WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Remember guys, Infinite is basically a reboot. Imagine if MVC1 got released for the first time on this gen. of consoles. I am not disappointed but somewhat underwhelmed. Hopefully the gameplay footage will be the icing on the cake.
We got classic Rockman as a pleasant suprise for Smash Bros 4, I'm fine with X being in MVC. Remember that Megaman is dead to Capcom anyway so we're lucky to see any incarnation at all.

However I should have seen from a mile away that Captain Marvel would be in this. Wouldn't be surprised to see all the mutant/X characters replaced by Inhumans :lol:

Guardians 2 looking like the utterly satisfying space opera comedy the first one was.
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GOTG 2 guaranteed opening night IMAX
gonna rock my red leather jacket, already browsing for a movie shirt to rock with it
:rofl: :pimp: @ that trailer. Looks great.

Gunn has turned Drax in to a complete clown and I ain't even mad at it :lol:

It's just a video game.

As if the next MvC game won't come out in the next 4 to 5 years.

Nah son, you're just a video game. Marvel vs. Capcom is religion.

Guardians 2 trailer looked pretty good. Did you guys see Rocket Raccon firing a gun?! :wow: James Gunn read a comic
Gaming dudes like you are fading away. Make way for that next generation.

Also did you not watch GotG properly? Or are you seriously saying Rocket didn't fire a gun in the first movie? :lol: :smh: Do better lame.
Nah son, you're just a video game. Marvel vs. Capcom is religion.

Guardians 2 trailer looked pretty good. Did you guys see Rocket Raccon firing a gun?!
James Gunn read a comic
Agreed. I grew up on the Capcom Vs games. This is my childhood right here
Swagtista is dat dude.

SMH at the wrestling fans hating on him hard the last time he returned. They don't deserve his entertainment.
:rofl: :pimp: @ that trailer. Looks great.

Gunn has turned Drax in to a complete clown and I ain't even mad at it :lol:
Gaming dudes like you are fading away. Make way for that next generation.

Also did you not watch GotG properly? Or are you seriously saying Rocket didn't fire a gun in the first movie? :lol: :smh: Do better lame.

We've gone through how I felt about trash *** guardians in this thread. Me, @sunshineblotters and a few others pioneered the hate for Guardians. Did you watch the movie properly Zik? Rocket almost fired a gun in the beginning when trying to retrieve the orb, fired a gun in the jail scene and fired the guns in the space ship he was flying with the Nova corp. That's essentially 1 time he fired an actual gun. Guess how many times he cried though in the film...........

Agreed. I grew up on the Capcom Vs games. This is my childhood right here

They don't understand fam
The fact that Guardians 2 AND Spiderman Homecoming will most likely make a billi each 2 months apart :wow: :wow: :x Poor Wonder Woman

...but this Marvel vs. Capcom **** has rubbed me the wrong way though. Marvel is a little too obsessed with their movie universe now. I'm might be one of the biggest Marvel homers in here but Marvel just laid the seeds for karma to come get them. What are the odds that audiences start getting sick of the films....
Swagtista is dat dude.

SMH at the wrestling fans hating on him hard the last time he returned. They don't deserve his entertainment.

They had him return as a face. Mistake. Lol.

The fans didn't want anyone else to win the rumble or the belt besides that fragile guy daniel bryan. All because if a stupid yes chant. :smh: :smh:
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The fans wouldn't have accepted anyone else winning the rumble or the belt besides that fragile guy daniel bryan. All because if a stupid yes chant. :smh: :smh:

Agree. Really wanna see the " I see fat people who pays for two seats, thank you very much " Batista last time
he returned
Maybe X-Men characters will be a DLC? 

Why is MegaMan dead to Capcom?

GotG 2 looks fun. Looks like Groot will be the humor in the film.

The clip of Drax stabbing away in the monster was funny, along with the final clip with Mantis 
 I'm glad Swagtista is getting more dialogue.
Gaming dudes like you are fading away

What? :lol: Says who? Where? Since when?
I didn't say gaming dudes were fading away. If that's what you're confused by.

I said gaming dudes LIKE YOU are fading away :lol:

Since 2010

Rocket almost fired a gun in the beginning when trying to retrieve the orb, fired a gun in the jail scene and fired the guns in the space ship he was flying with the Nova corp. That's essentially 1 time he fired an actual gun. Guess how many times he cried though in the film...........
So you did watch the movie and are pretending you don't know that Rocket fired a gun? :lol:

They don't understand fam
Always been anti-religion and I grew up with the games as well.
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