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If that's the case marvel will be in serious trouble by the end of Phase 3
I think they're doing pretty good with casting younger stars right now.

Really, only Robert Downey Jr. is the only old actor they have cast right now, all of the others still have a few more years on em.

Even then Iron Man isn't really required to be a super-young, strong guy either. But I see Marvel doing something big with Iron Man in the next few years, possibly with the raging narcissist act, maybe against Cap (My personal fave). 
The Incredible Hulk (the one with Norton) came out after iron man 1, right?

Brokeback hulk was before ironman 1, which wasn't part of phase 1
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The Incredible Hulk movie was easily the worst performing of the MCU movies at the box office so it makes sense why they'd put as much distance as possible from it.

Twas a different time. Doubt that has anything to do with it. Especially seeing how The Hulk is way more popular now than he was then.

The Hulk doesn't have a scheduled solo movie through 2019. And if they ever do a solo movie, they most likely will go away from the whole fugitive running away from the general thing and focus on his outer space exploits.
The Hulk doesn't have a scheduled solo movie through 2019. And if they ever do a solo movie, they most likely will go away from the whole fugitive running away from the general thing and focus on his outer space exploits.
They're most likely to go away from that anyway, seeing how that plot has been done twice already.
I think they're doing pretty good with casting younger stars right now.
Really, only Robert Downey Jr. is the only old actor they have cast right now, all of the others still have a few more years on em.
Even then Iron Man isn't really required to be a super-young, strong guy either. But I see Marvel doing something big with Iron Man in the next few years, possibly with the raging narcissist act, maybe against Cap (My personal fave). 

You missed my point completely.

A lot of contracts are up after Avengers 3. If recasting is the reason IH is pushed to the sidelines they need to pray to basedgod that all those actors re-sign

AoU is movie 7 of 9 for SLJ. Civil War and Infitnity War would be his last.
RDJ's last movie is Avengers 3. This has been known for the longest
Chris Evans last movie is alos A3. Also known for the longest. AoU is 4 of 6
AoU is also 4 of 6 for Tom Hiddleston. He will be in Thor 3 and A3
Chris Hemsworth is Also done after A3. AoU is 4 of 6 for him as well.

That's 5 of their most important characters.

Scarjo's contract is actually movie to movie. Which probably means she can quit after any movie. Same with Jeremy Renner and Anthony Mackie. Those 3 will likely be in it for the long haul tho.

And I aint even sure if Infinity War counts as one or two movies to their contract.

Scarlet Wich will have to bust out some crazy chaos magic to explain why everyone looks different after A3
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IH was made when marvel was still grasping at straws. After A3 IF the leads don't come back they'll chalk that up to the end of that era (like Nolans batman saga).
Lee Pace said he would love to be Ronan again. Surprising with how dirty they did him. He was a throwaway. This is one of the few times I hope that they do the "he wasnt really dead" trick. Especially with the Inhumans coming up. Better bring him back when the Infinity Gauntlet is assembled


IH was made when marvel was still grasping at straws. After A3 IF the leads don't come back they'll chalk that up to the end of that era (like Nolans batman saga).

But then you'd be ending an era where half of the people in the movies look different and the other half look the same. They shouldve just ran with it like they did with Don Cheadle.
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Incredible Hulk was definitely mentioned in Avengers. Ruffalo says something like the last time I was in NYC I destroyed uptown/Harlem/NYC. It just hasn't been mentioned much since cuz there isn't a whole lot to go off on other than revealing The Leader.

Ross kinda gave up in the end especially after his own creation turning on him. Banner goes back on the run trying to control his rage until Avengers where it's no longer a problem.

It's only the end of IH that kicks off the MCU. It's a bit off to say IH is really a MCU movie anyway. That movie was done as an obligation so they could then get full rights to the Hulk back.

FTR, I still liked the Bana Hulk (still feel Bana should jump back in to a good superhero flick) even though it was slow and a bit boring. Looking back they were really trying to capture the Hulk tv show with how sad it was :lol: The whole story line with why he's so angry inside with the abusive father and mom dying was ****** up. I still liked it the same way I like Jane's Punisher even though it's more action movie than Punisher at times.
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I still haven't watched any of the punishers for some reason.

I vaguely remember the one with Ivan drago... But I watched it a fair amount of times when I was a kid

Enjoyed the thomas Jane one when it first came out.. But didn't last long when I tried watching it again recently

Couldn't make it through the last one with the dude from rome
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I vaguely remember the one with Ivan drago... But I watched it a fair amount of times when I was a kid

Enjoyed the thomas Jane one when it first came out.. But didn't last long when I tried watching it again recently

Couldn't make it through the last one with the dude from rome
I tried watching one of them one day and all I remember was his fam being slaughtered on the beach and some dude looking like he was on meth.
Take with a HUGE grain of salt and be prepared for more @Lamekilla presence bacause Spidey might(will be?) in Infinity Wars...


Via LatinoReview:

Really, I’m going to just straight up spoil what I'm pretty sure happens at the end of two Phase 3 movies.

I’m not joking. If you’re going to get mad at me later, stop now, this column is on the internet, it’ll be accessible forever.

Avengers: Age of Ultron introduces a new group of Avengers lead by Captain America. Still think Hulk’s gonna be in space.

Captain America: Civil War exposes that Bucky killed Howard Stark, Iron Man and Captain America fight, Tony Stark is discouraged (I’m vague on how he ends up at the moment), Black Panther is introduced, Crossbones kills Steve Rogers at the end of the film, giving us a nice big cliffhanger from Marvel Studios’ two most profitable characters (Iron Man and Captain America). Since I’m so vague on what happens to Iron Man, but I’m pretty sure he can’t be flitting in and out of other Phase 3 movies without reducing the impact of his future return, let’s just say he’ll also be in space.

“In space” is going to be my character placeholder, as it’s obviously Marvel’s - OOOOOH! BURN!

Doctor Strange hits and I really think Marvel will avoid polluting this movie with too much crossover as they have to introduce the Astral Plane. But I do think Doctor Strange is on the short list for who will lead the New Avengers in Cap’s absence.

Thor: Ragnarok will kill a lot of Asgardians, resurrect some of them, and Thor will end up in some sort of prison (described to me as a “galactic prison,” but I don’t know if that means not in Asgard or what).

Cap’s dead, Thor’s gone, there are still Avengers, we take a break from the Earth’s problems for Guardians of the Galaxy 2, then return for Black Panther. It’s interesting that we’re going to need a new leader for The Avengers and the Black Panther is going to be introduced in a movie where The Winter Soldier’s dirty laundry will be aired. I’m not saying I know anything about this movie, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it includes more Avengers than the title suggests. They mystic nature of the Black Panther also allows Strange to pop up here if they want. But a New Avengers is being formed (not THE New Avengers from the comics, just SOME New Avengers).

Which brings us to May 4th, 2018 - Avengers: Infinity Wars Part 1. Here's what I understand: Steve Rogers is not in this movie. He is dead. Thor is not in this movie, he is imprisoned. Spider-Man IS in this movie, the Sony deal went through.

I don’t have the exact details nor a paper trail, but I’m told we’ll see an MCU Spider-Man in Infinity Wars Part 1, as that was the next logical place to insert him after they missed the window to logically include him in Civil War.

It’s sounding like Infinity War Part 1 will be the first true test of our New Avengers team (line-up still pending, but here are the potentials: Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Black Panther, Dr. Strange, Ant-Man, Wasp, Captain Marvel, Luke Cage, Daredevil, Iron Fist, Jewel/Power Woman, ANY of the New Inhumans, ANY of the classic Inhumans, ANY of the Guardians of the Galaxy and ANY Cosmic Marvel characters Guardians chooses to send to Earth...oh, and Spider-Man). However, Infinity Wars Part 1 won’t include any of our classic Phase 1 and 2 Avengers because…

...they’ll all return in Infinity Wars Part 2.

Yup, even freaking dead Steve Rogers it looks like.

This all seems like super-smart storytelling (letting characters go out on top, then bringing them back years later), and it’s made even more ingenious by the Spider-Man insurance policy. If people aren’t hooking into a Black Panther, Bucky Cap or Strange-lead team: HEY! Here’s history’s most profitable comic book character.

Now I’ve gotta spend my nights trying to figure out if Sony’s announced November 11th, 2016 Spider-Man movie is going to be a co-production or simply scrapped. Here’s hoping for co-production.
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I pray it's garfield in Infinity Wars.


Nope, via same link/spoiler but I omitted it....

You might have seen referenced a supposed "leaked" series of e-mails outlining a Spider-Man Summit where Sony and Marvel agree to share Spider-Man and put him in Civil War so they can lead into "Amazing Vs. Spider-Man" which would feature Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire.

This, of course, is all fabricated. Garfield will not be part of any future Spider-Man deal
I pray it's garfield in Infinity Wars.


Nope, via same link/spoiler but I omitted it....

You might have seen referenced a supposed "leaked" series of e-mails outlining a Spider-Man Summit where Sony and Marvel agree to share Spider-Man and put him in Civil War so they can lead into "Amazing Vs. Spider-Man" which would feature Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire.

This, of course, is all fabricated. Garfield will not be part of any future Spider-Man deal

Gahhdamnit :frown:
I hope the part about Crossbones and Cap isn't true. That's just underwhelming.
:rofl: if you believe the Amazing vs. Spidey trash.

A lot of those things are not surprising. Some of those things have been floating around the internet

I pray it's garfield in Infinity Wars.


No thanks. Marvel's own interpretation of the character or **** Marvel. Doubt they will do garfield with how those movies have been rated anyway.
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My question is how would they introduce Spidey in the MCU if he shows up in Infinity Wars?

I liked Garfield as Spidey/Parker.
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