Watch Rick Perry's Campaign End Before Your Eyes

Originally Posted by FourReal

Got me.
the current ed system is run for profit in a capitalistic way

abolishing the department of education wont abolish public schools, but it wont help them either.

what would help is abolishing no child left behind and installing NEW standards....also making states adhere to a federal standard would help as well.

dont be fooled.

the GOP wants to make education private.....they want to make everything private.

that's their giant fix....turn everything into wall street banking practices....

all about the almighty dollar.

meanwhile, we fall further and further down the world rankings of education...

but its not because the policies are horrible and capitalistic

no, its because theyre not private-operated...

you can currently take public school money, via a voucher, and pay it to a private school.

thats ridiculous.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

the current ed system is run for profit in a capitalistic way

abolishing the department of education wont abolish public schools, but it wont help them either.

what would help is abolishing no child left behind and installing NEW standards....also making states adhere to a federal standard would help as well.

dont be fooled.

the GOP wants to make education private.....they want to make everything private.

that's their giant fix....turn everything into wall street banking practices....

all about the almighty dollar.

meanwhile, we fall further and further down the world rankings of education...

but its not because the policies are horrible and capitalistic

no, its because theyre not private-operated...

you can currently take public school money, via a voucher, and pay it to a private school.

thats ridiculous.

Would you say the quality of education is better or worse than it was before 1979?
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

the current ed system is run for profit in a capitalistic way

abolishing the department of education wont abolish public schools, but it wont help them either.

what would help is abolishing no child left behind and installing NEW standards....also making states adhere to a federal standard would help as well.

dont be fooled.

the GOP wants to make education private.....they want to make everything private.

that's their giant fix....turn everything into wall street banking practices....

all about the almighty dollar.

meanwhile, we fall further and further down the world rankings of education...

but its not because the policies are horrible and capitalistic

no, its because theyre not private-operated...

you can currently take public school money, via a voucher, and pay it to a private school.

thats ridiculous.

Would you say the quality of education is better or worse than it was before 1979?

i wasnt alive in 1979. i'd say its better tho, off of technological advances alone. Im sure each individual student's daily life was more educationally stimulating, i.e. more was expected from each individual student instead of all the medical

thats irrelevant. all groups in the US are backsliding educationally, we're being out performed world-wide by people with larger government involvement and people without large government involvement

so whatever point you were trynna make with your loaded question, save it.

GOP wants to cut education funding by x amount of dollars...

instead of cutting, say, half a percentage (.05)  from defense, which equals out to more than the cuts they want to make to education

they wanna cut education funding and abolish the boards of education.......but they want to build a physical fence on our mexican boarder....

ask me another loaded question instead of addressing what the GOP favors over education....

at the end of the day, when you run medicine and education for profit, or anything for profit, for that matter, ultimately the focus shifts from the individual to the dollar.

this is a personal story

i had a teacher ask me, an instructional aide, one year "okay, i have 10 students who will pass with flying colors. i have 15 students who may or may not pass, depending on how much i can teach them, then i have 10 students who wont pass no matter what.......what should i do? should i continue working hard with the 10 students who wont pass, end up frustrating them, and have a majority of my 15 maybes all fail? do i prepare those 10 fail  kids with life skills instead of teaching them up for a test they will never pass? do i focus on my 15 maybes and hope to get 100% success from them?"

why is a teacher asking that? the goal is that EVERY student recieves on-grade-level education...

NCLB forces teachers to make these decisions.....and they're upset about can see it in their faces...

but thats the way it is....dont play the game? well, then next year your school budget loses 30%, you lose the instructional aide youre asking advice from, all your 10 low kids lose the opportunity for 1-on-1 tutoring, etc.

abolishing the board of education wont change that.

real, genuine reform of this capitalistic system we have in place will.

same with medicine...but thats another topic.

you guys think privatizing education will fix the problem, i think reforming the bush policy on education + giving education a mere MORSEL of the defense budget will fix it...

we spend more on defense than we do everything else combined....

look at the way the whole segment is set up. Like a dating show or some #$!#. Dramatized, Hollywood !##*+#$$.
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

the current ed system is run for profit in a capitalistic way

abolishing the department of education wont abolish public schools, but it wont help them either.

what would help is abolishing no child left behind and installing NEW standards....also making states adhere to a federal standard would help as well.

dont be fooled.

the GOP wants to make education private.....they want to make everything private.

that's their giant fix....turn everything into wall street banking practices....

all about the almighty dollar.

meanwhile, we fall further and further down the world rankings of education...

but its not because the policies are horrible and capitalistic

no, its because theyre not private-operated...

you can currently take public school money, via a voucher, and pay it to a private school.

thats ridiculous.

Would you say the quality of education is better or worse than it was before 1979?

real, genuine reform of this capitalistic system we have in place will.
Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

so you took a paragraph of like 120 words and highlighted a sentence out of context?


whats your major/degree? education or econ?

im leaning towards econ....just a hunch.


and if it were up to rishi we wouldnt even have a government period...local, state nor federal


each private citizen would fullfill their own responsibilty to uphold law and order.....cause we're americans and great.

While I admittedly have never worked in education, I do feel that treating schools more like businesses could do some good, for instance is a school isn't doing well, close it down. And place the kids in a school that works, or open a new school in its place.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

While I admittedly have never worked in education, I do feel that treating schools more like businesses could do some good, for instance is a school isn't doing well, close it down. And place the kids in a school that works, or open a new school in its place.
One of the bigger problems in education is class size... Closing schools only makes class sizes bigger in the "good" schools, decreasing the quality of education...

Schools are not a business.. Markets don't help schools.. In an unrelated example but sticking to education, one of the candidates last night said that colleges should compete against each other will increase the quality of education, and in turn decrease the cost of tuition.. That is not how it works, and is probably one of the most insane ideas I have ever heard.

You want education to improve look at these dullards in the Republican party who do everything to demonize teachers because they are public sector workers. Saying they get paid to much, and have too many benefits. At every turn they try to cut teacher pay, and cut benefits.. You want the  "best and the brightest" to teach your students and create a new generation of even more intelligent people, you really need to pay people top dollar.. But our (Republican Party) priority is to have everything for nothing.. Which is what having private sector control of education, and expecting better results is what they are proposing.. "Everything for nothing"
Originally Posted by Essential1

Originally Posted by kix4kix

While I admittedly have never worked in education, I do feel that treating schools more like businesses could do some good, for instance is a school isn't doing well, close it down. And place the kids in a school that works, or open a new school in its place.
One of the bigger problems in education is class size... Closing schools only makes class sizes bigger in the "good" schools, decreasing the quality of education...

Schools are not a business.. Markets don't help schools.. In an unrelated example but sticking to education, one of the candidates last night said that colleges should compete against each other will increase the quality of education, and in turn decrease the cost of tuition.. That is not how it works, and is probably one of the most insane ideas I have ever heard.

You want education to improve look at these dullards in the Republican party who do everything to demonize teachers because they are public sector workers. Saying they get paid to much, and have too many benefits. At every turn they try to cut teacher pay, and cut benefits.. You want the  "best and the brightest" to teach your students and create a new generation of even more intelligent people, you really need to pay people top dollar.. But our (Republican Party) priority is to have everything for nothing.. Which is what having private sector control of education, and expecting better results is what they are proposing.. "Everything for nothing"
Finland has maybe the best school system in the world or quite close to the top according to PISA tests. And i think it's because of the class sizes. I've never been in class with more than 20 or maybe 25 people. Usually less. 

EDIT: These are PISA rankings for Finland and USA


Finland 6

USA 30


Finland 2

USA 23


Finland 3

USA 17

China is number one in everything. Asian countries do very well in these tests. 

And also according to PISA spending more does not make your education system better. 

Obama has made almost as many "slip-ups" as Bush, and they've both been elected, I've gotta feeling Perry will be just fine
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Obama has made almost as many "slip-ups" as Bush, and they've both been elected, I've gotta feeling Perry will be just fine
Not even close dude.  Bush is no where close to Obama in "slip ups".  You should slap yourself. 

Also, Obama has already given more speeches than Bush gave in 8 years so a few slip ups are expected. 
Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

Originally Posted by andycrazn

Originally Posted by CurbYourEnthusiasm

so you took a paragraph of like 120 words and highlighted a sentence out of context?


whats your major/degree? education or econ?

im leaning towards econ....just a hunch.


and if it were up to rishi we wouldnt even have a government period...local, state nor federal


each private citizen would fullfill their own responsibilty to uphold law and order.....cause we're americans and great.

yea but i hate it. keynesian economics anyways. im so surprised people are for socialism in one form or another. mind blown
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Originally Posted by Animal Thug1539

This country is +@%%**.

Been saying for a while, this is a prime example of what is wrong with this #$!@#%@ country. These jesters aren't qualified to run for office. But what would a puppet show be without puppets?
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