so it's true...

How cool would it have been to NOT have the end of the credits scene and that lame "thanos will return" at the end...

That was my only gripe with the movie.. they had the execution down perfect with that ending . They would have had everyone shook till the next film .. it would have had a game of thrones feel to it

The "So and So will return" credit is a staple of MCU films. I don't have a problem with the credits saying that Thanos will return. I think the bigger problem is the fact that news broke out ahead of the film that Black Panther and Spider-Man will have sequels. I think they should have kept that under wraps longer if possible. It pretty much implies that these deaths aren't permanent which might upset/confuse casual viewers (people who've read Infinity Gauntlet have an idea of what might happen).
The "So and So will return" credit is a staple of MCU films. I don't have a problem with the credits saying that Thanos will return. I think the bigger problem is the fact that news broke out ahead of the film that Black Panther and Spider-Man will have sequels. I think they should have kept that under wraps longer if possible. It pretty much implies that these deaths aren't permanent which might upset/confuse casual viewers (people who've read Infinity Gauntlet have an idea of what might happen).

You know it's not permanent when spiderman is the highest grossing super hero and it's not even close lol it would have some belief if they didn't do the end of the credits.. imagine everyone in your theater waiting , waiting , waiting and then boom no end credits.. makes infinity war seem more believable that the heroes wont be back.. and the black panther movie and spiderman sequel would be before the infinity war .. but I guess it may be too dark for Disney
Even if they didn’t mention that both Spider-Man and Black Panther we’re getting sequels they still would be the least likely to “die” since they were so new to the MCU. I really wasn’t thinking about their movie contracts during their ash scenes. I was more caught up in the story of what will happen next.
It’d be great if the spiderman and black panther sequels actually have different characters playing the roles. Like yup, parker and t’challa are staying erased.
Actually can you imagine if the movie is marketed with and starts off with different actors...

Like Shuri will groom herself to be T'Challa's replacement... And Miles will be spidey for the Homecoming sequel... And then towards the end both originals come back.
he's against using magic though, no? he left in the end to stop those who uses them so i am not sure dude would help
Nah, he's against the unbalanced use of magic. He's all about order and control and if that doesn't happen he'll kill the perpetrators cuz he believes ppl just using magic all Willy nilly will result in grave consequences.

Like the revelation that the Ancient One was using Dormammu dark magic or w/e that resulted in Kacellius killing nearly all of the other masters of the mystic arts and Dormammu almost enslaving Earth.

It can go either way with him. He might agree with Thanos' theory since there'll be less ppl using magic for their own means or he may be against it cuz Thanos used the stones and created an unbalance in a different direction. Like if Wong is dead then Mordo is the last know magic user on the planet. It'd be much harder for him on his own to prevent Dormammu from invading or any other demon or devil.
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so one of the vids that talk about the movie, one of the panelist's theory was what if they (the dusted) weren't dead and that they were teleported in a different planet/universe and the sequels were taken place there?
that's why I wasn't too thrilled about anyone coming back to life in the MCU because it opens a can of worms

deaths lose credibility if anyone can come back to life and not in a "i pretended to be dead way" like loki does

i know it can be said that "they're not dead, they're in the souls stone" but it still feels like a cop out, might as well have Stark wake up all of a sudden everything was just a dream and he was in the cave from IM1 all along and never really got out :lol:
The reason why I don't like fake deaths is one day they're going to do a real one and it just won't have the same impact. I was hoping the mcu would stay away from it..
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