chose to wear a huge Jayhawk sticker. By him sitting in the Kansas section or even attending the game, I believe,is showing enough respect for the program where he made his name at. I think it was also wrong considering that Kansas absolutely destroyed his Carolina squadtwo days earlier... If I was one of the players and I saw Roy wearing that sticker, I would def. be upset.

But like Craftsy said, He is a grown man and he'll do what he wants.
Bad move compounded by the fact that Kansas was the team to eliminate UNC just two days earlier.

How often are coaches chilling in the crowd like that anyways? Like DJs said, he should have been up in a box without the stupid sticker. If UNC comes to usnext year I'll be sure to have a nice sign for him.
it's funny too that you and the other Carolina fan in here aren't upset.
I guess... now, there's been about 3 or 4 Carolina fans come in and say they were/are upset or bothered. Still not a big deal to me. Now, Ican understand any one of his players questioning it - and in that case, they'd deserve an explanation. But he doesn't need to get back to Chapel Hilland address it otherwise. DF!!!
i agree that his current UNC players have a right to be upset. he definitely could've went about rooting for them in a more subtle and private way, butlike others have said, it's his choice. as a UNC fan, i don't really care to be honest, but he should know doing something like that is going to stirup some controversy, so why even do it in the first place?
Its wrong. I dont care if he goes to the game, or sits with Kansas fans, but when he put the JayHawk on his shirt, he took it way to far.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Its wrong. I dont care if he goes to the game, or sits with Kansas fans, but when he put the JayHawk on his shirt, he took it way to far.
He definitely took it too far with the sticker.
If phil jackson went to a bulls game with a bulls jersey on I wouldn't care.
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