You know, they’ve never touch on the fact that DP is supposed to be mentally unstable. It’d be cool if this was an “unreliable narrator” situation the whole time and Deadpool was actually the villain.
Dr strange
Black panther
Star lord
The real mean Hulk
Thor (minus the comedy)
Nick Fury
Anything with the words “avengers”

These are who casual fans (you know, the 95% of us) care about.

The others are good but make them ancillary. Don’t try and sell us on Echo…or Shehulk…or anything they have put out recently as needing to revolve major stories around. No need to sell us on Hercules…or…Eternals and how Harry Styles is gonna help find someone or something.

Look at this thread. There’s a Wolverine picture and all of us in here got hard ons. I know my 1.5 inch pecker is erect.
Y’all should know the deal given Marvel’s approach to when a X-Men movie will be coming out.

Marvel ain’t making projects based off of the limited list of characters you or the masses are aware of. If they went by that back then Black Panther, Star-Lord, Rocket, etc. wouldn’t even be in your list.

As long as random niche characters like Rocket and Star-Lord get big they’ll always try to do that again. So you gonna keep getting Echos and Agatha Harknesses until that game plan stops making money.

I mean if I can make a billion dollar movie with Blind Justice and Man-Thing I am making that movie before I get to Wolverine.
Y’all should know the deal given Marvel’s approach to when a X-Men movie will be coming out.

Marvel ain’t making projects based off of the limited list of characters you or the masses are aware of. If they went by that back then Black Panther, Star-Lord, Rocket, etc. wouldn’t even be in your list.

As long as random niche characters like Rocket and Star-Lord get big they’ll always try to do that again. So you gonna keep getting Echos and Agatha Harknesses until that game plan stops making money.

I mean if I can make a billion dollar movie with Blind Justice and Man-Thing I am making that movie before I get to Wolverine.
If they started the mcu universe with unknown characters, it wouldn’t have taken off like it did.

I’m not saying don’t introduce unknown character, I’m saying to make the base be these heavy hitters. Iron man. Cap. Hulk. Thor. We’re main heavy hitters that did bulk of the work. Trickle those others in

I’ll still watch. But I’m talking from perspective of the masses that don’t post on forums about marvel lol
If they started the mcu universe with unknown characters, it wouldn’t have taken off like it did.

I’m not saying don’t introduce unknown character, I’m saying to make the base be these heavy hitters. Iron man. Cap. Hulk. Thor. We’re main heavy hitters that did bulk of the work. Trickle those others in

I’ll still watch. But I’m talking from perspective of the masses that don’t post on forums about marvel lol
We got a different definition of unknown characters then.

As far as heavy hitters doing the bulk of the work, nothing has changed in that regard.

Spider-Man, Guardians, Strange, Thor and soon Cap are in every phase with a movie. Hulk has only had 1 solo movie a part of the MCU decades ago.
Also, at the time Iron Man came out, he was considered a “B character.” Compared to Spider-Man and X-Men. They had to establish the core characters in the first saga. There were some unknowns sprinkled here and there.
Also, at the time Iron Man came out, he was considered a “B character.” Compared to Spider-Man and X-Men. They had to establish the core characters in the first saga. There were some unknowns sprinkled here and there.
The entire Avengers (minus Hulk) are a bunch of unknowns compared to Spidey & the X-Men.

The MCU built up these lesser known in to household names. As long as Feige is there I don’t think they’ll ever stop doing it.

SAG-AFTRA will decide whether its members are going on strike later today, meaning actors could soon join the writers refusing to work as part of the ongoing battle between the WGA and Hollywood.

As a result, the entire film and television industry could soon grind to a halt.

According to Deadline, multiple sources have confirmed they're planning to treat writers with zero mercy as we head into the Fall.

As of now, all signs point to the WGA strike lasting until late October, with the plan being to wear down the Guild members in an effort to make them more agreeable to the terms being laid out by studios.

"The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses," a studio executive tells the trade, with another insider adding it's viewed as
"a cruel but necessary evil."
The entire Avengers (minus Hulk) are a bunch of unknowns compared to Spidey & the X-Men.

The MCU built up these lesser known in to household names. As long as Feige is there I don’t think they’ll ever stop doing it.
Absolutely. Was pretty much what I was inferring.
The entire Avengers (minus Hulk) are a bunch of unknowns compared to Spidey & the X-Men.

The MCU built up these lesser known in to household names. As long as Feige is there I don’t think they’ll ever stop doing it.

my hope is they reevaluate things and look at what has worked and what hasnt

and just because you have a character maybe that character is better served in a different role.. like the antman and dr strange movies just feel like waste.. hell IM2 and 3 were waste

loki’s show and Wanda’s show were excellent uses of those characters and further explored the world.. maybe strange and antman shoulda have been toned down shows instead of what they were

SAG-AFTRA will decide whether its members are going on strike later today, meaning actors could soon join the writers refusing to work as part of the ongoing battle between the WGA and Hollywood.

As a result, the entire film and television industry could soon grind to a halt.

According to Deadline, multiple sources have confirmed they're planning to treat writers with zero mercy as we head into the Fall.

As of now, all signs point to the WGA strike lasting until late October, with the plan being to wear down the Guild members in an effort to make them more agreeable to the terms being laid out by studios.

"The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses," a studio executive tells the trade, with another insider adding it's viewed as
"a cruel but necessary evil."


SAG-AFTRA will decide whether its members are going on strike later today, meaning actors could soon join the writers refusing to work as part of the ongoing battle between the WGA and Hollywood.

As a result, the entire film and television industry could soon grind to a halt.

According to Deadline, multiple sources have confirmed they're planning to treat writers with zero mercy as we head into the Fall.

As of now, all signs point to the WGA strike lasting until late October, with the plan being to wear down the Guild members in an effort to make them more agreeable to the terms being laid out by studios.

"The endgame is to allow things to drag on until union members start losing their apartments and losing their houses," a studio executive tells the trade, with another insider adding it's viewed as
"a cruel but necessary evil."
Just pay these ppl because wtf?!
Enjoyed the episode. Interested to see how this series finishes off.
These first 4 have been very interesting. Been locked in from start to finish. Serious dialogue & pure violence.

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The writing of SI has been spot on so far. Action scenes have been top notch too. I can’t wait for the final 2 episodes.
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