Finished up a 2nd viewing earlier today

Gamora kinda wack for not just offing herself when they got to Knowhere and realized he was there. Also for caving so quick for a cot damn half sister who hated you for most of your relationship.

Also, when they open up the barrier why isn’t Buck running with Cap and BP :nerd:. If anything BP shoulda been faster than both.

The spidey IM scene still got me but that Rocket Groot end hit me this time around too.

Thor and Strange definitely held the movie down; outside Thanos this is their film
Thanos has earned the top spot on my mcu character list. He did what he needed to do. I know the snap won't last but Glad he dusted all those characters other than BP.
Looks like I was right about BP making more than Infinity War here in US.

An estimated 650 domestic finish is still really good

BP was a perfect storm of many many variables

IW also hasn't been out that long yet

Cool your jets guys lol
6 / 8

- What a damn good use of an intro scene -- Thanos washing Hulk was surprising
- The somber tone was nicely balanced with jokes
- Dr. Strange sacrificing the stone for Stark -- some compelling character development there vs. how they interacted in the beginning
- I damn near cried when Thor landed on Wakanda -- what a perfect use of the theme music
- Things felt very disjointed -- I get it: they were trying to pack in multiple plots
- Thanos' goal is basically how some of those Bilderberg members think: extreme version of world-wide eugenics
- After-credits scene had me dying with the Sam Jackson "motherf---r"
- So is Cap Marvel gonna end up washing Thanos?
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I think they hit home Thanos raw strength pretty well when he washed Hulk without even using the powerstone. **** was like a Squash match
Not to me, he seemed only a little stronger than Hulk and won by outfighting him. Also, Cap held him back for a little, and he's weaker that Spiderman as far as strength. He just seemed more powerful in the comics(other than the time her got killed by Drax). This version doesn't even look like he can take on Hulk and Thor, when in the comic he would pimp-slapping them back to back.
He did take each of them on though, probably would’ve beat both at the same time. He ate whatever hulk hit him with. Also ate when stormbringer was put in his chest.
He did take each of them on though, probably would’ve beat both at the same time. He ate whatever hulk hit him with. Also ate when stormbringer was put in his chest.

I felt like he was hanging on by a few threads when he took that axe to the chest. He had just enough strength to lift his hand and snap his fingers. That was a lethal blow.
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