WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

Do you mean the game sprites or the in game art for the character on the character select screen? If you mean the game sprites, they were immensely outdated. They had been using the same sprites for the Xmen and other Marvel character since Children of the Atom and Marvel Super heroes respectively and the the same sprites from Street Fighter Alpha, Darkstalkers for the Capcom characters. Some characters had sprites made for the game such as Hayato, Cable, Ruby Heart, Sonson, Jill and a few others

Marvel Vs Capcom 2 sprites are timeless.

i wish Capcom would do a HD remix for it.

and if they really wanna milk it, make a 2D Marvel VS Capcom 3. [emoji]128520[/emoji][emoji]128520[/emoji][emoji]128520[/emoji]
Smh at scumbag Steve being from Brooklyn. Bad enough we have designner.

They should re write Steve Rogers origin story and make him from Philly or New Hampshire. Like who you know that lives in New Hampshire. They don't even have a team. I can't have Steve associated with Brooklyn bruh.
I'm actually mad they made that change from the comics.

In the comics, Steve is from depression era Lower east side NYC. That's where all the Irish immigrants lived. When he was thawed out the ice in modern day he moved to an aptartment in Brooklyn.

Movie decision makers just latched on to him living in BK, to he is born, raised, from the borough as well. Makes sense when you look at the LES today or even the past 30 years though. Doesn't mesh with Steve's scumbag image.

It would be so much better if he was from Philly. I could **** on him and the Eagles even more.

:lol: @ being from New Hampshire.

Brooklyn Nets > Tony Stark

Amel let it never be said you don't know how to tell a joke.

everything possible in this earth we live on >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NY

:nerd: Fight me bros
You're drunk.
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Watched the Civil War airport scene for the umpteenth time. You know what I noticed? Vision barely fought. All he did was phase through Giant Man and take out the airport hangar. The only Avenger he took out was on Team Stark :rofl:

Vision washed b
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Vision wasn't really utilized in the film at all. Barely had any presence at the airport scene and, for some reason, he was nowhere to be seen during that mission in Africa at the start of the film. War Machine isn't there either for that matter. The Avengers lineup that gets together at the end of Age of Ultron never even operates together before breaking up :lol:
Well, they had to keep Steve in charge of certain members so his team could fail in Lagos. Vision would've owned Crossbones on his own. He would've contained the explosion easily. Similar goes for War Machine. The only powered ppl on the team is somebody who is just a fighter and someone else who hasn't mastered her abilities.

They needed Steve's side to get him to escape cuz again with Vision dude is apprehended easily. Like if they were more ruthless all you'd have to do is trap Steve or his lover, threaten to break their necks and his whole side would've stopped but hey kid gloves.

The only way they accomplish a level playing field is somebody on Steve's side that could really counter Vision. SW was clearly not enough or was nerfed as well cuz she aint do nothing close to what she did in AoU. Thor and Hulk are off the board, Red Hulk was just a rumor so they'd have to debut another (new) hero that sides with Steve that could stalemate Viz.

So I dunno, Wonderman or something.
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Vision washed b
Mans greatest downfall, a women 

Simp ***.
Vision is up there with Thor and Hulk in terms of being too powerful in some cases. BW, Hawkeye and Falcon are just weak and o hate that they really try and make them hang at the expense of the other avengers.

Can't wait for Captain Marvel to come and actually be a equal among the team. And stewight up if they don't kill Hawkeye I swear
Let's be really honest with ourselves people: Captain America has nothing to teach Spider-Man. Besides being from New York, they really don't have that much in common and operate at two different levels of the game. Cap is going off to other countries and ruining lives overseas, taking part in black ops missions. Spider-Man is solely based in Queens, works in the light of day, and is still in high school. Captain America was fighting in a war, Spider-Man is fighting to make it to his Biology class on time. Captain America has never even been with a woman. Pete's getting ready to juggle damn near a dozen within the next few years. Peter's a genius, whereas Captain America isn't even qualified to take a high school history class at this point. The best Cap could do for Peter is to be a sparring partner and in all honesty, Pete was out there giving Winter Soldier and Falcoln (military veterans, one with decades more experience than him) the hands back during Cap's Civil War. He doesn't need any help in that department :lol: However, Iron Man, besides ensuring that Spider-Man can operate without having to worry about the government hunting him down, can actually talk to him on that intellectual level. Furthermore, Tony has gone through the whole lone wolf, doing everything on his own phase, and can actually give Peter some real advice on operating as a hero in modern America. Yeah, he's working with the government now, but it's not that long ago that he wasn't and he's seen the consequences that can come from always giving authority the middle finger. Iron Man has actually learned from the last few years and can pass that wisdom on, along with immense resources, to his new pupil.

View media item 2280869
Vision had an equal...Wanda. Don't know why they weren't matched up during the airport scene. Or maybe he really was that whipped and didn't wanna fight her, smh
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I'm trying to remember what Vision even did during that scene and i'm mostly drawing a blank :lol: Yeah, he drew a literal line in the sand, blocked the hanger (iirc), and shot down War Machine, but what was he doing while everyone else was clashing? You see Black Panther fight Hawkeye and Captain America, Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye fight, Spider-Man taking on Cap, Clint, and Falcoln, etc. The **** was Vision doing man?
Smh at scumbag Steve being from Brooklyn. Bad enough we have designner.

They should re write Steve Rogers origin story and make him from Philly or New Hampshire. Like who you know that lives in New Hampshire. They don't even have a team. I can't have Steve associated with Brooklyn bruh.

Man I live in New Hamphsire.
I'm trying to remember what Vision even did during that scene and i'm mostly drawing a blank :lol: Yeah, he drew a literal line in the sand, blocked the hanger (iirc), and shot down War Machine, but what was he doing while everyone else was clashing? You see Black Panther fight Hawkeye and Captain America, Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye fight, Spider-Man taking on Cap, Clint, and Falcoln, etc. The **** was Vision doing man?

Probably jerking off to pictures of Scumbag Stark and Wanda
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