Weird Things You Did As A Kid...

Originally Posted by JP310

idk how to explain it but i use to try and climb up the inside of door ways like a ninja.

same here
I threw things at my teacher and other school mates, bought those long sticky thingys and slap everyone in the hallway with it, and called my teachers namefrom across the room and not say anything and i would do that until they finally found out it was me, every time i fought a friend or cousin or something iwould always take their shoes off and beat them with it,
there are other thing but i can't remember them right now
back in elementary, i used to make fun of girls on purpose so they would chase me
i used to think out loud too. not just some of my thoughts, but i would say everything that i was thinking. 1st grade teacher thought i was crazy.
i would run everywhere i went and time myself in my head, and take mental notes on how long it took me. or i would time my showers, and random things.

a couple times i convinced my dad to drive next to me while i ran down the block so i could get an idea of how fast i could run.
every morning for about a year & a half i would fling my ham and cheese breakfast behind the couch, & theday we were moving it was time to load the furniture onto the truck and i got the worst beating of my life

Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

every morning for about a year & a half i would fling my ham and cheese breakfast behind the couch, & the day we were moving it was time to load the furniture onto the truck and i got the worst beating of my life

i used to drink mad soda when i was younger, and hide the cans in the whole behind our stove, needless to say 100 or so cans were found, got thebeatin as if i stole somthin
when I was like around 10(or whenever the harlem shake came out) I used to harlem shake everywhere I went. One time, I went up to my teacher in the middle ofher lecture and started harlem shaking and yelling can't touch this. Got suspended two weeks.

I used to carry a wrench in my underwear because tommy was my favorite rugrat

One day, my friends and I wanted to play basketball at our school but it was closed, so everyone hopped the gate which was kind of tall. Problem was, I gotstuck right at the top. Tried everything to get down. Even to the point where my underwear were tearing. Everybody else just laughed and played basketball andleft me there for like 35 minutes

I got to much of these stories
- I used to lick pennies, they tasted good.
- I would shove those little Pink Panther pool balls up my nose (you know the ones you could get in line at the grocery store)
- I once super glued my teeth together
- I would say my prayers two to three extra times thinking that if I repeated them they were more likely to come true
whenever there was a day where numerous farts occurred my brother and i would name that day and could clearly recall the day later down the road. for example,"The Great Fart Day," "Stinkapalooza," etc.

saw bloodsport and held weekly kumites w/ my cousins.
Originally Posted by shoeking2101

One day, my friends and I wanted to play basketball at our school but it was closed, so everyone hopped the gate which was kind of tall. Problem was, I got stuck right at the top. Tried everything to get down. Even to the point where my underwear were tearing. Everybody else just laughed and played basketball and left me there for like 35 minutes

I got to much of these stories
i know how you feel...i think i was in 8th grade or 9th and we were at great america, got bored, and decided to watch a movie...
well we took the short cut by hopping the fence and my windbreaks got caught, and had a big hole with a really bad cut
Originally Posted by ChineyRoyal

every morning for about a year & a half i would fling my ham and cheese breakfast behind the couch, & the day we were moving it was time to load the furniture onto the truck and i got the worst beating of my life

lol that reminded me of how much i hated eating eggs (still do) and i used to wrap them up in a napkin or tissue then stash it under the fridge orin a random drawer
it worked until the kitchen started smelling really bad and my dad spent a whole day trying to find out why
I used to love going to the gas station with my pops, because I loved how gasoline smelled
Originally Posted by DMATT423

I used to love going to the gas station with my pops, because I loved how gasoline smelled
Gasoline Smell FTW/FTL
....I heard it makes youstupid
i used to put on my bathroom robe over my clothes and pretend like i was "preaching" to an imaginary audience, using a jump rope as my"microphone" oh and the mirror was my audience

i used to cut all my barbie's hair off...for no reason really.

i would talk to myself yet pretend like there were other people in the room and i would "Act" out their part of their conversation aswell

EVERYTIME my family had company over i always spilled all the soda out of the bottle onto the table, i was so clumsy, still am. but i never understood whyit always happened when we had guests over.

i constantly gave teachers at my christian day care "The bird" as i didn't know the significance at the time, i just thought i was doublejointed

in 2nd grade, my friend and me would go in the bathroom and switch shoes with eachother. i had some nike tennis classics and she had some jordans, kidswould threaten to snitch on us in class so we would end up trying to pass our shoes back to each other during class yet we sat across the room from each other.

i decided one day to go through my closet and give my "less fortunate" friend all of my old sneakers, i felt she could use them more than me, as ihad plenty of them. my mom took the bag away from me and told me that i would offend my friend, cause i was basically saying she was poor. at the time it madeno sense but later i realized how messed up that would've been. as the only reason i was giving her my shoes was cause i did feel she was "poor"and i told her so. (1st grade)

the emoticons convey my "opinion" on each of these odd moments in my childhood.
I used to dip pizza crust in my soda before I ate it..
I mixed all the drinks together at the soda fountain at restaurants(7up,Dr Pepper, Coke, Root Beer, Lemonade, and that Orange soda) I don't know why, butit tasted good at the time
Me and my bro would practice wrestling moves on each other thinking we were gonna be tag team champs one day
idk why we did this, but my bro and i when we were 10 and 8 would put a blanket over our heads and see how close we could get to my pops when he was sleepin,the beatings we got for that were epic.....
. i swear we thought we wereninjas or somethin.....
after i took a dump when i wiped i use to sniff the toilet paper

dont ask why cause even i dont know
I stucked all my chewed gum under this one chair. I showed off my collection to my friends.

Randomly just stand up on a chair and recite the Pledge of Alligence.
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