Weirdest things about America (Indian International students perspective)

Because I think others might find his perspective interesting? You're the one who read the thread title and thought you were coming to find substantial information. 

Soda being cheaper than bottled water: It makes no sense that carbonated and flavored water with HFCS are cheaper than regular water, but hey, that's just how it is.

The fact that there are full service rest stops with decent chain restaurants and big supermarkets every couple of miles on interstate highways 

Fruit and vegetable prices, as compared to fast food prices:

- Bag of grapes : $6.00

 - Box of strawberries : $5.00
 - 1 lb tomatoes : $3.00
 - McChicken : $1.00
 - [McDouble] : $1.00

Unlimited soda refills:

The first time (and one of the last times...) I visited McDonalds in 2007, the cashier gave me an empty cup when I ordered soda. The concept of virtually unlimited soda refills was alien to me, and I thought there was a catch to it, but apparently not. 

Serving Sizes: American serving sizes are HUGE! 
I've noticed that entree sizes are huge as well. I am by no means a small eater, but it usually takes me at least 1.5 meals to finish the entree. 

always said this.

it's crazy how we're set up for failure.
I was raised poor so I REALLY don't know how to say no to soda when I'm not eating at home. seems like a better value than water :smh:
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Actually they do. I had an Indian coworker tell me that depending on where you are in the caste system your grades in school have to be higher to be considered equal. For example, if Caste X is higher in status than Caste Y, Caste member X has to get a 95 on a test to be considered and "A" whereas, Caste member Y may only need a 90 for an "A." Maybe the Indian guy here can expound on that if it needs more clarification.

That's not a caste system though. It's more in regards to family name and reputation. Not profession based on family surname. Big difference.
Soda being cheaper than water irks the hell out of me. Like they want you to be fat in this country and add the state of healthcare in this country is a joke. While this Indian student brought up some stupid stuff he did have a lot of valid criticism.
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i am indian and let me tell you, being indian is actually a great thing. we have beautiful people and we have ugly people. just like any race. I for 1 am a great person, have great friends, and i take care of every one that is in my life and i am glad to do it, and for that i have people that love me around me. also, indian parents are one of the best parents you can have. sometimes they can be really strict, but they will take care of you no matter what, and they will buy you what ever it is that you need. as long as your not a selfish ****head. Also, we all have great jobs, lots of money and a family that we all love and take care off

:lol: I remember this from the other thread.
Man I was reading it like "I swear i've read this before"

As soon as I read the first sentence I chuckled.

Soda being cheaper than bottled water: It makes no sense that carbonated and flavored water with HFCS are cheaper than regular water, but hey, that's just how it is.

The fact that there are full service rest stops with decent chain restaurants and big supermarkets every couple of miles on interstate highways 

Fruit and vegetable prices, as compared to fast food prices:

- Bag of grapes : $6.00

 - Box of strawberries : $5.00
 - 1 lb tomatoes : $3.00
 - McChicken : $1.00
 - [McDouble] : $1.00

Unlimited soda refills:

The first time (and one of the last times...) I visited McDonalds in 2007, the cashier gave me an empty cup when I ordered soda. The concept of virtually unlimited soda refills was alien to me, and I thought there was a catch to it, but apparently not. 

Serving Sizes: American serving sizes are HUGE! 
I've noticed that entree sizes are huge as well. I am by no means a small eater, but it usually takes me at least 1.5 meals to finish the entree. 

always said this.

it's crazy how we're set up for failure.
I was raised poor so I REALLY don't know how to say no to soda when I'm not eating at home. seems like a better value than water :smh:

yea man the food industry specifically makes healthy foods more expensive and otherwise harder to obtain. this is why the lower class maintain terrible diets. thats why when you go in the hood, you'll see way more fast food chains (including lincoln fried chicken) within blocks of each other. but go in a middle, to upper middle class area and you'll have to drive to the nearest food chain.

its sad that this is the norm in this country.

a lot of what this kid said was obvious to me, but i found it interesting.

to the people who say why is this a thread, you'd be surprised how this stuff that comes off as obvious to you, is totally news to the average american. i mean there are still people out there who think obama is muslim and that he wants to take away healthcare.

as a society we take things for granted, esp compared to a developing nation. so being surprised that this stuff is weird to him, is ridiculous.
On a positive note, water in restaurants is free. I've also gotten a cup of ice water from different theme parks, etc. for free, at least in Texas.

Went to a baseball game recently tho and a 16 oz bottle of water was $4.50. :stoneface:

Wasn't surprised at all though.
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- Bag of grapes : $6.00

 - Box of strawberries : $5.00

 - 1 lb tomatoes : $3.00

 - McChicken : $1.00

 - [McDouble] : $1.00

eating vegetables for multiple days vs. eating only a couple McChickens

It's cheaper to eat healthy...been saying this
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Originally Posted by thadoctadvocate  

Why is this a thread?
Why not? Things that are obvious to you aren't to someone who's never been here prior to him going to college. A lot of what he observed what pretty informative and its interesting to see what perspective foreigners have of the United States. You have to remember that their only impression of us is through the media and word of mouth.
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