Agent Carter
I mean Van wilder was a cheap frat house comedy movie. It's not like it was that popular. Atwell is foreign and doesn't fit into the mold of what Hollywood is looking for in women leads. I think she's great but HW would just see her as to fat to be a lead

This is my point, the mold is dumb and isn't even good and consistently generating bankable stars.
Look at all the completely average square jawed white guys has Hollywood tried to push on us Taylor Kistch? Chris Pine? Josh Duhamel?

whats worse is even after they fail misrably they KEEP trying. :lol:

My Asian brother Daniel Henney got a small role in that wolverine origins movie and I haven't seen him in a movie since. He did voice work for Big Hero 6 but I think he mostly works in Korea now.

In the other thread we mentioned how Brandon Lee was going to be the chosen one and a huge action star.
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Chris Pine is doing very well though and probably the most talented of those 3 listed.
Agent Carter
I mean Van wilder was a cheap frat house comedy movie. It's not like it was that popular. Atwell is foreign and doesn't fit into the mold of what Hollywood is looking for in women leads. I think she's great but HW would just see her as to fat to be a lead

This is my point, the mold is dumb and isn't even good and consistently generating bankable stars.
I agree but I'm not an old white guy running a film studio. If love to see more blacc people, Asians and less skinny women in more roles.
What's the name of that white dude from the notebook and drive
He could play spidey
He also kinda reminds me of Peter Parker from the 90's cartoon

Ryan Gosling
Taylor Kitsch is horrible. No idea who Josh Duhamel is.

I actually like Chris Pine.
Kitsch aint that bad, he's just not a star, but he's a fine 2 or 3 guy.

Also expect Duhamel to have a revival. He's one of the leads in the new show created by Vince Gilligan "Battle Creek"

Hopefully he shows out. always liked him. 
Can't believe we still haven't seen actual movie stills or cgi's of Vision, just leaked merchandise and marketing artworks.

Idk why they're saving Vision footage like that. Probably would've been better to have saved the Hulkbuster footage for the film instead.
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I want to see a 25-29 Spidey. I would have liked to see Miles Teller. Dude seems cool and nerdy . To bad hole is with F4
I'm late on the party, but is best to say my homie LameKilla deserves a well earned apology from all of us nay-sayers or did it happen already....

A lot of them are hiding, BigJ, Zik, Osh Kosh Bosh, sunshine blotters, they're hurting right now

But infinity wars will be pushed back....and black panthers role will be much more detailed than we think in the MCU.........
I posted already and still maintained my position. And everyone else has posted as well, so no one is hiding from the likes of you.

You were annoying and polluted threads with your obsessive talk. I still don't think the that 75th anniversary cover meant anything and your theories were just tiresome to read and I ended up skipping over all of it. And I disagreed with the idea that Marvel NEEDED Spiderman and Avengers 3 would gross 3 billion or whatever crazy numbers people think.

You earn some credit for being so passionate... yet that passion went way above and beyond 
 I'm not hurting, I'm excited at the possibilities.

I hope Spiderman's inclusion doesn't negatively affect the other characters and films, that's my only concern. 
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I posted already and still maintained my position. And everyone else has posted as well, so no one is hiding from the likes of you.

You were annoying and polluted threads with your obsessive talk. I still don't think the that 75th anniversary cover meant anything and your theories were just tiresome to read and I ended up skipping over all of it. And I disagreed with the idea that Marvel NEEDED Spiderman and Avengers 3 would gross 3 billion or whatever crazy numbers people think.

You earn some credit for being so passionate... yet that passion went way above and beyond :lol:  I'm not hurting, I'm excited at the possibilities.

I hope Spiderman's inclusion doesn't negatively affect the other characters and films, that's my only concern. 

Bruh just let the man flourish...he earned it :rofl:
Bruh stop cheerleading from the sidelines.

I give him his credit for passion, doesn't change the fact that his constant back and forths were annoying to read.

Zik deserves some blame too for always engaging him 
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