:lol:  That tantrum scene was pretty hilarious though.

I think it's time for me to start buying the blu-ray copies of all MCU films.

Does anyone here own every film? Thinking of going the steelbook route.

I have every MCU film including Hulk, all Fox Marvel films, and all Batman films from Batman to BvS on blu ray. Also have all the animated films as well.
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So what's left for the Miles animated movie since they took everything except the criminal father and uncle background?
Miles still has better friends and some of the original ones become heroes/have super powers.

Then there's also his mom being killed by Venom.

While an enjoyable run, Bendis has not churned out classic Miles stories or even fully flesh him out as a person or hero.
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had me thinkin she was in the movie
My bad man. I wish.
Miles still has better friends and some of the original ones become heroes/have super powers.

Then there's also his mom being killed by Venom.

While an enjoyable run, Bendis has not churned out classic Miles stories or even fully flesh him out as a person or hero.

Because he couldn't escape Peter's shadow. I swear there was a Peter or Spiderman reference damn near every issue. I got tired of it and stopped reading.
Miles still has better friends and some of the original ones become heroes/have super powers.

Then there's also his mom being killed by Venom.

While an enjoyable run, Bendis has not churned out classic Miles stories or even fully flesh him out as a person or hero.

Because he couldn't escape Peter's shadow. I swear there was a Peter or Spiderman reference damn near every issue. I got tired of it and stopped reading.
I didn't see it that way. Besides Miles is very much a legacy character.

I just think Bendis at that point in time just had no good or new/fresh innovative ideas to execute.

He blew his load on Daredevil and Avengers. His Ultimate Spidey run was more about the style than any of the stories which is why he killed Peter anyway.

:lol: Ragnarok ain't a familiar term here either.
Movie could've easily been called Thor: Apocalypse or Thor: Armageddon :lol:
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Bendis shouldn't really have been the main guy behind Miles

He point blank should be handled by a black writer
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I dropped the Miles book a while back. I wonder if BMB would actually let someone else write Miles. I'm excited for Spider-Men II, but I'm also weary of it because BMB's been slumping recently.
just watched Civil War on Netflix

Peter was telling Tony in his room that his senses are 11x sensitive without his goggles, but in Homecoming senses barely even used or mentioned.
Bendis shouldn't really have been the main guy behind Miles

Imagine if this is how things were handled.

Pretty sure somebody said the same dumb **** when Stan and Jack created T'Challa.

He point blank should be handled by a black writer

Miles Morales is just a legacy character of Spider-Man originally in an alternate universe line of Marvel comics no less. Created in what 2010? 2011?

I'm all for more black creators working at Marvel, especially the really good ones but I can't vibe with this identity politics blacks should write black characters, women should write women, lbgt should write left characters and so on. Its wild ignorant.

I definitely look forward to the day a talented black writer has a lengthy run on a book focusing on Miles but its not a should be the case situation.

Its crazy cuz this is the exact reason Preist was gone from Marvel for so long and **** really hasn't changed, among fandom no less.

I dropped the Miles book a while back. I wonder if BMB would actually let someone else write Miles. I'm excited for Spider-Men II, but I'm also weary of it because BMB's been slumping recently.
He was gonna leave the book after Secret Ware but then editors told them their plans for Miles and he loved it. So he stuck around motivated with a new direction and new ideas.

And to be clear, that's basically Miles becoming THE Spider-Man of NYC since SW.
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Refresh my memory, the Tinkerer never got arrested right? I know Shocker most likely did.

He should've got an end credits scene :lol:

Gets a new employer, only hear a voice. Turns out to be Kingpin. Spidey & DD team-up for the sequel :smokin
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Refresh my memory, the Tinkerer never got arrested right? I know Shocker most likely did.

He should've got an end credits scene :lol:

Gets a new employer, only hear a voice. Turns out to be Kingpin. Spidey & DD team-up for the sequel :smokin

That would be flames! [emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji][emoji]128293[/emoji]
He fought Bucky, Cap and Giant man. I say he's more than ready. He's just holding back against Vulture since he's Liz's dad :nerd: :smokin
He fought Bucky, Cap and Giant man. I say he's more than ready. He's just holding back against Vulture since he's Liz's dad :nerd: :smokin

He didn't fight giant man. He helped take him down. Bucky wasn't difficult to deal with. Cap washed him.
Didn't even know Thanos had a son!
All this inhuman stuff may actually add up in the long run
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Yea he mentioned it in conversation to his best friend after he found out he was Spider Man
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