WDYWT JULY 2009- summer madness-DO NOT QUOTE PICS!!!!!!

went to the gym today.


These to work, but with jeans.
First day working in almost a year.
... Didn't miss anything. Lol.

Recycled pic.
YO! Happy Birthday, Joann. Hope you enjoyed it.
Originally Posted by donjuan513

Reebok Ex-O-Fit "Basquiat" samples

Basquiat, eh? Sak passe.

Idol, glad you're back.

nice bucks on the last pages

dreads - that shirt makes thoughs misquitos look dope!

Rocked the money cats today...... *sorry out of focus crap pic*
nah not really, still it cools down a lot at night...

laceswap on Black Cements = fail (sry)
Nice fits everybody EDIT: I know I'm probably like the 800th person to ask this but what's DF. The fact that Air ant says it in everypost and idk whatit is bothers me.
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