I think the anticipation of an avengers sequel and the cool trailers for it were better than watching the movie. If given a choice i'd watch Mad Max again over it. The villains were cooler while ultron was meh.

The terminator T-800 and T-1000 > beta ultron
Expectations were just super duper high.

A good movie that had high anticipation = good feelings about the movie

A good movie that had low anticipation = great feelings about the movie

I guarantee, however good Jurassic World 2 is going to be, feelings about that movie = feelings about AoU

Is what it is

If my thesis is right, Ant Man is going to be received like the best movie on earth lmaoooooo

That is, if it's any good

If it sucks, there's going to be a lot of 'Yea, I knew it was going to suck'
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The amount of setup that AoU had to do was unfair so I give it a pass for a lot of stuff but the BW/Banner stuff didn't work for me and the Hawkeye stuff would be been cool in any other film but IMO it didn't really belong in an Avengers flick.

I should probably withhold judgement til the extended cut drops because I know that'll be a lot better
I enjoyed AoU but it didn't quite meet the hype

I'm almost positive I'm going to enjoy Civil War more already :lol:
Between the wait and high expectations it was only matter of time before yall started ******** on AOU :lol:

I expect by the time Inhumans come out yall will be ******** all over Infinity War too.
AoU was lowkey butt

I think the statue of limitations is up and we can officially say that now :lol:. Personally I view it as more of a connective tissue to phase 3 than a standalone film and that doesn't bother me too much but when you isolate it from the MCU and critique it, the film is pretty meh

All the set pieces delivered and the action was great but I don't think I'll ever have the urge to rewatch it

maybe this butt

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I think most created all that hype themselves. Yeah it's an Avengers movie, but it's not like it was going to be a gamechanger like Cap3 is going to be. This was more standalone that I thought it was going to be. AOU didn't even have that much setup to future films. Pretty much just the BP stuff. All the others were very brief.
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Cap 2 > Avengers 1> GOTG > Iron Man > AoU > Cap 1 > IM 3 > IH > IM 2

Eff the Thor flicks :lol:

"butt" was hyperbole but it was aight at most TO ME. And again, I'll wait for the extended version before I solidfy my stance on the film.

My opinion isn't based on highened expectations either, I know how to watch a movie lol I'm judging soley on what they decided to give to time to (BW/Hulk) when there were more interesting threads to show. I'm 100% sure CW will make up for all of this just because I believe the Russo's are Better filmmakers than Whedon and also they'll have less contraints than Whedon had with AoU
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Cap 2 > Avengers 2 > GOTG > Iron Man > AoU > Cap 1 > IM 3 > IH > IM 2

Eff the Thor flicks :lol:

"butt" was hyperbole but it was aight at most TO ME. And again, I'll wait for the extended version before I solidfy my stance on the film.

My opinion isn't based on highened expectations either, I know how to watch a movie lol I'm judging soley on what they decided to give to time to (BW/Hulk) when there were more interesting threads to show. I'm 100% sure CW will make up for all of this just because I believe the Russo's are Better filmmakers than Whedon and also they'll have less contraints than Whedon had with AoU

How can avengers 2 be better than age of ultron?
Yeah it's an Avengers movie, but it's not like it was going to be a gamechanger like Cap3 is going to be. This was more standalone that I thought it was going to be. AOU didn't even have that much setup to future films. Pretty much just the BP stuff. All the others were very brief.

I think the problem was that they announced their entire movie map, which caused this to mean absolutely nothing. All it did was get the Avengers a couple of new members.

There's no way this movie should've ended with Stark and Cap being buddy buddy if the next movie is Civil War. I hate that this movie was made to be self-contained.
I think the problem was that they announced their entire movie map, which caused this to mean absolutely nothing. All it did was get the Avengers a couple of new members.

There's no way this movie should've ended with Stark and Cap being buddy buddy if the next movie is Civil War. I hate that this movie was made to be self-contained.
This film is pretty much the precursor to the Civil War Issue and the rift between Cap and IM. Hulk is gone. It sets up BP. It sets up Thor Ragnarok. Yet it means nothing and all it did was add new members?

Civil War is the start off that storyline, everything is not going to happen all in that film so there's really no problem with them ending on the note they did. We've seen Cap & IM have their differences but they put them aside to save the world, they're not really buddy buddy.  I don't get it. Some complain that these films feel like they're just setup for other films, now being self contained is a problem now?
AOU showed how the world responds to being children under the watchful eyes of superheroes and how there was some resentment and rejection from the populace of some countries. It also showed how the Avengers became more accountable for their actions in how it affected the people on the streets. They went from just letting NY get demolished and taking the fight into areas that people were concentrated in to trying their best to save people while fighting their enemies. I only remember cap trying to save someone in the original Avengers movie. I'm sure Civil War is going to deal with the global attack that was Ultron.
Civil War will forsure deal with the Ultron issue. Tony creating Ultron is pretty much going to be the reason this Civil War debate occurs. Tony creates this AI out of him thinking the world needs it without thinking about the ramifications of creating it and not telling anyone else aside from Banner. Due to the failure of creating Ultron, he realizes that he, and others heroes need to be held accountable for their actions, and under government control or supervision. Cap is against that.
Also interested in how exactly Bucky fits into everything. BP is rumored hunting him and of course Cap & Falcon are searching too.

I want Tony to find him and use his whereabouts as a ploy to set up Cap but idk just how "bad" they're willing to make Stark. I want the complete A-hole IM from the comics :lol:
Also interested in how exactly Bucky fits into everything. BP is rumored hunting him and of course Cap & Falcon are searching too.

I want Tony to find him and use his whereabouts as a ploy to set up Cap but idk just how "bad" they're willing to make Stark. I want the complete A-hole IM from the comics :lol:

Bucky killed Howard Stark, Tony finds out and goes after him. Cap intervenes to help his friend. CIVIL WAR!

hes probably responsible for the death of BPs father as well.
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Also interested in how exactly Bucky fits into everything. BP is rumored hunting him and of course Cap & Falcon are searching too.

I want Tony to find him and use his whereabouts as a ploy to set up Cap but idk just how "bad" they're willing to make Stark. I want the complete A-hole IM from the comics
I mean he slowly is turning into an A-hole. Even worse than he was when we first met him in IM. Like Wanda said, dude will try to do anything to save the world. He tends to make things worse before they get better.
I was thinking the same thing. They forgot the "has a weird sense of humor" in the Spider Man part though
I think that is the licensing agreement when Marvel got it from Sony in exchange for more movie rights.

I think what most take from it is that despite them saying Spidey can be black or any other race, the licensing agreement says otherwise.

I mean it may have changed now, so who knows.

Personally I think it is somewhat of a reach but hey I am just hear to report the outcry of the interwebs.
Leaked Spidey licensing agreement from the Sony hack.

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Somebody at Marvel comics needs to get on a version of Spidey that's a 15 yr old alcoholic, drug and sex addict that tortures and kills his enemies, smokes cigars, sells drugs in his civilian identity, and eventually comes out the closet :pimp:

On a serious note, these pics look edited if you look closely at the font. So I'm not even sure it's real.
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Many parameters  no longer apply, but its still funny how he HAS to be white and such. Man I hope we get to se Miles Morales one day on the tv or movie screen.
Many parameters  no longer apply, but its still funny how he HAS to be white and such. Man I hope we get to se Miles Morales one day on the tv or movie screen.
i really don't think the idea of Miles Morales in a movie sometime down the line is far fetched. They're already planned out for 5 years or so right? He could definitely fit into a plot somewhere. FWIW he's appeared multiple times on TV on the Spiderman cartoon series my kid watches.
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