I guess my statement was a little too emphatic, but damn if these people with hate in their heart aren't feeling empowered right now. :smh:

Nah, it's a death wail from a weakened, ragged, cornered animal. They know their time has come and gone. Inclusion and acceptance are completely wiping out exclusion and intolerance. These people only get mouthy when they're around each other or masked by online anonymity, and as we saw in Boston today they're gonna start getting afraid to try to get their gangs together in the face of coordinated counterprotests and municipal pushback. Stan was right in '68 (a MUCH uglier time than now, keep in mind), he's right now, and his words will be right 50, 100 and 1000 years from know. Dude was a visionary, in ways beyond superheroes.
I guess my statement was a little too emphatic, but damn if these people with hate in their heart aren't feeling empowered right now. :smh:

I dunno why I even tune into the political shows anymore. Scum political analysts supporting garbage and getting mad at people for being against evil.
We need RFX back. He was always on point with news and media. If amel can handle the threads without a dip in quality, let amel cook.
We aint never seent AmeL post news besides we don't need cap supporters leading the thread.
I can start posting news

@Methodical Management grant me thread starter powers on all of RFX's (RFX has taken a vacation) threads (except DC and power rangers and Disney) and I shall make all of his threads great again
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We need RFX back. He was always on point with news and media. If amel can handle the threads without a dip in quality, let amel cook.
He can't.

Similar to a certain scumbag he just wants the title of leader without putting in the work.

Its not even like RFX was given a title and then started putting in work. He just did.

Shows you the character of the person when they just want a title to feel important.
As long as all of the thread titles don't turn into "MARVEL CAP UNIVERSE Thread Vol. Captain America Appreciation because we all love Cap amirite? Big boobs are icky. No one likes Tony."
Na I want the title to be able to make polls and change thread titles lol
You don't need that.

Especially polls.

No reason to change thread title right now as far as as it pertains to MCU news.

Ragnarok's the next movie. Anything else MCU is being handled by the Marvel Netflix thread. No big MCU news since Spidey came out.
I'm the threadleader you guys need if it came to that. I actually post news. Smh at Amel wanting to kick Rfx off the throne after being gone for only like 2 weeks.
Oh y'all thought I was gonna let rfx45 rfx45 slide for that gif? You have 24 hrs to bring me the F4 rights to give back to Marvel or RFX gets it.

I'm a man of my word

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