Love how they didn't kill him off. Is there anyway he could snuck some of the serum out of Russia ?

Maybe he comes back as a WS in a later movie
Love how they didn't kill him off. Is there anyway he could snuck some of the serum out of Russia ?

Maybe he comes back as a WS in a later movie

If anything he takes the winter soldier serum and becomes the Zemo we thought he would. That may explain why he killed the others. Thinking Tony would kill Bucky, he would be the only one left.

Cool thing about is, it's possible. They can look back at Zemo and do some things in a future film. The smirk he had at the end shows he has something else under his sleeve
I still think it's a reach to go from dead Doctor in hotel room to all 3 of them there. But I'm not a mastermind manipulator :lol:

Cap and Bucky ok since he kept asking Bucky about Siberia. Well I guess tony would chase after them once the hotel room doctor and Bucky mask was found.

Personally im leaning towards he was after the videotape and then he hoped they would chase him
Zemo was ready to kill himself..don't think taking the winter soldier serum is yet on his mind.


It's something they can revisit if they want. Wouldn't be hard to say that he took a vile of the juice before he decided to kill himself.
I still think it's a reach to go from dead Doctor in hotel room to all 3 of them there. But I'm not a mastermind manipulator :lol:

Cap and Bucky ok since he kept asking Bucky about Siberia. Well I guess tony would chase after them once the hotel room doctor and Bucky mask was found.

Personally im leaning towards he was after the videotape and then he hoped they would chase him

Zemo knew for sure Cap and Bucky knew where he was. Someone mentioned that he didn't calculate the airport scene. Probably thought Cap and Bucky was going to bring the whole team along.

Zemo could not have known they were disagreeing on the accords.
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I would love it if the mcu were to release physical strength level charts to satisfy my curiosity...obviously with Hulk and Thanos being on top and then the non enhanced humans on the bottom.

Just wonder where Bucky would fall. He's obviously enhanced (whereas in the comics he's apparently not) but from cw doesn't seem like he's as strong as Cap.

Bucky and BP seem to have comparable strength levels but BP is just way more quick and agile..

Obviously little teeny Spidey is trumping all of the above. The way he caught Bucky's punch :lol:
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there was no serum left

bucky got 5 bags in the crashed car and there were 5 dead winter soldiers 

Again, it's something that can easily be written as happening. They wrote that Howard somehow had the Winter Soldier serum (something that has opens some questions itself). They could easily write that there was some more or he learned the formula for it.
I would love it if the mcu were to release physical strength level charts to satisfy my curiosity...obviously with Hulk and Thanos being on top and then the non enhanced humans on the bottom.

Just wonder where Bucky would fall. He's obviously enhanced (whereas in the comics he's apparently not) but from cw doesn't seem like he's as strong as Cap.
Don't if the chart changed, but there is a chart floating around online. After a 100-tons, they just add "+" though instead of putting exact numbers(IE Hulk and Thanos is both stated to be both 100+).
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I still think it's a reach to go from dead Doctor in hotel room to all 3 of them there. But I'm not a mastermind manipulator :lol:

Cap and Bucky ok since he kept asking Bucky about Siberia. Well I guess tony would chase after them once the hotel room doctor and Bucky mask was found.

Personally im leaning towards he was after the videotape and then he hoped they would chase him

Zemo knew for sure Cap and Bucky knew where he was. Someone mentioned that he didn't calculate the airport scene. Probably thought Cap and Bucky was going to bring the whole team along.

Zemo could not have known they were disagreeing on the accords.

Hmm good point. Doubtful he knew that the accords would happen and they'd try to kill each other earlier :lol:
Zemo was ready to kill himself..don't think taking the winter soldier serum is yet on his mind.


It's something they can revisit if they want. Wouldn't be hard to say that he took a vile of the juice before he decided to kill himself.
Having time to stew in cell will give him new ideas and a new plan.

He's hurt some Avengers psychologically. They already established the foundation of him being the leader of Sokovia's Black Ops unit. It may be time for him to hurt them physically after taking the winter soldier serum or maybe even something to add to that.

He indirectly made Tony hurt. He may try and beat the **** out of Steve now.
there was no serum left

bucky got 5 bags in the crashed car and there were 5 dead winter soldiers 
There's always more for story purposes.

Just from Hydra's perspective why would they be satisfied with just 5 WSs? Some scientist wasn't trying to recreate it before they injected in them?

I found it weird that Howard created 5 bags to deliver to SHIELD (I assume) and doesn't have some of the OG back in his lab. That'd be like Tony making the suit and arc reactor in a cave and then after it breaks down or destroyed he can't remake more. I'm pretty sure Howard has some extra.

Plus one thing I think is overlooked is the good old get a bunch of Cap's or Bucky's blood and reverse engineer both serums. For the right genius it's doable.

With that in mind, they could even have another winter soldier show up. 5 stasis cells shown, a 6th one on a secret basement level :lol:
Just watched the movie. Stayed outta this thread until I did.

**** Captain America.
dudes need to stop worrying about this winter soldier juice and aim to get caps blood

my dude steve is god levels of strength and durability 

watching the end of WS and he gets stabbed, shot like 4 times and still is able to lift like a 10,000 pound metal beam to free bucky

then gets punched in the face by bucky's metal arm like 4 times and can still speak normally 

the cap america juice truly is the GOAT 
Well we never did see the more improved winter soldiers at work. Just those short scenes where they beat the **** out of a Bucky in mission mode and then started killing the guards and everybody else in the room.

Bucky does clearly say they're all worse than him. So while they can topple a country from within, blend in anywhere better than him. I assume they are all stronger, faster, and more focused than him as well. They also seemed to be able to brush off their programming or sort of extend orders the way they started killing everybody and that guard giving the command codes was so shook he needed Bucky to escort him out.

I'd assume the super winter soldiers don't suffer from any weaknesses Bucky has; temporarily regaining memories, all that hesitation and doubt, etc.

I mean even in full mission mode he had one dumb plan when Steve was holding the helicopter :lol: Instead of just swerve in and then out so Steve would lose his grip or get his arm torn off he tilted that **** all the way in trying to kill him the propellers with no plan on how to survive the helicopter crashing and washed himself (imagine if there was no water? :lol: He'd die in an explosion).
Erskine died and took the knowledge of the perfect amount of serum and vita rays with him to the grave. Cap is 1 of 1.

The man out of time :smokin
IMO, they wasted an opportunity with Steve chasing the saboteur with the last vial of the serum and before dude hops in to his underwater transport I think he drops or Steve makes him drop the vial and it just breaks.

Somebody needs to get the time infinity stone and just pause that moment in time and get it. Then hop back in time to when Banner got hit with the gamma bomb.

SS serum + hulking out = :wow: :pimp:

IMO, they wasted an opportunity with Steve chasing the saboteur with the last vial of the serum and before dude hops in to his underwater transport I think he drops or Steve makes him drop the vial and it just breaks.

Somebody needs to get the time infinity stone and just pause that moment in time and get it. Then hop back in time to when Banner got hit with the gamma bomb.

SS serum + hulking out =

might as well get the reality stone too so that they can hop into the fox universe, slap the producers a couple times and steal the method of giving the hulk adamantium bones
Zemo, with prep time, did what Loki tried to do with an army of Chitauri. If that fails to impress, I dont know what it takes.
Also the twist of the with great responsibility line is up there woth goat superhero dialogue

"When you have power, and the bad things happen, and you don't do anything to stop it...then the bad things happen because of you"

I kinda like that better thanthe og line. It gives more weight to the fact that all this bad stuff happens to him and he still continues to fight. More powerful to me than just feeling guilty over his uncles death.
Well, an army will just make the team realize to work together. What Zemo did just defines perfection IMO. Although it appeared very convenient for him but still
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