WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Dr strange the weakest :rofl:

2 Thor movies and IM2 & 3.. then first avenger
When I think weak movies that never fulfilled their potential by the MCU it's always the Thor movies. 2 movies in scratching the tip of the iceberg.

Furthermore I don't get how Ant-Man is weaker than the Thor movies either. Sure it was a bit formulaic on the superhero end and leaned on comedy but it captured just about everything an Ant-Man movie about Scott Lang could do.

Dr. Strange was leagues better than Guardians. I will never stop hating that trash film. And now James Gunn wants to comment on Marvel and Fox's dealings like he's got clout. He's a bozo
You sound salty cuz Gunn took a "c-list" team and made them in to a fulfledged successful franchise and cuz you're predictions about GotG2 is always wrong :lol:
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When I think weak movies that never fulfilled their potential by the MCU it's always the Thor movies. 2 movies in scratching the tip of the iceberg.

Hoping Ragnorak will finally be the one to go full Thor with the fantasy and mythological elements and give us the movie we deserve.
I hope so too.

If I was a bigger Thor fan they'd get it worse than any other MCU slander.

Said it before but they missing out on sword & sorcery, LoTR, cosmic level ****.
Finally saw the movie and all the corny jokes by Strange are summed up in two lines of dialogue:

"And I told I was a funny guy." "Did they work for you?"

Can't wait to see how Dormammu looks when he enters our realm.

Love Mordo's arc, it will make him a more fleshed out villain down the line.

Kaecilius could have been more fleshed out but he wasn't bad. That "Mister Doctor" exchange was really good.

Kaecilius: You'll die defending this world, Mister...

Dr. Stephen Strange: Doctor!

Kaecilius: Mister Doctor?

Dr. Stephen Strange: It's Strange!

Kaecilius: Maybe, who am I to judge?

I give it 6.5/8 Far from perfect but I walked out with a smile on my face.
Mordo didn't even have an arc. The characters in the movie not named Dr strange were as flimsy as a sheet of paper. Characters are just doing stuff 'just because' and that's all the info we are given.
He needs to get washed for what he did to my dude Benjamin Bratt. Messed up. :smh:

His motivation is kinda petty. It's magic, of course there'll be some leeway and rules broken. He'd rather watch the world get destroyed than bend a rule.
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The Thor movies suffer from directors with limited vision.
I think they were trying to go with something very specific with the 1st movie, which is why the went with ole boy with the Shakespearean background

agree about the 2nd director though.. thought he having the GOTs background would be good.. but this the terminator genisys  dude we talking
He needs to get washed for what he did to my dude Benjamin Bratt. Messed up. :smh:

His motivation is kinda petty. It's magic, of course there'll be some leeway and rules broken. He'd rather watch the world get destroyed than bend a rule.

He rigid as hell. He's that tree Cap Peggy was talking about.
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Mordo didn't even have an arc. The characters in the movie not named Dr strange were as flimsy as a sheet of paper. Characters are just doing stuff 'just because' and that's all the info we are given.
Guess we watched a different movie.

There were motivations behind Kaecilius serving Dormammu and Mordo'a arc.

Whole movie Mordo was rules, but the rules, the rules! Son was about to not show up and try to stop dude cuz his teacher broke the rules and died.

The Thor movies suffer from directors with limited vision.
And the scripts too.
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I think what their getting at was that it was never fully explained why Mordao was so rigid in his stance. Same with the villain. They were just presented as characters held onto these beliefs that we the audience weren't privy to. Would have been nice if they were given some proper character development. We weren't given a chance to sympathize with them.
Well Mordo is a supporting character. It's not his movie to explain why he believes in rules. Especially given he's set up to be in future ones where he is the villain and that can be revealed. He was just a foul to Strange's roguish ways. The AO described the two well.

As for Kaecilius, his family died, he pursued magic, he was taught the rules then discoered the AO was breaking them and that the Dark dimension was a place time did not exist. He fools/deludes himself or actually believes it's a nice place where he will be rewarded for releasing Dormammu on the world so they can all experience a life with no time.

That's his motivation. He's not the best villain and maybe all of that wasn't portrayed in the best way but it's kinda crazy to say there was no motivation and it was all just because. They chose to frame Strange's origin during an ongoing conflict so it's not the typical protagonist on his way to being a hero while that coincides with the villain executing his evil plan especially when you consider how much time had already passed.

Kaecilius and co. was more so the Ancient One's enemy along with her followers and then she handed off the baton to Strange to deal with the climax.

Perhaps there's a more thorough detailed movie if they paralleled Kaecilius loss of his family with Strange's prominence as a doctor, then Kaecilius flourishing with magic to Strange's car crash, then Strange's search to Kaecilius heel turn and killing of masters, then the rest of the movie.

But that probably wasn't the best choice for the first Dr. Strange (origin) movie and probably would be closer to 3 hrs.
I like how ambitious the idea is and feel like if successful will definitely solidify the Netflix heroes in future MCU films.

With that being said, the Inhumans are trash
Take this with a grain of salt. I had considered but figured it was a longshot especially playing with the idea of getting movie stars to do a tv show or getting possible no name actors or just tv stars and elevating them in a movie.

Inhuman TV Series Doesn’t Replace The Planned Feature Film

Wait so there's the "pilot movie" and then a feature film down the line?
Certainly they can get a movie star to commit to do a TV schedule?
Because they will NEVER replace Mutants. NEVER!!!!!!!!!
Cant fool us in to liking inhumans Marvel
Mutants is lame, b. Get with the times.

Inhumans that new wave.

Fox did us a favor by running them into the ground

I don't want to hear about no mutants anymore
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I like how ambitious the idea is and feel like if successful will definitely solidify the Netflix heroes in future MCU films.
Sort of like the reverse of Coulson and AoS. He premiered in movies first then transitioned to tv.

Thing is I don't think a tv show has been turned in to a feature film and kept the same cast.
With that being said, the Inhumans are trash

Take this with a grain of salt. I had considered but figured it was a longshot especially playing with the idea of getting movie stars to do a tv show or getting possible no name actors or just tv stars and elevating them in a movie.

Inhuman TV Series Doesn’t Replace The Planned Feature Film

Wait so there's the "pilot movie" and then a feature film down the line?
Certainly they can get a movie star to commit to do a TV schedule?
I assume so. Especially for something ambitious and that will have a bigger budget than tv.

Netflix was something new but still considered tv yet landed Kevin Spacey, Robin Wright, etc. HBO got Woody and MM for a full season. Tom Hardy now has his own show on FX. This is the golden age of tv.

So you tell some high profile quality actors that the "pilot" will release in IMAX theaters exclusively and then still the rest of the season will still be in IMAX you'll get a lot of actors and directors interested.

I have 0 interest in an Inhumans show or movie. 
Then don't watch.

Inhumanity still upon us.

Certain ppl in Marvel are committed to make it happen.

Because they will NEVER replace Mutants. NEVER!!!!!!!!!
Cant fool us in to liking inhumans Marvel
Nobody is interested in replacing mutants :lol: They played themselves a long time ago
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I have 0 interest in an Inhumans show or movie. 

agents of shield tried to push inhumans on people. They put Ghost Rider on and he's more interesting and awesome than any lame inhuman they've had. They should've started putting characters like him on the show a few seasons ago that weren't planned to be in the mcu.
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