WELCOME TO THE MARVEL MULTIVERSE -*RIP STAN LEE & Boseman* - Deadpool & Wolverine = 07/26/24

I'm trying to remember what Vision even did during that scene and i'm mostly drawing a blank :lol: Yeah, he drew a literal line in the sand, blocked the hanger (iirc), and shot down War Machine, but what was he doing while everyone else was clashing? You see Black Panther fight Hawkeye and Captain America, Scarlet Witch and Hawkeye fight, Spider-Man taking on Cap, Clint, and Falcoln, etc. The **** was Vision doing man?

Probably jerking off to pictures of Scumbag Stark and Wanda
Sober now
Everything on earth >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Tony Stank >>>>>>>>>>>>>>new york anything
You're hungover.
BP was a boss the whole damn movie..

between him and spidey, they stole the show.. cap stay being a side character in his 2 good movies
Looking forward to BP being on a WS type tone.

Don't see a lot of corky forced jokes coming out of that film.
BP was a boss the whole damn movie..

between him and spidey, they stole the show.. cap stay being a side character in his 2 good movies
Nah man. Cap's star was shinning bright in WS and for half of CW. His transition from The First avenger to the bada** be became in WS made him my fav Marvel Character. 
Miles is going to star in the animated Spider Man movie.
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BP was a boss the whole damn movie..

between him and spidey, they stole the show.. cap stay being a side character in his 2 good movies
Nah man. Cap's star was shinning bright in WS and for half of CW. His transition from The First avenger to the bada** be became in WS made him my fav Marvel Character. 
I must've missed when Steve became a harass.

BW and especially TWS were great. Falcon's intro was cool. Steve was Steve.

Nothing changed in CW other than him being a better action hero type.
The Russo's have done a great job with the Cap films. Even as a Team Iron Man representa, MCU Cap is pretty cool.

Iron Man is still better tho. :nerd:

What's this. Actual respect for Cap from an IM fan? Repped.
Pretty sure everybody can acknowledge the Cap movies have got better. They just had to introduce better characters, use his best comic story, and make a Marvel even focus on him even more than it originally did.
is that how it is in the comics. because for some reason i envisioned something completely different
SAVAGE Namor, almost forgot all about that.

that's good concept art then. i may be thinking of savage land that's why
McConaughey Explains Why He Chose Dark Tower Over Guardians 2
“I like ‘Guardians of the Galaxy,’ but what I saw was ‘It’s successful, and now we’ve got room to make a colorful part for another big-name actor.’ I’d feel like an amendment,” McConaughey explained. “‘The Dark Tower’ script was well written, I like the director [Nikolaj Arcel] and his take on it, and I can be the creator, the author of the Man in Black — a.k.a. the Devil — in my version of this Stephen King novel. We’ve done the first one. It’s a fantastic thriller that takes place in another realm, an alternate universe, but it’s very much grounded. For instance, the gunslinger’s weapon isn’t a lightsaber or something; it’s a pistol. I enjoyed approaching my character as if I were the Devil having a good time, getting turned on by exposing human hypocrisies wherever he finds them.”
If they offered him Ego, I would've passed too.

I get where MM is coming from, something he can work with and add his version of. I think an Earth based supervillain works better. If he likes playing devil types he could've easily been offered Memphisto.

Hope he ends up in the MCU at some point.
Need that Namor scene to happen so we can have the payoff of Black Panther stabbing him and leaving him to die on an exploding planet. :smokin

Watching Hulk vs again on Netflix

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I've always said that if there's one spot that DC has consistently proven to be king, in terms of adaptations, it's animation, especially with their films. But this was a pretty good entry on Marvel's part. Think i've watched this film around ten times now throughout the years and i'm still entertained by it.
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Ronda Rousey lost again. Maybe she has time to become Captain Marvel now :nerd:

Right shogun shogun ?
:rofl: She lost?


I don't even keep up with the sport but all I kept seeing was reports showing her being so smug about winning.

She tried to gain sympathy by saying she would kill herself after losing the last match. Wonder if she does now? :nerd:
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Ronda Rousey lost again. Maybe she has time to become Captain Marvel now

Right @shogun?
She lost?


I don't even keep up with the sport but all I kept seeing was reports showing her being so smug about winning.

She tried to gain sympathy by saying she would kill herself after losing the last match. Wonder if she does now?
Nah, Vince is already writing up a contract for her to headline Wrestlemania in a few months.
Need that Namor scene to happen so we can have the payoff of Black Panther stabbing him and leaving him to die on an exploding planet. :smokin
Then T'Challa gets Black Bolt to bark on Namor at close range :lol:



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I haven't watched any of the Hulk vs. flicks in a while. They were good though. I remember the Hulk vs. Wolverine one being pretty violent for their animation. Deadpool actually gets dismembered in it. I think it was before Disney. I don't know if they'd ever do something like that now.
Need that Namor scene to happen so we can have the payoff of Black Panther stabbing him and leaving him to die on an exploding planet. :smokin
Then T'Challa gets Black Bolt to bark on Namor at close range :lol:

Yep :lol: If you're going to try to kill somebody for destroying your kingdom, do it right.

I haven't watched any of the Hulk vs. flicks in a while. They were good though. I remember the Hulk vs. Wolverine one being pretty violent for their animation. Deadpool actually gets dismembered in it. I think it was before Disney. I don't know if they'd ever do something like that now.

Yeah, they really did an excellent job on both, making the first feel like a Thor movie and the second like a Wolverine movie. Even went so far as to use different artistic techniques. The violence in the Wolverine movie was excellent, but probably wouldn't fly today.

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Shame, because i'm fairly certain that's what people want from films like these. You don't watch a film where a guy's main gimmick is bladed weapons and not expect violence. :lol:
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McConaughey was more than likely gonna be Adam Warlock especially if you consider the Thor Dark World after credit scene and the Her being in Guardians 2....

Marvel listens to my casting opinions :wow:
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