...wasn't there a whole lot of comedy in Civil War anyway? I remember the entire airport scene being one big laugh-a-thon in the theater
Mark Millar just likes the old formula.

Probably thinks superhero movies shouldn't have depth and darker tones or if they do should have some hamfisted comedy just cuz.

Keep in mind this is from dude who brought us Civil War the comic which had no humor at all. Sure his independent comics got it in spades since he's writing it so they translate to movies but when he gets more serious with a genre his **** lacks humor (same with his Ultimates run).
Oh yeah, he did write the original comic :lol: His event started with a bus full of children getting blown to hell, featured graphic violence, had heroes throwing each other in jail, and ended with one big fist fight destroying large areas of a New York neighborhood, with the common people having to literally hold Captain America down to stop him from taking his war any further :lol: Who the **** is he to complain about a lack of comedy?
I just realized the most powerful person in the cinematic marvel universe is The Collector that has been introduced so far. Cause in all honesty The Collector could wash Thanos if he chose to.

I was watching something about the Pet Avengers and think their dog leader beat thanos too. So he lost to a dog and a squirrel.
I like Hawkeye. Should've been War Machine that died. Dude is useless and gets washed every movie by someone. War Machine is like the Krillin, Yamcha and Tien of DBZ. Good, but always catch a L.
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Nah that whole Bruce/Black Widow was worst. And the waste of Quicksilver. Don't get me started.

I like Hawkeye. Should've been War Machine that died. Dude is useless and gets washed every movie by someone. War Machine is like the Krillin, Yamcha and Tien of DBZ. Good, but can never catch a L.

Using that comparison, what if the Infinity Stones are the MCU's Dragon Balls (they kinda are) and Quicksilver is wished back to *reality and given soul, mind and power enough to do what Silver Surfer tried to do in the comic. :nerd:
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I was rewatching The Town a little while ago and didn't even realize that it was Jeremy Renner in there. He's legit good in that role too. Really good. I always thought he was pretty cardboard and had zero charisma like he is as Hawkeye or in Bourne Legacy and American Hustle. Maybe he only had the one performance in him. :\

Maybe the Russo's can make Hawkeye not wack anymore in Infinity War, because I doubt they'll kill the character off. Although they probably should, to free up a roster spot for someone better like Namor.
Fresh Like Will Fresh Like Will Does Marvel even have the rights to Namor? I vaguely remember it being mentioned in here before that they didn't. If they do though, i'd love for him to show up as a villain, attacking the surface world and trying to drown people.
Watching AoU. Its a good middle movie. Still wish Ultron was used better.
the more I rewatch it, the more I like it.. lil things.. anytime vision speaks you gotta listen and really think about what he's saying

and a lot of underappreciated scenes because a lot was going on.. like hulk buster scene didn't feel as big as it should have been just because you got so much going on before you get to that, but that's obviously a great scene 
Fresh Like Will Fresh Like Will Does Marvel even have the rights to Namor? I vaguely remember it being mentioned in here before that they didn't. If they do though, i'd love for him to show up as a villain, attacking the surface world and trying to drown people.

I thought they did, but now I remember what you just mentioned. They might not.
Not that I support massive deaths or anything, but i'd be happy to have Namor in the MCU so that he and Black Panther could develop the recent relationship they've had over the past few years, which is partially due to a massive body count being wracked up on the side of their respective nations

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(Obviously were such a scene to take place in the MCU, Beast and Mr. Fantastic wouldn't be there :lol: )

Besides that, Namor's just a nice character to have in your universe. Solid heavy hitter, who can add a good deal of force to every team. Plus, he expands your universe, through the mere existance of Atlantis, if nothing else. They've already started the move into magic with Doctor Strange. The Inhumans are getting coverage. Guardians is set in space for the most part and I assume that they'll eventually have another franchise out there too. Keep things going by introducing another species that lives on Earth, that still has its own separate history and culture, while also being able to serve as either an ally or an enemy at any point in time.
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Finally watched Dr. Strange, it was OK. Nothing really I'd have to watch again.
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