Lamekilla seems to always live near a movie shoot

When Ant Man was filming in San Fran, he said he was trying to be an extra there

When Cap was filming in Atlanta, he said he was trying to be an extra there too

Now you live in England? You have multiple houses like that :nerd:
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:lol: Pinewood studios is in Fayetteville, Ga guys. Marvel does principal filming there. ATL for the win 8)
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Jaimie Alexander is excited to further develop Lady Sif in Thor: Ragnarok. "I genuinely love the character Sif. Each time I get to play her, there’s this growth in the character and we find out more of who she is. That is a blast, because I’ve been able to slowly create this woman while still taking directions from all the comic books that existed before my performance. It’s interesting that Sif has such a big backstory, whereas Jane has no backstory at all; they’re very opposite while at the same time both very tough and vulnerable. It’s a bit of a niche for me, I guess."

And what does Alexander have to say about Wonder Woman? "Not at all [am I disappointed]. I’m excited to see what [Gal Gadot's] going to do with the role. I was one of a few people that were an obvious choice for Wonder Woman, but it was never going to happen. I’m contracted with Marvel and it would (be) strange. Sif, in her way, is Marvel’s Wonder Woman. They’re both ethereal and have armor and a sword, and have special abilities; the physicality of the role is very similar. The thing I really enjoy about Marvel is that they start with a character first and all the explosions and costumes, the glitz and glam, are secondary to who the actual character is deep down. That’s something I haven’t really been able to find with DC Comics. I know that’s a bold statement, but it’s been my experience.

I’m a huge comic book fan, and I’ve read a lot from all different comic book outlets. I enjoy Marvel, and I’m not just saying that because I’m in the “Thor” films. I gravitate towards the Marvel characters. Of course, growing up I really loved Linda Carter as Wonder Woman; there will never be a better Wonder Woman. I was also a huge fan of Sigourney Weaver. Walt Simonson told me that his version of Lady Sif was very much modeled after seeing Sigourney Weaver walk down the New York streets in a red trench coat. I thought, ‘Oh, well she’s my favorite, so that’s perfect. That’s just so perfect for me.'"
Jaime alexander, cobie smulders and Adrianne palicki all would make better WW than gal

if only gabrielle reece were younger
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I could actually see them changing the story around a bit and turning lady sif into lady thor.. it would be too much of a hassle going through the jane foster story. I also don't think many people would mind at all
DC eff'd up by not letting Whedon do WW when he wanted to do it, especially when he had Colbie Smulders in mind for WW smh
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When people think of Pinewoods Studio, most would think of the original and famous English studio.. rather than the one in Atlanta.
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I mean if they're really going to follow the comics

Spiderman would be front and center

Black Panther would be super neutral and un-involved

Don't even think Ant Man was involved in CW either

Cap gun live, b

I'd bet a screen name on it
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Hank Pym helped create Ragnarok with Reed Richards and Mr. Stark. He also was doing something with the negative zone I wanna say but it's been a while since I read Civil War
I mean if they're really going to follow the comics

Spiderman would be front and center

Black Panther would be super neutral and un-involved

Don't even think Ant Man was involved in CW either

Cap gun live, b

I'd bet a screen name on it

All that is irrelevant.

What is Civil War known for? Enough said.
I mean if they're really going to follow the comics

Spiderman would be front and center

Black Panther would be super neutral and un-involved

Don't even think Ant Man was involved in CW either

Cap gun live, b

I'd bet a screen name on it
They're making sense of who they have and making sure it jives with common sense and the back story they've established.

Totally gonna kill Cap.

While Tony survives cuz that's who the MCU really needs.

Cap'll be back for IW though. Dudes keep talking about Cap's name in the title but this is probably the last Cap movie for a while.
Hank Pym helped create Ragnarok with Reed Richards and Mr. Stark. He also was doing something with the negative zone I wanna say but it's been a while since I read Civil War
Yes. He did. Wouldn't make much sense to do that here though. Thor hasn't been missing/dead for a long period.

Then again that Hank Pym ended up being a skrull anyway. No skrulls I think or negative zone.
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