WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

If only MT Framework will do 4...

I don't understand why Capcom obsoleted MT framework. So many classics came off that engine that I spent hours just admiring the detail of certain games like Resident Evil 5 and Lost Planet (Lost Planet 2 :smh: ) but Street Fighter 5 is leading the charge with...Unreal engine 4. Only problem I have with that is I don't want the character models for MvC4 to be as thick and layered as UE usually makes em. We'll find out Saturday...

The franchise STARTED with X-Men.

I see yall Marvel.

Exactly. That's why I'm not buying the rumor of no Xmen characters. This game is a celebration of Marvel and capcom's history. No one within that realm is off limits. I don't care what Feige and them boys got going on over there, leave this series out of it and let Capcom make another masterpiece.
They wanna coordinate everything with the mcu. That's why we get that crappy avengers cartoon they have now. :smh:
FOX has no say in the development of X-Men videogames. Not saying it's true, but if MVC4 omits mutants it's the epitome of petty.
Yah I don't think Fox has any involvement in games, hell they do not even have the rights to make toys and merchandise for their films iirc, it's all on Disney and instead of making money on those toys they choose not to produce any so that they do not help advertise the films.

Hell Fox even has to ask permission from Marvel to produce TV shows and Cartoons so video games are likely all in Marvels pockets.
May be petty and appear to not be the best business move in the short term but it's simple for Marvel.

If we do not 100% own everything that is rightfully ours we have no reason to put any effort in promoting that intellectual property on any platform or medium. We'll put our energy in to what we do have full rights to.

Keep in mind Marvel has Disney backing them. It might be them making the decision. Its like a boss of a family having a dispute with a bigger boss.

Especially if the whole FOX has the rights indefinitely is the way they really want to go. Dude who brought Marvel back from the brink did not make those movie deals. They'll just put effort in to other stuff for current and upcoming generations indefinitely until it gets to a point they'll be more Avenger and Guardians fans than anything.

And I'm telling y'all it does not matter if this Inhumans push doesn't work they'll stick with it just to have the material on hand then plan to push something else. Don't be surprised if by 2023 comics and the MCU are talking about a "white event", a "New Universe" or some Eternal war and there's a whole bunch of other powered group of ppl running around. Given enough time they'll be enough popular characters created to support a promoted franchise.

Videogames are just another temporary casualty. No X-Men in the next Marvel vs. Capcom game you say? Lucky there's even another one being made. They could've got cold blooded and went in-house and made up something new like Marvel vs. Star Wars vs. Pixar.
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I would much rather them do Marvel vs. House of Mouse or some **** with no Xmen characters than do Marvel vs Capcom 4 without Xmen characters. You don't mess with something that's been around for 20+ years. When it comes to this **** Marvel's cinematic universe. And this is ME saying this. You either do it right or don't do it all.
Y'all taking these rumors as fact. We won't know til they announce and even if the X-men are there or not, we still gonna buy it.
I think Marvel needs some sort of Suge Knight figure. "I can change you". Wolvie will be out there with the Avengers in no time telling Cyclops how he claimed to be a player but he ****** his wife.
I would much rather them do Marvel vs. House of Mouse or some **** with no Xmen characters than do Marvel vs Capcom 4 without Xmen characters. You don't mess with something that's been around for 20+ years. When it comes to this **** Marvel's cinematic universe. And this is ME saying this. You either do it right or don't do it all.
Yes you do :lol:

Talking like this **** is sacred.
They could've got cold blooded and went in-house and made up something new like Marvel vs. Star Wars vs. Pixar.

We have that, it's called Disney Infinity and it sucks ***
Never played it.

But my point is clear. The game is not only licensing out what they own but also a partnership with another company. Count ya blessings it became a thing at all.
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