Lol. Damn it

The FF trailer actually looks good.

Only qualms is it looks like they tried so the hard to make the movie look grounded that it doesn't look like a superhero flick
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Few more details on the opening moments of AOU
“As Stark is flying the ship, [Robert] Downey Jr. goes and sits in the pilot’s seat. [Jeremy] Renner lies down on a table in the middle of the jet and clutches his stomach while a fake drip is attached to his arm. It’s clear that, whatever went down at von Strucker’s, it has left the Avengers’ ace archer in considerable distress.

As the dialogue plays out, it becomes clear that [Mark Ruffalo's] Bruce Banner has Hulked out, or what he calls a “code green,” during the assault on Strucker’s fortress, and is deeply troubled by it. [Scarlett Johansson's] Natasha tries to reassure him – ‘If you hadn’t been there, there would have been double the casualties.’ Banner grimaces, and replies with, ‘You know, sometimes exactly what I want to hear isn’t exactly what I want to hear.’

Seeking back-up, Natasha turns to [Chris Hemsworth's] Norse god. ‘Thor, report on the Hulk?’ she asks. Hemsworth immediately lights up and lets rip with a rousing tribute to all the violence unleashed by the Hulk, filled with words like ‘screams’ and ‘victims’ and ‘whimpering.’ Seeing that it has the opposite effect to that intended on Banner, the God of Thunder turns God of Blunter, stammering and stumbling, digging himself deeper into a hole.”
yea.. we're going to get WS or falcon or hell even both as cap at some point..

not to say that it lasts forever.. but rodgers is going to go away for a bit
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I actually like the trailer a lot. And from there it looked like Tellar would of been a good Peter and dude also has the humor to be Spidey. :nerd:
yea.. we're going to get WS or falcon or hell even both as cap at some point..

not to say that it lasts forever.. but rodgers is going to go away for a bit
It's pointing towards WS seeing how dude who plays him has a 6 picture deal.
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Mackie has gone on record saying he'd do how ever many movies Marvel wants. I think he really loves this
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I never liked benevolent Zemo either but I wonder if that's the route the MCU will take since they don't have Doom.

Zemo is their next highly loved villain. I can feel it.
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If they want Zemo to make up for lack of Doom there's no way he goes benevolent.

If anything he'd be worse in the movies than Doom just to drive that point forward. Plus if they ever did go the OG Thunderbolts route that'd be a bit dark too.
I watched Winter Soldier again the other day, and I just can't get over the fact that Marvel has made Captain America my favorite Avenger. I honestly had zero interest in a roided out soldier draped in an American flag, but credit to Evans, the directors who have helmed the franchise and the writing/storytelling.

And another thing, Marvel really has their talent locked down. As excited as I'd like to be for the future DC projects, it seems like they're just scrambling for leftovers (minus Jared Leto).

Late but, I share the same sentiments.
I wonder if Zemo already has connections with Cap, or is this the son of OG Zemo we will see in the film?
Curious to see how far they go with Von strucker in the movies.. And don't forget they showed designs for dr zola's robot in the first cap movie, so that's still in play for future cap movies
Love how marvel incorporated lower end villains in ws.. Had batroc and dr Zola.. Then Von strucker in the after credits

Would love to see graviton at some point.. Also would love to see michael korvac
Kang would be to the Avengers what Apocalypse will be for X-Men.

Marvel would be so on point with Kang.

Marvel is entering dangerous territory though.

As much of a fanboy as all of us are, if they get too deep into their plotlines ripped from the current comics, they could lose the "uninformed" audience. If they don't go deep enough they could lose us.

They really gotta play their cards right with these upcoming movies.
Kang would be to the Avengers what Apocalypse will be for X-Men.

Marvel would be so on point with Kang.

Marvel is entering dangerous territory though.

As much of a fanboy as all of us are, if they get too deep into their plotlines ripped from the current comics, they could lose the "uninformed" audience. If they don't go deep enough they could lose us.

They really gotta play their cards right with these upcoming movies.
It's already been shown that they don't have to adhere to the comics 100%. Take certain elements and do their own thing with it.
info on this Kang fellow?? 
info on this Kang fellow?? 
I forget his origin, but it's nothing fantastic. Time travelling gawd is how I'd sum him up.

He was born in the future as well. I believe he just like travelling to different time periods and conquering the world in that period. Hence his name Kang The Conqueror.
Just off the top of my head...

Kang is a time traveller from the 31st Century and wanted to either shape the world to his favor by time travelling back, and/or destroy the avengers because of something they do/create that ruins the future.

Kang is a super interesting character because he potentially could be on par with Thanos as a threat because he understands the time stream, crazy intelligent, and has 31st century weapons.

He had 3 incarnations I know of: Kang, Rama-tut, and Immortus.

Rama-tut is interesting because I believe Kang time travelled back to ancient Egypt to become Rama-tut and enslave the egyptian civilization. Also interesting is that En Sabah Nur (Apocalypse) was coming into power at the same time and posed a major threat to Rama-tut(Kang).

Immortus is interesting too because he becomes the custodian of the time stream because he's basically Kang who lived until all time stopped. He's actually in one of the X-men TAS cartoons where Bishop ends up in the time stream trying to stop Apocalypse and meets Immortus.

Anybody interested in this type of stuff I highly recommend the Avengers Forever Trade.
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Just off the top of my head...

Kang is a time traveller from the 31st Century and wanted to either shape the world to his favor by time travelling back, and/or destroy the avengers because of something they do/create that ruins the future.

Kang is a super interesting character because he potentially could be on par with Thanos as a threat because he understands the time stream, crazy intelligent, and has 31st century weapons.

He had 3 incarnations I know of: Kang, Rama-tut, and Immortus.

Rama-tut is interesting because I believe Kang time travelled back to ancient Egypt to become Rama-tut and enslave the egyptian civilization. Also interesting is that En Sabah Nur (Apocalypse) was coming into power at the same time and posed a major threat to Rama-tut(Kang).

Immortus is interesting too because he becomes the custodian of the time stream because he's basically Kang who lived until all time stopped. He's actually in one of the X-men TAS cartoons where Bishop ends up in the time stream trying to stop Apocalypse and meets Immortus.

Anybody interested in this type of stuff I highly recommend the Avengers Forever Trade.
The Avengers had nothing to do with it from what I remember. He traveled back to this century and met up with Dr. Doom for whatever reason. He sought to go back to his time in the 30th century, and some Stan Lee science occurred and he ended up in the 40th century. He conquered the people of that time and got bored (the 40th century was a barbaric, dying world), so he wanted to travel back again and he eventually met up and got washed by the Avengers.
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