i disagree in regards to thor. his acting in iw was his best. the opening scene when he is held back. the eyes and silent scream when loki gets killed. that was a1. also when he is in the gotg ship and tells them what he has lost and his lines when creating the ax. thor really shined acting wise in iw.

I need Hemsworth to do some Shakespeare next. Or for the disney network, a show where the avengers act plays and musicals.

That’s definitely America’s A**
Tony seeing and talking to his dad....hit me in my heart man. I wish I could talk to my dad as a young man. Would be amazing.

My mans thought his dad never loved him cause he was a teenager then he was hit with the
this job is hard cause ive been picking the greater good over my own and he isnt alive yet but ill do everything for him man the feels and him finally being able to hug his dad for real i almost cried
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If all the women being in spot in the middle of the battle is “forced”, then when the OG 6 just happened to all meet in the same spot in NY and create a circle is “forced.”

They probably practiced that circle formation and knew when to do it.
Wasnt forced at all, then we wonder why most women can’t relate with our love for comic books...to say that a girl power scene amongst a majority male driven movie is “forced” is some real sexist ****

That scene was beautiful.

Dude that is your opinion. Thats great that you enjoyed that scene. Just because i felt it seemed forced you labeling people? In this "male driven" movie the strongest character is a woman who had a separate movie break records? I think they are relating.
I still enjoyed the movie. That scene just made me laugh.
He got the tesseract but then we still saw him in his jail cell when Thor and Rocket sneaked past it in Asgard.
He got the tesseract but then we still saw him in his jail cell when Thor and Rocket sneaked past it in Asgard.

Hulk and the Ancient One talked about it. Loki taking the tesseract didn’t effect that current timeline but instead created a separate timeline.
If all the women being in spot in the middle of the battle is “forced”, then when the OG 6 just happened to all meet in the same spot in NY and create a circle is “forced.”

If you wanna get technical, wasn't the plan to get them all focused on the team so that they wouldn’t spread out further into the city? It’d make sense they formed up in the middle and were surrounded by the Chittari.

The girls forming like Voltron in mid battle made me roll my eyes but I get it so it wasn’t that big of an issue to me after. I’m sure that image will be on posters and it’s a shame Black Widow didn’t get to be a part of that though as she’s the og MCU chick, no disrespect to Pepper fans.
Dude that is your opinion. Thats great that you enjoyed that scene. Just because i felt it seemed forced you labeling people? In this "male driven" movie the strongest character is a woman who had a separate movie break records? I think they are relating.
I still enjoyed the movie. That scene just made me laugh.

You sound upset women are getting some shine and it’s obvious...that scene being great isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact...if you as a man feel triggered by it, then own up to your sexist agenda...sad that one of the more symbolic moments of the film you find to be a joke...
That’s her thing.

She’s not some Amazon or bombshell like Wonder Woman or Black Widow.

Her swag is supposed to be AWG, so any girl can relate to her.

The sexiest thing about her is her smoky expressive eyes.

Don’t think they meant for the character to be super sexy.
Lol stop all this NOW. She is trash and a waste
It just looked forced. Specifically signaling all the women characters fighting in this massive war for this “epic” scene. I get what the studio execs r trying to do but they could of integrated it better.

I agree, it did feel slightly forced but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy/love that scene! I literally was yellin in the theater “GET EM GIRLS!!” Lol

Jus my opinion tho
Hulk and the Ancient One talked about it. Loki taking the tesseract didn’t effect that current timeline but instead created a separate timeline.

Ok. So does Cap going back and being with Peggy create another timeline too and those #notmysteve fools complaining about him messing up history doesn’t matter?
I agree, it did feel slightly forced but that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy/love that scene! I literally was yellin in the theater “GET EM GIRLS!!” Lol

Jus my opinion tho

Like why are men triggered by it, forced or not, they can’t show the girls some love in this film? They can’t stomach a character like Capt Marvel? Dudes acting like 5 year olds in their boys only tree house.
It’s crazy to me how they called Cap “The Man Out of Time.” But in the end he was “The Man Given Time”

He went back in time to finally get the chance to dance with the girl he loved and spend a life with her!

BRUHHHHHHHHHH they wrapped up his story masterfully

Also my favorite moment from the movie was when Cap said “Avengers Asemble” BRUHHHHHH I GOT UP OUT OF MY SEAT AND CLAPPED!! Perfect execution!
What a masterpiece of a movie. I'm not using a Spoiler cause if you havent seen the movie why the hell you in here anyways? Lol
My thoughts:

- Antman is probably the real MVP. If he hadnt come back and put everyone one up on game, they wouldnt even had tried...
- Or maybe that rat is the MVP. If it didnt happen to randomly walk across the equipment to turn it back on Antman wouldnt have come back lol
- Loved all the comic book easter eggs. Earthquake's underneath Wakanda, definitely Namor (BP 2 is gonna be dope), The OG Ant Man helmet on Pym's desk in the 70's, The Cap "Hail Hydra" (Secret Empire Storyline), Cap being worthy enough to pick up Mjolnir, Falcon becoming the new Captain America
- Fat Thor was hilarious! Now that Gunn is back on GotG part 3 is gonna be Hilarious with Thor lol
- I would'nt mind a Ruffalo Hulk movie now :smile: I'm a fan of Smart Hulk
- Loki is definately around lurking again....
- Captain Marvel's new hair cut (a call to her current Comic look)
- I am kinda bothered that 5 years was lost. Idk why, maybe cause it leads to some plot holes? but I kinda wished they went back to the Wakanda fight scence and finished it all there. Could've been the same exact fight just somehow they went back 5 years.
- I hope the Russo's do X-Men. I have complete faith in them bringing my favorite childhood hero's to Cinematic glory.

And lastely my theory:

We know that there will be some shows on the Disney + app one of which is Scarlet Witch and another being Loki. It may not happen in the shows but I think once we get X-men, they will both be involved somehow with Loki using his magic causing her to go House of M but in a diiferent way. Those events will somehow lead to the return of Iron Man , Captain America and maybe even Quicksilver. You know they gotta do AvX. Disney will not leave that money on the table.

Just my last 2 cents :wink:
You sound upset women are getting some shine and it’s obvious...that scene being great isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact...if you as a man feel triggered by it, then own up to your sexist agenda...sad that one of the more symbolic moments of the film you find to be a joke...

I'm not upset. It is great that everyone is getting their shine. Thinking back i feel sad that widow couldn't be part of that poster. I'm sure she will be photoshoped in. I really enjoyed spiderverse and spder gwen is one of my favorite characters from that movie.
But it seems that you are upset that i found that scene funny and are triggered that is why you are labeling people.
Funny that captain marvel didn't really need anyones help as she just went through everyone.
Enjoy your weekend dude as will I.
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