+ + + WDYWT May 2009 + + + DO NOT QUOTE PICS!!!

Im Soooo Hungry -

but miss. Patrick is what really got my attention
kinda regret letting my cardinals go, nice Im Soo Hungry

off work again...YEEESS! get paid tomorrow too, bout time.

keep it pimpin A POWER, dude is either playin'
ordead serious
it's a transformation yo!

wattup a. powers - tell your patna that i still rock dem freshass samples he sold me.
I'm falling in love with the LBJ VI's more and more. Dope pic Ty.
Although I'm in a Laker town. GO CAVS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
computer's been acting up the past couple of weeks, but it's fixed now. so here's a taste of what i've been wearing since my last post.

i won't show the rest of the outfits to cut down on the number of pictures... just imagine a lot of matching striped polo shirts, haha....
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