It's not 67 characters, Russo's said they were misquoted. They have a board with a total of 'around 67' characters on it that they're choosing from.

“We were being figurative when we said [67 characters] and people took it as literal, but there’s a lot of characters. Infinity War is meant to be the culmination of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe up to that point. It’s very ambitious in its scope, it wants to take everything that you’ve seen before and coalesce into some kinda of climactic ending. It’s complicated, ambitious storytelling … We’re not talking about lead characters, just people that make an appearance.”
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67...67 characters? Number gotta be fake lol
no man, the Russos said it themselves. Im pretty sure RFX will come in and confirm it 

They said 67 then came back and said this:

So the Russo Brothers went viral a couple days back when it was released they made a statement at New Orleans Comic Con that there would be 67 total Marvel heroes in Avengers: Infinity War. The statement spread quickly with good reason, as 67 is way more Marvel heroes than we've seen in the cinematic universe...and still a high number if you add live action television!

Well, it turns out that news was wrong. ComicBook says the Russos spoke at a special IMAX screening of Captain America:The Winter Soldier and said that 67 was just a "figure." They did assure fans in attendance, however, that there would be a lot of heroes in the film!

“Infinity War is meant to be the culmination of the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe up to that point...It’s very ambitious in its scope, it wants to take everything that you’ve seen before and coalesce into some kinda of climactic ending. It’s complicated , ambitious storytelling…We’re not talking about lead characters, just people that make an appearance.”

Just to revisit the miscommunication, the Russos did say 67 originally, and now are correcting themselves. It seems weird to throw out such a specific number when you really have no idea...do you think they really were being hyperbolic...or perhaps let a little too much out of the bag?

I really hope infinity war can capture a lord of the rings feel when it comes to scope

The fighting just felt so massive in the original lotr trilogy. If they can capture that, but with superheroes :wow:
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67...67 characters? Number gotta be fake lol
They juggled like 40 characters in TWS.

I thought we went through this? Russo bros threw out a #, 67, then commented on it again saying it was like a ballpark #. Not 67 superheroes or 67 heroes and villains.
As awesome it might be to see a single rolling shot of each Avengers taking a shot at Thanos, I think he's going to need an army or at least allies so that you don't just see 20 heroes attacking him at once.

You guys think we'll see some of his most recent allies like Corvus Glaive, Supergiant, Black Dwarf, Proxima Midnight?

He probably won't need help once he has the gauntlet with all the stones but he'd gon' need minions to hold the Avengers off for 2 films.

What do you guys think? Any chance Thane is part of the story and he is on Earth?
40 characters in WS?

Are you including foot soldiers or something lol
Go back and count every character that had a line and were in action sequences.

I don't know what could be confusing yall the # or the word "characters".
As awesome it might be to see a single rolling shot of each Avengers taking a shot at Thanos, I think he's going to need an army or at least allies so that you don't just see 20 heroes attacking him at once.

You guys think we'll see some of his most recent allies like Corvus Glaive, Supergiant, Black Dwarf, Proxima Midnight?

He probably won't need help once he has the gauntlet with all the stones but he'd gon' need minions to hold the Avengers off for 2 films.

What do you guys think? Any chance Thane is part of the story and he is on Earth?

I hope they just do the recent Infinity story with changes of course (no son, etc)

I need that invasion of Wakanda. BP has to shine.
As awesome it might be to see a single rolling shot of each Avengers taking a shot at Thanos, I think he's going to need an army or at least allies so that you don't just see 20 heroes attacking him at once.

You guys think we'll see some of his most recent allies like Corvus Glaive, Supergiant, Black Dwarf, Proxima Midnight?

He probably won't need help once he has the gauntlet with all the stones but he'd gon' need minions to hold the Avengers off for 2 films.

What do you guys think? Any chance Thane is part of the story and he is on Earth?
They'll probably introduce his Black Order or w/e allies he's had in the past under Starlin's stories. He'll mos def need an army to go to Earth and get w/e gem is there. Probably the time one.

I doubt Thane shows up. He's an Inhuman who lived in a hidden Inhuman city and didn't go under terrigenesis to get his powers until Black Bolt set off the T-bomb in his fight with Thanos. So they'd either change that story and origin or add in BB and some other Inhumans in to IW before the Inhuman movie.

This story solely seems to be about Thanos getting unlimited power and the heroes beating him. Thane's existence dealt with Thanos coming to Earth to finish his mission in killing his biological children along with getting the Infinity gems again :lol:
Lol, if you're going to count anyone who has a line as a character, that's a different story
That's what I figured when I heard them throw out the # 67.
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It barely gets posted in since the announcement. It'll probably spark up next year for the Spidey solo.

SONY need to make those separate announcements about the spinoffs.
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