Please lets not create character accounts now. Amel as Cap was genius, but lets leave it at that.
:lol: Yall going hard on Amel as Cap. Could be somebody else :nerd:

This is NT though. Same site we got someone pretending to be Tom Brady, Sean Combs, and Draya's son.

It's like those joke twitter accounts, word to DRose's knees posting tweets.
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Woooow. Thanos just pm'ed me. :rofl:

Come out come out, wherever you are :nerd:


Never mind, I think it takes a month to start posting.
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Thanos' Cankles just hit me up. Doesn't get why ya'll hate on hawkeye when he somehow has endless ammo and dead on accuracy. Son can shoot the air out of the air.
Wouldnt have to worry about wars and control if you just let my HYDRA people do their thing

You just had your birthday, b. But if you keep this up, I'm sure Cap is going to find a way to ban you, and then you won't have no more birthdays on NT.
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Thanos' Cankles just hit me up. Doesn't get why ya'll hate on hawkeye when he somehow has endless ammo and dead on accuracy. Son can shoot the air out of the air.

One of the reasons for wanting the Infinity Stones is probably to fix his cankles.
Last October we got a age of ultron trailer.

It's damn near November and we haven't gotten a civil war trailer as yet
I really don't want a trailer this early this yr. They should do what star wars did and release one full trailer a couple months before release, and that's it.
Thanos' Cankles just hit me up. Doesn't get why ya'll hate on hawkeye when he somehow has endless ammo and dead on accuracy. Son can shoot the air out of the air.
You know what I don't get. Why hasn't he found out a way to miniaturize his arrows so he can have a bunch more. Like bruh has Tony Stark, a mf genius right next to him and he cant get some mini/compact arrows?
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