dude you need to chill you be all up in your feelings.. :lol:
I don't know what you're talking about my feelings. Stop being so sensitive and trying to be an internet therapist :lol: You said some wild **** about Team Stark killing Cap. I replied.

Now cuz of that I'm in my feelings. Like really who read my post to you? Terry Crews?
i said the rumor of him being killed. im just saying that he wont be killed by another Avenger.
Nobody said this though. Nobody even implied it.

I thought we all knew that there's an actual villain in this movie making moves unlike the comic? :smh:
"Plus like I said wasting time fighting heroes why your villains plot on you :smh: That's just stupid." - yea they BOTH look stupid.

caping super hard for Tony... :rolleyes :lol:
Tony's enforcing the law, Cap's breaking it.

TWS is a criminal. So you're saying Tony is stupid for trying to catch a criminal?

I thought Cap somehow survived being shot, or it wasn't really him that was shot?
He wasn't actually dead but he was shot. Special bullet to put him in a certain state.

The whole point was to give Zola enough time to put Red Skull's mind in Cap's body while Cap's mind was traveling through time being tortured.

After reading the comic sequence...let me get this straight

Cap notices the sniper and still gets shot? How does that even make sense?

Them CW writers are on some hallucinogens.

The MCU writers won't let me down like that. :pimp:

Cap is not only going to survive, but he's going to flourish. He'll beat down on the dysfunctional half of the Avengers, plus whatever villain stays scheming in the cut, smash Sharon, and maybe Scarlet Witch and BW at the same time. He'll finna have it all.

He'll have Stark so shook that he'll start calling Cap Daddy instead of Steve.

The sniper was the distraction. He sees it, takes the bullet.

Then while everyone is scrambling, Agent Carter shoots him 3 times at point blank range cuz Red Skull/Zola brainwashed her to do it.

Read the comic before criticizing it :lol: :smh:

You in for a sad awakening.

I thought everybody knew the gist of CW by now :lol: but maybe that's my fault cuz now we're talking about the death of Captain America story.
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I'm a criminal now.

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I'm a criminal now.

If you break the law, you're a criminal.

Obstructing justice, accessory after the fact, aiding and abetting, assault on government officers/officials/agents, etc. That's a rap sheet of a what?

Aint like Cap fighting for civil rights or something :lol:
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How people hating on cap so much? That douche tony created ultron. Scarlet Witch needs to make him suffer.
Feige quote from EW:

“The Cloak of Levitation [and] the Eye of Agamotto are his two signature pieces. In this film, the Eye is a very important relic that can be quite dangerous if used in the wrong hands, because it has the ability to do any number of things, the most dangerous of which is, it can sort of manipulate probabilities. Which is also another way of saying, ‘screw around with time’ — which is part of our story.”

Read more at http://www.superherohype.com/news/3...range-powers-in-the-movie#ECKgizUqyY7Foegt.99

So Strange has the time stone :nerd:

Soul stone in GOTG2. Adam Warlock? :nerd:
We all know that next year’s Captain America: Civil War will finally bring the Black Panther to the big-screen and into the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe, but fans are still eager to know more about the future King of Wakanda’s 2018 standalone movie. And in the latest issue of Empiremagazine, Marvel Studios President of Production Kevin Feige offered some promising new details.

 “The one is important,” said Feige of the Black Panther  movie, which will be the last “Phase Three” movie before Marvel’s two-part Avengers: Infinity War  event. “Not only do you get an unbelievable lead character, but you also get all of Wakanda which is a whole new setting and culture to explore.” And while Creed  director Ryan Coogler is in line to direct, Kevin Feige assuresBlack Panther  will have a “primarily African-American cast.” As for what the movie will be about, the Marvel producer says, “It's a big geo-political action adventure that focuses on the family and royal struggle of T'Challa in Wakanda, and what is means to be a king. T'Challa's story is very important to us as it links to the next Avengers  films, which is why we brought it forward.”

Things sound very promising for the Black Panther  movie, which so far stars Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa and potentially Ernie Hudson as T’Chaka with a February 16, 2018, release date. In light of the Black Panther movie being linked directly to the highly-anticipated Avengers: Infinity War, that could be where the Soul Stone is introduced if not during  the two-part event
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You mean the text color, right?

We all know that next year’s Captain America: Civil War will finally bring the Black Panther to the big-screen and into the ever-growing Marvel Cinematic Universe, but fans are still eager to know more about the future King of Wakanda’s 2018 standalone movie. And in the latest issue of Empiremagazine, Marvel Studios President of Production Kevin Feige offered some promising new details.

“The one is important,” said Feige of the Black Panther movie, which will be the last “Phase Three” movie before Marvel’s two-part Avengers: Infinity War event. “Not only do you get an unbelievable lead character, but you also get all of Wakanda which is a whole new setting and culture to explore.” And while Creed director Ryan Coogler is in line to direct, Kevin Feige assuresBlack Panther will have a “primarily African-American cast.” As for what the movie will be about, the Marvel producer says, “It's a big geo-political action adventure that focuses on the family and royal struggle of T'Challa in Wakanda, and what is means to be a king. T'Challa's story is very important to us as it links to the next Avengers films, which is why we brought it forward.”

Things sound very promising for the Black Panther movie, which so far stars Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa and potentially Ernie Hudson as T’Chaka with a February 16, 2018, release date. In light of the Black Panther movie being linked directly to the highly-anticipated Avengers: Infinity War, that could be where the Soul Stone is introduced if not during the two-part event. What do you think?
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Looks pretty real. Seems like a special sneak peek at some event.

I was thinking and there's no way they cut together a bunch of scenes from other stuff. Specifically those warriors 3 guys in the woods.

So you admit SW can kill everybody. Glad to have that lady on Cap's team :nerd:
Only when she's having a mental breakdown.

As long as Vision is around she'll be crushing for him on the low, keep it together and probably take the L from him in this movie.
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"In terms of his life with the Ancient One, it’s this long and intense relationship they have that’s just very deep and very connected," Chiwetel Ejiofor explained when asked by Entertainment Weekly about Mordo's ties to The Ancient One. "I think they both recognize in Strange this certain quality that they feel is going to be very useful in a situation they’re in — just by the nature of who he is, and the way that he operates, and the way his mind works, and the certain skill set and personality that he has. So, when they all meet, they realize that he’s somebody that can be plugged into this very surreal, interesting, sort of fascinating circumstance that they’re all in, and the dangers that they face. It becomes a process of assimilating him into their ways of life."

He sounds more like an ally than an enemy in that case, and it could be that Marvel will take a slow burn approach to turning Mordo into one of Strange's most fearsome foes. We likely won't find that out until next November, but when the actor was asked specifically if he's a hero or villain, Ejiofor responded: "Oh, he’s a very complex character that, really, I don’t think can be nailed down either way, you know. I guess it’s something to experience, is what I’d say..."

"We are always looking for ways to change," explains Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige. "I think if you look at some of the early incarnations of the Ancient One in the comics, they are what we would consider today to be quite, sort of, stereotypical. They don’t hold up to what would work today. Also, within the storyline of the comics, and our movie, ‘the Ancient One’ is a title that many people have had. We hit very early on on, What if the Ancient One was a woman? What if the title had been passed and the current Ancient One is a woman? Oh, that’s an interesting idea. [Clicks fingers.] Tilda Swinton! Whoah!"

"And it just hit."

However, while that appears to clear things up, it still doesn't sound as if Swinton will necessarily be playing the character as a woman. "Look, she’s a chameleon in everything she does," Feige continued when asked about the Snowpiercer star. "She has this amazing [ability to] harness of this androgynous sense. So, we use the term ‘her’ and ‘she’ in the film but, other than that, it’s very androgynous. Because it doesn’t matter."

Swinton herself was asked about whether her character is male or female, she teased: "I wouldn’t know how to answer that one. I think it’s all in the eye of the beholder..."
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Hmm... o_o

Comments say it's fake because it's source is from the Thor 2 deleted scenes

Had me there for a second lol
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That sounds good about Mordo from Chiwetel. Building up his turn can end up being better than anything done with the character in the comics if executed right.
Very interesting about dr strange, movie is gonna be fire

Also, that tgir scene is obviously a deleted scene from dark world, not to mention the scene with hulk is in a jungle and the scene with warrior 3 is in a forest
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