sam raimi-isms really REALLY stick out when you watch any of his spiderman films now..

and amazing spiderman always felt way too much like 500 days of summer (but not in a good way.. better version of the twilight level awkwardness)

spiderman 2 is the only real contender to GOTG, but that's for a lot of the stuff they were pulling of back in '04!
GOTG got heart man, just caught the ending.. And some much going on

Grot sacrificing himself.. How starlord got the nickname.. Rocket crying cause he lost his boy.. Drax comforting rocket

Hell stepbrother telling starlord he still has a family because of them

People focus on the dance scene when that was part of a bigger plan
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Simple distraction to buy rocket time to fix up another weapon..

Just like Thor going on his soliloquy to distract ultron until vision could get in place to take him out with the hammer
Simple, terrible distraction. Really not even comparable to Thor in terms of just how bad it was.
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I feel the hate and overexaggerating of the dance scene is so tired.

Perhaps if they did that at the end of Civil War or The Dark Knight I can get feeling let down but I feel the topic is totally overblown :lol:

Ain't like Ronan was some super badass villain being taken out in the weakest way.
:lol: at backing that dumb *** dance after shredding so many lesser offenses in other films. Classic NT for ya. :nthat:
You can't comprehend.

I aint back any of it.

I just find the continued hate for that one scene to be over the top.

No surprise you wouldn't come running to say something given all the trash superhero movies you stand by that I have indeed shredded. Talking about lesser offenses :lol: Spare me your examples.
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It wasn't like they stopped fighting because their mothers had the same name..

Starlord saw they needed time for rocket to repair/make the weapon.. He danced, then drax fired the weapon.. Then starlord grabbed the infinity stone with others grabbing him to share the burden

Then they used the power of the stone to kill Ronan
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Ronan was the bigger tragedy here. Just loud and pointless pontificating. It worked so well Fox decided to copy it.
They wasted both great actors Lee Pace and Oscar Isaac on those roles.

Hope they got a nice payday.
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