I know. I'm not taking everything he said as fact, but the Ant-Man stuff just looks believable to me. It kinda answers the question to why end Phase II with Ant-Man and shows how Pym fits into the larger narrative.
I hope it is true because I really liked those rumors but Im not betting on it.
I also hope it is a skrull/chitauri version of hank pym and it sets up Secret Invasion for Phase 4. Unlikely with how much green theyd need for the necessary skrull army scene.
I hate Skrulls. I hate shapeshifters period. I'd imagine they won't deal with that until after Inhumans come out.
That storyline for him always sucked.

It just drives home how worthless Hank Pym is. Pym starts doing important stuff that changes and shapes the MU? Nah it was just a shape shifting alien planted to prepare for an invasion. Same for Spider-Woman, robbed her of a few years of stories and character development.

If they ever bring Secret Invasion to film I hope they use different heroes as the surprises.
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I wonder if Feige has the pull to push for Spidey to be Miles. I didn't really think of that until I just saw some pics elsewhere.

That'd be another major move.
UPDATE: According to a report from the Wrap, Andrew Garfield will not reprise his role as Spider-Man.

We need more girls by then so we can guess who Queen Veranke is
Make Queen Vernake Maria Hill or switch it up and it's a dude.

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Wallstreet Journal confirms that Spidey will appear in Civil War first. Kind of a given but a report is always good from a valid source. And Sin6 film still in works.

The Wall Street Journal has some very interesting details about the Marvel Studios/Sony Pictures Spider-Man deal, and they reveal that it was still dead as of December. Obviously that rumoured "Spidey Summit" in January changed things, and Marvel will now have to scramble to make some changes to Captain America: Civil War as the site has heard from their studio insiders that it is indeed the movie which Spider-Man will first appear in (which was obvious, but not guaranteed at such a late stage).

As for Sinister Six, they add that while it will no longer be released next November, "The studio will rethink its approach to the film, which remains in development, in light of the new agreement with Marvel."

Need to be subscribed to read the full article though: http://www.wsj.com/articles/marvel-and-sony-reach-deal-on-spider-man-movie-production-1423546677
Don't know how correct that 2nd part is. RVD posted that S6 is canceled for now.

Remaining in development just means we need to wait to see if Feige will say yes :smokin
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My dude lamekilla was right there with you when the People didn't believe... Let my dude Flourish

Also this is awesome. Spidey where he belongs. My favorite character... Yea don't need an origin story. Something like an episode from the carton series where his origin was explained in like 5 mins :lol:
While separate reports confirm that Andrew Garfield is definitely OUT as Peter Parker (in case that wasn't clear in the annoucement), Deadline has confirmed that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 producers Avi Arad and Matt Tolmach "will become exec producers going forward."
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Still think Spider-Man will be mostly a self contained story. They'll use CW to relaunch him, he'll have his own film and then probably play a minor part in IW.

Don't think he'll be a major Phase 4 player but it's way to early.. Comic Con this year is gonna be insane :lol:

Is Sony still doing that Spidey conference thing?
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:x the less Sony people the better!

Lol the script for Civil War is going through more changes :lol:

Jake Gyllenhaal for spidey please.
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All you need is a mid-credit scene. I don't believe the plot will be altered at all.
I would love to see Spidey debut in AoU though.

I'd keep my idea where different heroes (and some villains) take out some Ultron bots here and there, maybe show in news clips and such. You know Daredevil, Luke Cage, Ghostrider (no need to cast him, just cgi the flaming head), Punisher, etc... Then show Spidey take out a bot too to finish that clip and you'll have fanboys pissing their pants in the theater.
I would love to see Spidey debut in AoU though.

I'd keep my idea where different heroes (and some villains) take out some Ultron bots here and there, maybe show in news clips and such. You know Daredevil, Luke Cage, Ghostrider (no need to cast him, just cgi the flaming head), Punisher, etc... Then show Spidey take out a bot too to finish that clip and you'll have fanboys pissing their pants in the theater.
they are already finished filming the movie though 
I would love to see Spidey debut in AoU though.

I'd keep my idea where different heroes (and some villains) take out some Ultron bots here and there, maybe show in news clips and such. You know Daredevil, Luke Cage, Ghostrider (no need to cast him, just cgi the flaming head), Punisher, etc... Then show Spidey take out a bot too to finish that clip and you'll have fanboys pissing their pants in the theater.
they are already finished filming the movie though 
Guess he's talking about like a 30sec all around the "world" type scene somewhere in the 3rd act of the movie if there's multiple Ultrons around the world terrorizing ppl part of the plot.
they are already finished filming the movie though 
Scenes can be added in no time. It could be a small montage
true but to do a 5 second spiderman action scene would take a month to get all the cgi looking right

easy to do when its just the avengers at a table eating in costume, takes a lot more time to have spiderman jumping around doing spiderman things
Luckily Daredevil is coming out in April because the wait is killing me. AOU starts all of this awesomness off.
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