ways to cheer her up (girlfriend thread)

Jun 3, 2008
How do you guys cheer your girlfriend up when she's feeling kind of down? Trying to think of something new to do tomorrow, we've been together for 3 years so its kind of hard to think of new things to do. We already shop, cook, and go out to eat a lot together. I want to do something special but not too big since i work at 3 in the afternoon. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. please no trolling, thanks in advance
may not help since you want to do something together but my girl was just stressed between work and school so I got her an hour massage just so she could relax for once.  Seemed to help.  Between the thought of me thinking of her and the massage itself, she definitely cheered up
You didn't mention breakfast. Maybe you can wake up early & make her breakfast in bed or take her to get breakfast.
we went to get breakfast this morning lol i made her a meal 2 days ago that she claimed she loved lol she's more stressed about almost being down with school, I'm leaning towards that massage and maybe some flowers
Originally Posted by nonsneakerhead

You didn't mention breakfast. Maybe you can wake up early & make her breakfast in bed or take her to get breakfast.

this especially if she has to be up early...
Poems are dumb. Let Hallmark do the work for you and just buy her a card. Tell her how much you appreciate her and you're good.
Originally Posted by nonsneakerhead

You didn't mention breakfast. Maybe you can wake up early & make her breakfast in bed or take her to get breakfast.

came in to say this

cop some flowers and take her out for breakfast dont forget to whip it out either
Make her an "essentials" bag. Should run you 20-30 dollars and my girl loved it. Just go out and buy things you know she loves. My girl likes certain jelly bellys, gardettos, miss vickys jalapeno chips, hello kitty band aids, little bottles of lotion and stuff from bath and body works, etc. Put that in a nice bag and leave it on her bed or somwhere to surpise her.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Make her an "essentials" bag. Should run you 20-30 dollars and my girl loved it. Just go out and buy things you know she loves. My girl likes certain jelly bellys, gardettos, miss vickys jalapeno chips, hello kitty band aids, little bottles of lotion and stuff from bath and body works, etc. Put that in a nice bag and leave it on her bed or somwhere to surpise her.
I bet Wiz does this for Amber all the time. 
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