Just read something about Civil War. Basically blah blah blah the film has to establish that both characters has to have actions that are deemed questionable and create a gray are in which fans can understand both arguments. In the comics, Spiderman was in the middle area, in the film, Black Panther will most likely take his place. AOU is said to be a global film so whatever happens to that film opens the floodgates and BP being tangled in their mess. I'm curious about his involvement in Civil War. I'm guessing by the end of AOU, he'll somehow side with Cap.
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Mark Millar on Marvel adapting Civil War:

"They’re a money machine, they’re amazing. Whatever they do is gonna be a billion dollar movie and it’ll be great. You know as a fanboy I grew up, since I was 4 or 5 I planned to be Spider-Man. Even now I still think it’s possible! I couldn’t be more relaxed about it. Almost any other studio could screw it up. I’ll just show up on the night and enjoy the film."

Shots at Fox?
Doubt it.. Fox seems to be the only people who really value his opinion on projects so i don't know if he'd diss them
What makes peter so good?

Dude is a character you laugh at, not with. He's only popular because it is fascinating that someone cant get his act together even with genius intellect. Also Marvel does prioritize him.

Superior Spidey will always be the best Spidey.
can you give me some cliffs to the differences between ASM and SSM comics portrayal of peter?

wanna make an effort to get into the comics this year
can you give me some cliffs to the differences between ASM and SSM comics portrayal of peter?

wanna make an effort to get into the comics this year

Amazing - Quirky kid with annoying one liners. Part of his character is that he can never get his ducks in a row. To some he is a funny man.

Superior - Doc Ock was able to put his brain in Peter's body (why no telepaths could figure this out is beyond me). He declares he will be a Superior spidey to what peter was. Spends the next 30some issues cleaning up peters life. But he is an ***hole who doesnt know how to keep friends so he annoys everyone to death and everyone hates him, but that is part of the humor. Luke Cage beating his *** was hilarious.
:lol:  at these fan boys defending a washed up drunk
But you over here defending a drug addict.

If you want to bring up comic facts, Cap was hooked on drugs in the 80s or 90s. Streets of rage style.

dude was stuck doing show tunes but some how found a way to gain everyones respect and save america
He aint save ****. He stopped one mad man. Cap didn't even put the hands on Hitler.

Gains everybody's respect? Please. Of course America propped up the white man draped in the flag that was already the poster boy for the war.
sure peter parker is smart, he would have probably gone to harvard and helped start up facebook if he didnt get bit by a spider. still would be a regular dude though
What are you even saying?

What would Cap be without his super life changing drug? That's right a handicap with heart or an old man with a weak heart.

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Is this not the definition of someone who would get their shoulders clapped?

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guess you didnt watch the montage of cap leading his team in and out of battle after battle, and after all the fighting they take down hydra while only losing one member of the team. 
That was the same lame mission though; hunting down the Red Skull. Weak *** montage of him doing what exactly?

cap is busy training to get better after saving NY while mental ****** tony stark locks himself up in his basement making suits out of card board 
Yet who is funding the Avengers? Who gets the ball rolling in protecting the world cuz Cap was dumb enough to tell Fury not to rebuild SHIELD (even though Fury said **** that and had Coulson rebuild it anyway)?

It's obvious Tony went with quantity over quality because in Avengers it was 6 against an army which led to NYC being destroyed. It only makes sense to have an army of armors for the next invasion.

But I'm sure Cap with his great strategic mind would come up with some bull **** to get more ppl killed.
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dudes with clappable shoulders always crack me up 

frail as **** 
cap is busy training to get better after saving NY while mental ****** tony stark locks himself up in his basement making suits out of card board 
Yet who is funding the Avengers? Who gets the ball rolling in protecting the world cuz Cap was dumb enough to tell Fury not to rebuild SHIELD (even though Fury said **** that and had Coulson rebuild it anyway)
exactly, tony is the lame friend of the group that people only put up with because he has a nice house to chill at

what did tony's suit army do? cap took down all of hydra/shield with his black sidekick and black widow. iron man needed the help of his black sidekick AND 50 ironman suits (pretty sure one of them was beta ray bill) to take out like 5 guys

you want to talk about cap not wanting to rebuild shield because he doesnt trust the government (very logical thing to do in this day and age) how about tony blowing up all his suits because he doesnt want his wife to get mad at him 

now he's about to create ultron because he doesnt know any better
What makes peter so good?

Dude is a character you laugh at, not with. He's only popular because it is fascinating that someone cant get his act together even with genius intellect. Also Marvel does prioritize him.

Superior Spidey will always be the best Spidey.
What exactly makes Ock better?

Son was a failure. He was a mental ****** obsessed with being better than the dude consistently defeated him for years. Did you read the entire series? Son gave up. His whole thing was about being superior to Pete but then in the end he gives up and says only Peter could save the day. Couldn't beat the Green Goblin. Almost got his little person lover killed.

Superior was cool cuz he did things differently than Pete and was funny cuz of how he talked but overall nah.

If you just don't like Peter fine but you don't got an argument propping up a failure.
cap is busy training to get better after saving NY while mental ****** tony stark locks himself up in his basement making suits out of card board 
Yet who is funding the Avengers? Who gets the ball rolling in protecting the world cuz Cap was dumb enough to tell Fury not to rebuild SHIELD (even though Fury said **** that and had Coulson rebuild it anyway)
exactly, tony is the lame friend of the group that people only put up with because he has a nice house to chill at
So it's lame to be rich now? :lol:

Is that where we're at? Knocking the wealthy for being wealthy? Trying to frame it like he's a lame and is only good for a nice house? Like I said bruh there is no MCU without Tony Stark.

Who saved the day in the Avengers? Who risked his life when it counted the most?

what did tony's suit army do?
Stopped AIM, saved the POTUS, etc.

Keep in mind he was done with them and was prepping for the next invasion not some extremis virus or w/e. Son changed his mind and decided to self destruct them in the end. Focused on getting the shrapnel out his heart and wanted to enjoy his life doing what's right with Pepper.
cap took down all of hydra/shield with his black sidekick and black widow.
You say that as if Hydra is completely defeated. All they did was stop them. Agents of SHIELD are cleaning up after Steve cuz he lacks follow through.

iron man needed the help of his black sidekick AND 50 ironman suits (pretty sure one of them was beta ray bill) to take out like 5 guys
So? 50 suits he built.

Tony hasn't pumped himself with experimental drugs. Sorry.

Not to mention it was every non secret Hydra member of SHIELD that helped Steve stop Hydra.
you want to talk about cap not wanting to rebuild shield because he doesnt trust the government (very logical thing to do in this day and age)
Cap said no cuz he didn't trust Fury. His excuse was simply the gov't being duped by Hydra. It's not like it mattered cuz Fury aint listen to his dumb strategic *** anyway and made sure SHIELD continued and was renewed under Coulson.
how about tony blowing up all his suits because he doesnt want his wife to get mad at him 
What wife?

Tony blew up the suits cuz he wanted to. Cuz he wanted to be with Pepper and actually have a life after going through a real near death experience in Avengers. Same reason he did the surgery. You think it aint nothing for him to build 100 more suits if he wants?

You keep talking about Avengers 2 like you already saw it ignoring that Tony just built a hulkbuster suit. Building suits, blowing them up, and building more isn't a problem for Tony Stark. As you like to bring up in a negative light, he is rich.
now he's about to create ultron because he doesnt know any better
Again you aint seen the movie bruh. Stick to the facts
F4 trailer is out. It "looks" decent. Appears to be more of a sci fi film instead of an actual superhero film. It also appears to be based on the ultimate F4

Trailer reminded me of Interstellar and Transcendence but not so much in a good way :lol:

:lol: @ Ben Grimm's house having their last name on it. Still not buying Bell as Grimm even though I like Bell as an actor.

Trailer wasn't bad horrible trash though. Definitely leaned heavily on sci-fi rather than a superhero flick. I can have some faint hope that Doom the online blogger thing was not true now.

The Ultimate F4 origins is all over this for sure but I bet they're not teleporting to the N-Zone.
Yeah. They do teleport to the negative zone. That's where most of the trailer takes place( early on)

It probably isn't exactly like it though because I don't think we're getting hooved Doom
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It would be cool to see F4 return from the negative zone and end up in the MCU.
If this F4 is as good as First Class, I would be pretty damn surprised and happy
I've been saying it for a while that I don't think this film will be as near as bad as people expect it. However, I think it's going to be meh just like First Class, and apparently that's just enough for them to keep the rights and eventually make that X-Men crossover.
It'd be a huge upgrade from the last F4 movies but still not the best F4 possible.
Exactly. It won't be as bad as the previous trilogy, still don't expect it to be great in any way.
I'm surprised y'all are arguing about Cap vs Iron Man in the movie called


I'm sorry but I don't see any universe where Marvel gets rid of a young Chris Evans as Captain America and keeps a mid-50s Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man...especially in a movie titled as one of the superheroes.

You silly.
Who said anything about getting rid of one or the other or the argument even being about who would be right in that movie? :lol: That doesn't even make sense to argue who Marvel is getting rid of when there's been no signs of that. After Infinity War Tony Stark will still be around even if he isn't played by RDJR. Evans is the one that's flip flopped from wanting to stop acting to wanting to keep doing Marvel movies though while RDJR wants to do a IM4 even if it sucks.

This was just the usual Iron Man is a better character/superhero than Cap argument peppered with some Spidey talk where once again it was proved Iron Man to be better.
I'm surprised y'all are arguing about Cap vs Iron Man in the movie called


I'm sorry but I don't see any universe where Marvel gets rid of a young Chris Evans as Captain America and keeps a mid-50s Robert Downey Jr as Iron Man...especially in a movie titled as one of the superheroes.

You silly.
Nobody told you breh? Caps dying....eventually. There's no way escaping it.
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