**WASHINGTON WIZARDS 2012 Off-Season Thread ** Welcome to DC, Bradley Beal!!

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Worst team in the league.
True enough. 
Team has no discipline, wing play is atrocious, and Blatche (who seems to be our #1 option 
) is garbage - despite the mirage of a performance he put up today against KG (who looks close to washed-up). Rashard Lewis might be the worst player of all time, dollar for dollar. Wall needs to spend some serious time in the film room, preferably with a new coach who knows what the &%$@ he's talking about. 

Javale's play/progress has been the only notable positive. 

Not too soon to discuss potential draft picks. 
How long before they fire Flip Saunders?
Who do they bring in though? Any decent out of work coaches around?
Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Worst team in the league.
True enough. 
Team has no discipline, wing play is atrocious, and Blatche (who seems to be our #1 option 
) is garbage - despite the mirage of a performance he put up today against KG (who looks close to washed-up). Rashard Lewis might be the worst player of all time, dollar for dollar. Wall needs to spend some serious time in the film room, preferably with a new coach who knows what the &%$@ he's talking about. 

Javale's play/progress has been the only notable positive. 

Not too soon to discuss potential draft picks. 

What really stands out to me about Blatche, is his lack of athleticism.  Not only that, but he's so damn weak.  Dude has NO lift, and the slightest bit of contact really throws him off.  He has no finishing ability.  Also, for a guy complaining about his "lack of touches" in the post, he sure looked comfortable in taking 19 foot jumpers.  If I'm a defender, I'm giving him those all day.  He's such a detriment to this team and we need a true low post banger.  
Also, for a guy complaining about his "lack of touches" in the post, he sure looked comfortable in taking 19 foot jumpers.  If I'm a defender, I'm giving him those all day.  He's such a detriment to this team and we need a true low post banger.  
That bum was shooting those 19 foot jumpers and then some during the Wizards Fan Day a few weekends ago. When I and others saw him doing that, we knew he would do the same thing during the season in games.  The same way you practice is the same way you play during the game when it matters the most.  The Wizards just need to dump his body in the Anacostia River, cut their loses and call it a day.  As a team if they keep performing like this, it's going to be a long and sad season.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by abovelegit1

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

Worst team in the league.
True enough. 
Team has no discipline, wing play is atrocious, and Blatche (who seems to be our #1 option 
) is garbage - despite the mirage of a performance he put up today against KG (who looks close to washed-up). Rashard Lewis might be the worst player of all time, dollar for dollar. Wall needs to spend some serious time in the film room, preferably with a new coach who knows what the &%$@ he's talking about. 

Javale's play/progress has been the only notable positive. 

Not too soon to discuss potential draft picks. 

What really stands out to me about Blatche, is his lack of athleticism.  Not only that, but he's so damn weak.  Dude has NO lift, and the slightest bit of contact really throws him off.  He has no finishing ability.  Also, for a guy complaining about his "lack of touches" in the post, he sure looked comfortable in taking 19 foot jumpers.  If I'm a defender, I'm giving him those all day.  He's such a detriment to this team and we need a true low post banger.  
this is what I've been saying, guy has not a single bit of definition on those frail arms but I bet he got a mean beer belly cuz his jersey hugs the hell out of his body

the guy runs up the floor in slow motion, shoots in slow motion and when he DOES dunk it's the slowest thing you've ever seen. Foot speed KILLS us so much when you play teams who are in constant motion like the Celtics with Rondo and Ray Allen. Ray FRIED Nick Young all night coming off screens and Rondo once again got to the paint at will

this team needs a spark very bad, Flip might have to go
This team is so damn bad it isn't even funny. With each game that goes by I seriously wonder about John Wall. He's not going to stick around here in DC if things don't change quickly. He's been playing poorly, but he's a product of the team that's built around him. It's no secret that he HATES losing, but I look at some of the faces on the team and it seems like there is a ho-hum approach to each game. Flip has lost the team and he needs to be canned. I honestly don't know what can be done to shake this team up to get them somewhat competitive. They are light years behind squads like Chicago and Miami....all I want is for them to be an up-and-coming team like Indy or Philly. If things don't get better soon, we'll be back at square 1 because Wall will be elsewhere. I wouldn't blame him one bit if he bolts.
Imma leave this here...it's from the NBA Thread.

My man, DC had some interesting observations about the "losing" culture here at the VC...

DCAllAmerican wrote:Just got back home from the Wiz/WOlves game, Rubio was a treat to see in person.

Let me talk about the Wizards. This is just a losing franchise. It is just the little things, I know some of you might think I am over thinking things but hear me out for a second.

1. Warm Ups. I honestly feel that warm-ups can tell a story. The Wizards' warm ups consisted of McGee throwing oops off the glass to himself (missing damn near all of them) compared to Minnesota actually getting shots and finishes at the rim. The Wizards are throwing oops to each other, so sad to see Vessley falling victim to this nonsense as well, while Minnesota is taking their warmups seriously. The little things.

2. The music selection needs to be changed during the warmups. I know some might say, "This is the NBA, rap is a staple in the basketball world." I agree, but the stupid Southern Nonsense creates and breeds immaturity which is something this team doesn't need any more of. THrow on some Phil Collins or something, motivational music. Eye of the Tiger, not some damn Gucci. Again, the little things.

I just feel bad that Blatche, McGee, and Nick Young all had to be born into this situation where their "leader" was a joke. We know who that was, so it is almost as if they are poisoned. They need to get away. They need to see how real vets operate. How winners operate. I feel for Flip Saunders. It must be a headache.

This team is a joke man. They got booed off the floor too.


someone brought up an interesting point....folks were praising Luke Ridnour and the great effect he's had on Ricky Rubio.  There has been no one (aside from Hinrich) who has been a tutor for wall.  Hinrich was only for 30-40 games or so...the presence of Ridnour did wonders for Brandon Jennings and also seems to be working now.  There needs to be a good veteran presence backing up wall at the 1.  He's gonna rot here in DC and not reach his full potential due to how he's being handled. 

I gotta think Flip is gone by sometime tonight.  There will be changes.  This is NOT how you rebuild. 
What would you guys want your team to do in order to improve? You have certain pieces that may interest teams, such as McGee. Or do you guys like him and want him to stay on the team?
Originally Posted by Pump Fake

What would you guys want your team to do in order to improve? You have certain pieces that may interest teams, such as McGee. Or do you guys like him and want him to stay on the team?

Honestly, the only three I'd keep on the roster are Wall, McGee, and Singleton.  However, McGee and Singleton CAN be had for the right offer. 

This team needs shooters and some quality vets who can actually contribute.  Plain and simple.  Floor spacing is a problem and part of that has to do with the collective low b-ball IQ the team has.  They've tuned out Flip and it's obvious.  Ted can't put this team back on the floor for the next home game in it's current state.  Either there needs to be a shake-up via trade, firing the coach, or GM.  I honestly think there will be some sort of a change VERY soon.  Perhaps by this evening. 

If it was up to me, I'd put this line up out for the next game:

Originally Posted by Pump Fake

What would you guys want your team to do in order to improve? You have certain pieces that may interest teams, such as McGee. Or do you guys like him and want him to stay on the team?
Flip needs to go, obviously.
everyone on the team is expendable other than Wall and McGee (thats my opinion, i'm sure some Wiz fans wouldnt mind trading McGee). when they talk about the selfish cancers on the Wizards, IMO the embodiment of all of those things on the team is Andray Blatche. i'm not giving a cent towards this franchise until he is off the team. 
There's just nobody on the team that has any modicum of experience being a disciplined and successful player in the NBA. Nothing but a bunch of knuckle heads who aren't willing to put in the work or play with the discipline it takes to win. Wall would fit that mold but he's still only in his second year and he honestly just looks LOST at times out there in the half court. Blatche has been in the league for 7 years and he has pretty much the same body he had coming out of HS. The collective team B-ball IQ is easily the lowest of any team in the league

Saunders said the players aren’t doing their homework, even though the coaches are emailing extensive scouting reports the day before every game.

About the least surprising thing I've read all year.

“Flip, definitely, he’s doing his job,
Originally Posted by DT43

Originally Posted by Pump Fake

What would you guys want your team to do in order to improve? You have certain pieces that may interest teams, such as McGee. Or do you guys like him and want him to stay on the team?
Flip needs to go, obviously.
everyone on the team is expendable other than Wall and McGee (thats my opinion, i'm sure some Wiz fans wouldnt mind trading McGee). when they talk about the selfish cancers on the Wizards, IMO the embodiment of all of those things on the team is Andray Blatche. i'm not giving a cent towards this franchise until he is off the team. 
100% agree
Wall hasn't improved a lick, still terrified to shoot, misses every layup in traffic and pushes the tempo for no reason sometimes

Nick Young is the ONLY player who can hit a jump shot

McGee has ZERO touch around the basket, if it's not a dunk then that ball ain't seeing the bottom of the net at all

Jordan Crawford has made it his only goal in life to shoot the most DIFFICULT shots of all time, and NEVER pass

Trevor Booker.... the lone bright spot but still makes mistakes (see Melo's game winner)

Singleton is literally a one dimensional player, he's great for defense. Has no offensive skillset whatsoever

Blatche...... what more is there to say about him? He begs for low post touches.... then proceeds to shoot a ton of fading 18 foot jumpers EVERY GAME. CUT HIM ALREADY!!!

This whole team sucks, I truly can't even see how things could realistically be fixed
I hate this team...
But the kicker is that everyone on the team seems to hate each other too.
The Wizards are off to a franchise worst 0-8 start, and to make matters more troubling a team source tells CSNwashington.com that Wizards' forward Rashard Lewis got into an argument with Wizards' assistant coach Sam Cassell before the Minnesota game and Lewis decided he didn't want to play.

Unbelievable...the ONE thing that everyone said (positive) about Shard was how quality of a "professional" he was...guess not. If Flip is still here by Tues, and somehow has the nerve to trot this waste of money on the court in ANY situation, it's a slap in the face to EVERYONE who remotely likes this team....that goes to the other players, front office, and fans. This dude QUIT. Flat out QUIT. Inexcusable. Pay him to stay away....give him the Marbury treatment. He can keep his $, but he should never set foot on the VC floor again unless he's playing for the opposition. How u 33 years old and getting your feelings hurt? Ol' "I'm gonna take my ball and go home" type of @%!%!.
This $%%@ disgusts me more...yes, I'm mad. %*## shard...seriously.
I'm hating this team more and more by the day.
Keep Flip and blow up the roster. Too many knuckleheads around Wall. C'mon Leonsis, apply some pressure.
I wish ya'll would stop with this Nick Young love affair too. He's good for absolutely nothing besides scoring and he don't score THAT damn well for people to actually want him to be a part of this team going towards the future. I get sick watching him shoot turn around 20 footers and when they actually do go in...people think he's some big time player or something. 
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Fire Flip and blow up the roster. Too many knuckleheads around Wall. C'mon Leonsis, apply some pressure.

Even if you don't think Flip is the problem. He's done ABSOLUTELY nothing to warrant staying here. If Eddie Jordan got fired after 4 straight playoff appearances...why should Flip keep his job after 3 miserable seasons? 
Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

I wish ya'll would stop with this Nick Young love affair too. He's good for absolutely nothing besides scoring and he don't score THAT damn well for people to actually want him to be a part of this team going towards the future. I get sick watching him shoot turn around 20 footers and when they actually do go in...people think he's some big time player or something. 
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Fire Flip and blow up the roster. Too many knuckleheads around Wall. C'mon Leonsis, apply some pressure.

Even if you don't think Flip is the problem. He's done ABSOLUTELY nothing to warrant staying here. If Eddie Jordan got fired after 4 straight playoff appearances...why should Flip keep his job after 3 miserable seasons? 
I don't think anyone has a love affair with Nick Young but you're in denial if you think there's another offensive threat on the team besides him as bad as he truly is

Originally Posted by ExtRaOrDinaRy SwAg

Originally Posted by DIOR PAINT

I wish ya'll would stop with this Nick Young love affair too. He's good for absolutely nothing besides scoring and he don't score THAT damn well for people to actually want him to be a part of this team going towards the future. I get sick watching him shoot turn around 20 footers and when they actually do go in...people think he's some big time player or something. 
Originally Posted by DownyBoy

Fire Flip and blow up the roster. Too many knuckleheads around Wall. C'mon Leonsis, apply some pressure.

Even if you don't think Flip is the problem. He's done ABSOLUTELY nothing to warrant staying here. If Eddie Jordan got fired after 4 straight playoff appearances...why should Flip keep his job after 3 miserable seasons? 
I don't think anyone has a love affair with Nick Young but you're in denial if you think there's another offensive threat on the team besides him as bad as he truly is

Never implied such. 
Changes Need To Be Made Now. This Is Completely Unacceptable How They Have Regressed This Season
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